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List:       squeak-vm-dev
Subject:    [Vm-dev] VM Maker: VMMaker-bf.281.mcz
From:       commits () source ! squeak ! org
Date:       2012-07-30 23:33:38
[Download RAW message or body]

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker-bf.281
Author: bf
Time: 30 July 2012, 4:33:03.219 pm
UUID: ad601126-ccb3-4876-9f72-d9789d5647b3
Ancestors: VMMaker-bf.280

Add plugins from Scratch: Camera, Scratch, Unicode, WeDo

=============== Diff against VMMaker-bf.280 ===============

Item was added:
+ InterpreterPlugin subclass: #CameraPlugin
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'VMMaker-Plugins'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CameraPlugin class>>declareCVarsIn: (in category 'translation') -----
+ declareCVarsIn: aCCodeGenerator
+ 	"self translate"
+ 	super declareCVarsIn: aCCodeGenerator.
+ 	aCCodeGenerator addHeaderFile: '<string.h>'.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CameraPlugin class>>hasHeaderFile (in category 'translation') -----
+ hasHeaderFile
+ 	^true!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CameraPlugin>>primCameraName (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primCameraName
+ 	"Get the name for the camera with the given number. Fail if the camera number is \
greater than the number of available cameras." + 
+ 	| cameraNum nameStr count resultOop dst |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'nameStr' declareC: 'char* nameStr'.
+ 	self var: 'dst' declareC: 'char* dst'.
+ 	cameraNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	nameStr _ self cCode: 'CameraName(cameraNum)'.
+ 	nameStr = nil ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	count _ self cCode: '(int) strlen(nameStr)'.
+ 	resultOop _ interpreterProxy instantiateClass: interpreterProxy classString \
indexableSize: count. + 	dst _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: \
resultOop) to: 'char *'. + 	0 to: count - 1 do: [:i | dst at: i put: (nameStr at: \
i)]. + 
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2 thenPush: resultOop.  "pop arg and rcvr, push result"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CameraPlugin>>primCloseCamera (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primCloseCamera
+ 	"Close the camera. Do nothing if it was not open."
+ 	| cameraNum |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	cameraNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	self cCode: 'CameraClose(cameraNum)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 1.  "pop arg, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CameraPlugin>>primFrameExtent (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primFrameExtent
+ 	"Answer the frame extent of the given camera, or zero if the camera is not open. \
The extent is 16 bits of width and height packed into a single integer." + 
+ 	| cameraNum e |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	cameraNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	e _ self cCode: 'CameraExtent(cameraNum)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2 thenPush: (interpreterProxy integerObjectOf: e).  "pop \
rcvr & arg, push int result" + 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CameraPlugin>>primGetFrame (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primGetFrame
+ 	"Copy a camera frame into the given Bitmap. The Bitmap should be for a Form of \
depth 32 that is the same width and height as the current camera frame. Fail if the \
camera is not open or if the bitmap is not the right size. If successful, answer the \
number of frames received from the camera since the last call. If this is zero, then \
there has been no change." + 
+ 	| cameraNum bitmapOop bitmap pixCount result |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'bitmap' declareC: 'unsigned char *bitmap'.
+ 	cameraNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	bitmapOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: bitmapOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isWords: bitmapOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	bitmap _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: bitmapOop) to: \
'unsigned char *'. + 	pixCount _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: bitmapOop.
+ 	result _ self cCode: 'CameraGetFrame(cameraNum, bitmap, pixCount)'.
+ 	result < 0 ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3 thenPush: (interpreterProxy integerObjectOf: result).  \
"pop rcvr & args, push int result" + 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CameraPlugin>>primGetParam (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primGetParam
+ 	"Answer the given integer parameter of the given camera."
+ 	| cameraNum paramNum result |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	cameraNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	paramNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	result _ self cCode: 'CameraGetParam(cameraNum, paramNum)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3 thenPush: (interpreterProxy integerObjectOf: result).  \
"pop rcvr & args, push int result" + 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CameraPlugin>>primOpenCamera (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primOpenCamera
+ 	"Open a camera. Takes one argument, the index of the device to open."
+ 	| cameraNum desiredFrameWidth desiredFrameHeight ok |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	cameraNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 2.
+ 	desiredFrameWidth _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	desiredFrameHeight _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	ok _ self cCode: 'CameraOpen(cameraNum, desiredFrameWidth, desiredFrameHeight)'.
+ 	ok = 0 ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ InterpreterPlugin subclass: #ScratchPlugin
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'VMMaker-Plugins'!
+ !ScratchPlugin commentStamp: 'jm 11/8/2006 18:33' prior: 0!
+ This plugin combines a number of primitives needed by Scratch including:
+   a. primitives that manipulate 24-bit color images (i.e. 32-bit deep Forms but \
alpha is ignored) +   b. primitive to open browsers, find the user's documents \
folder, set the window title and other host OS functions + 
+ This plugin includes new serial port primitives, including support for named serial \
ports. The underlying plugin code can support up to 32 simultaenously open ports. + 
+ Port options for Set/GetOption primitives:
+   1. baud rate
+   2. data bits
+   3. stop bits
+   4. parity type
+   5. input flow control type
+   6. output flow control type
+ Handshake lines (options 20-25 for Set/GetOption primitives):
+   20. DTR	(output line)
+   21. RTS	(output line)
+   22. CTS	(input line)
+   23. DSR	(input line)
+   24. CD		(input line)
+   25. RI		(input line)
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin class>>declareCVarsIn: (in category 'translation') \
----- + declareCVarsIn: aCCodeGenerator
+ 	"self translate"
+ 	super declareCVarsIn: aCCodeGenerator.
+ 	aCCodeGenerator
+ 		addHeaderFile: '<math.h>';
+ 		addHeaderFile: '<stdlib.h>';
+ 		addHeaderFile: '<string.h>'.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin class>>hasHeaderFile (in category 'translation') -----
+ hasHeaderFile
+ 	^true!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>bitmap:at:putH:s:v: (in category 'private') -----
+ bitmap: bitmap at: i putH: hue s: saturation v: brightness
+ 	| hI hF p q t v outPix |
+ 	self inline: true.
+ 	self var: 'bitmap' declareC: 'unsigned int *bitmap'.
+ 	hI _ hue // 60.  "integer part of hue (0..5)"
+ 	hF _ hue \\ 60.  "fractional part ofhue"
+ 	p _ (1000 - saturation) * brightness.
+ 	q _ (1000 - ((saturation * hF) // 60)) * brightness.
+ 	t _ (1000 - ((saturation * (60 - hF)) // 60)) * brightness.
+ 	v _ (brightness * 1000) // 3922.
+ 	p _ p // 3922.
+ 	q _ q // 3922.
+ 	t _ t // 3922.
+ 	0 = hI ifTrue: [outPix _ ((v bitShift: 16) + (t bitShift: 8) + p)].
+ 	1 = hI ifTrue: [outPix _ ((q bitShift: 16) + (v bitShift: 8) + p)].
+ 	2 = hI ifTrue: [outPix _ ((p bitShift: 16) + (v bitShift: 8) + t)].
+ 	3 = hI ifTrue: [outPix _ ((p bitShift: 16) + (q bitShift: 8) + v)].
+ 	4 = hI ifTrue: [outPix _ ((t bitShift: 16) + (p bitShift: 8) + v)].
+ 	5 = hI ifTrue: [outPix _ ((v bitShift: 16) + (p bitShift: 8) + q)].
+ 	outPix = 0 ifTrue: [outPix _ 1].  "convert transparent to 1"
+ 	bitmap at: i put: outPix.
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>checkedFloatPtrOf: (in category 'private') -----
+ checkedFloatPtrOf: oop
+ 	"Return an unsigned int pointer to the first indexable word of oop, which must be \
a words object." + 
+ 	self inline: true.
+ 	self returnTypeC: 'double *'.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy isWordsOrBytes: oop).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	^ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: oop) to: 'double *'
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: (in category 'private') -----
+ checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: oop
+ 	"Return an unsigned int pointer to the first indexable word of oop, which must be \
a words object." + 
+ 	self inline: true.
+ 	self returnTypeC: 'unsigned int *'.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy isWords: oop).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	^ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: oop) to: 'unsigned int *'
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>hueFromR:G:B:min:max: (in category 'private') -----
+ hueFromR: r G: g B: b min: min max: max
+ 	"Answer the hue, an angle between 0 and 360."
+ 	| span result |
+ 	self inline: true.
+ 	span _ max - min.
+ 	span = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	r = max
+ 		ifTrue: [result _ ((60 * (g - b)) // span)]
+ 		ifFalse: [
+ 			g = max
+ 				ifTrue: [result _ 120 + ((60 * (b - r)) // span)]
+ 				ifFalse: [result _ 240 + ((60 * (r - g)) // span)]].
+ 	result < 0 ifTrue: [^ result + 360].
+ 	^ result
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>interpolate:and:frac: (in category 'private') -----
+ interpolate: pix1 and: pix2 frac: frac2
+ 	"Answer the interpolated pixel value between the given two pixel values. If either \
pixel is zero (transparent) answer the other pixel. If both pixels are  transparent, \
answer transparent. The fraction is between 0 and 1023, out of a total range of \
1024." + 
+ 	| frac1 r g b result |
+ 	self inline: true.
+ 	pix1 = 0 ifTrue: [^ pix2].  "pix1 is transparent"
+ 	pix2 = 0 ifTrue: [^ pix1].  "pix2 is transparent"
+ 	frac1 _ 1024 - frac2.
+ 	r _ ((frac1 * ((pix1 bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16rFF)) + (frac2 * ((pix2 bitShift: \
-16) bitAnd: 16rFF))) // 1024. + 	g _ ((frac1 * ((pix1 bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rFF)) \
+ (frac2 * ((pix2 bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rFF))) // 1024. + 	b _ ((frac1 * (pix1 \
bitAnd: 16rFF)) + (frac2 * (pix2 bitAnd: 16rFF))) // 1024. + 	result _ (r bitShift: \
16) + (g bitShift: 8) + b. + 	result = 0 ifTrue: [result _ 1].
+ 	^ result
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>interpolatedFrom:x:y:width:height: (in category \
'private') ----- + interpolatedFrom: bitmap x: xFixed y: yFixed width: w height: h
+ 	"Answer the interpolated pixel value from the given bitmap at the given point. The \
x and y coordinates are fixed-point integers with 10 bits of fraction (i.e. they were \
multiplied by 1024, then truncated). If the given point is right on an edge, answer \
the nearest edge pixel value. If it is entirely outside of the image, answer 0 \
(transparent)." + 
+ 	| x y xFrac yFrac index topPix bottomPix |
+ 	self inline: true.
+ 	self var: 'bitmap' declareC: 'unsigned int *bitmap'.
+ 	x _ xFixed bitShift: -10.
+ 	(x < -1 or: [x >= w]) ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	y _ yFixed bitShift: -10.
+ 	(y < -1 or: [y >= h]) ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	xFrac _ xFixed bitAnd: 1023.
+ 	x = -1 ifTrue: [x _ 0. xFrac _ 0].  "left edge"
+ 	x = (w - 1) ifTrue: [xFrac _ 0].  "right edge"
+ 	yFrac _ yFixed bitAnd: 1023.
+ 	y = -1 ifTrue: [y _ 0. yFrac _ 0].  "top edge"
+ 	y = (h - 1) ifTrue: [yFrac _ 0].  "bottom edge"
+ 	index _ (y * w) + x "for squeak: + 1".
+ 	topPix _ (bitmap at: index) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF.
+ 	xFrac > 0 ifTrue: [
+ 		topPix _ self interpolate: topPix and: ((bitmap at: index + 1) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF) \
frac: xFrac]. + 
+ 	yFrac = 0 ifTrue: [^ topPix].  "no y fraction, so just use value from top row"
+ 	index _ ((y + 1) * w) + x "for squeak: + 1".
+ 	bottomPix _ (bitmap at: index) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF.
+ 	xFrac > 0 ifTrue: [
+ 		bottomPix _ self interpolate: bottomPix and: ((bitmap at: index + 1) bitAnd: \
16rFFFFFF) frac: xFrac]. + 
+ 	^ self interpolate: topPix and: bottomPix frac: yFrac
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primClose (in category 'serial port') -----
+ primClose
+ 	"Close the given serial port."
+ 	| portNum |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	portNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	self cCode: 'SerialPortClose(portNum)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 1.  "pop arg, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primGetOption (in category 'serial port') -----
+ primGetOption
+ 	"Return the given option value for the given serial port."
+ 	| portNum attrNum result |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	portNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	attrNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	result _ self cCode: 'SerialPortGetOption(portNum, attrNum)'.
+ 	result = -1 ifTrue: [interpreterProxy success: false. ^ 0].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  "pop args and rcvr, push result"
+ 	interpreterProxy pushInteger: result.
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primIsPortOpen (in category 'serial port') -----
+ primIsPortOpen
+ 	"Answer the true if the given port is open."
+ 	| portNum result |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	portNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	result _ self cCode: 'SerialPortIsOpen(portNum)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2.  "pop arg and rcvr"
+ 	interpreterProxy pushBool: result ~= 0.  "push result"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primOpenPortNamed (in category 'serial port') -----
+ primOpenPortNamed
+ 	"Open the port with the given name and baud rate."
+ 	| nameStr src nameOop baudRate count portNum |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'nameStr' declareC: 'char nameStr[1000]'.
+ 	self var: 'src' declareC: 'char * src'.
+ 	nameOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
+ 	baudRate _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: nameOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: nameOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	src _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: nameOop) to: 'char *'.
+ 	count _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: nameOop.
+ 	0 to: count - 1 do: [:i | nameStr at: i put: (src at: i)].
+ 	nameStr at: count put: 0.
+ 	portNum _ self cCode: 'SerialPortOpenPortNamed(nameStr, baudRate)'.
+ 	portNum = -1 ifTrue: [interpreterProxy success: false. ^ 0].
+ 	interpreterProxy	"pop args and rcvr, push result"
+ 		pop: 3
+ 		thenPush: (interpreterProxy integerObjectOf: portNum).
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primPortCount (in category 'serial port') -----
+ primPortCount
+ 	"Answer the number of serial ports."
+ 	| result |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	result _ self cCode: 'SerialPortCount()'.
+ 	result = -1 ifTrue: [interpreterProxy success: false. ^ 0].
+ 	interpreterProxy
+ 		pop: 1 thenPush: (interpreterProxy integerObjectOf: result).  "pop rcvr, push \
result" + 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primPortName (in category 'serial port') -----
+ primPortName
+ 	"Get the name for the port with the given number. Fail if the port number is \
greater than the number of available ports. Port numbering starts with 1." + 
+ 	| portIndex nameStr count resultOop dst |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'nameStr' declareC: 'char nameStr[1000]'.
+ 	self var: 'dst' declareC: 'char* dst'.
+ 	portIndex _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	self cCode: 'SerialPortName(portIndex, nameStr, 1000)'.
+ 	count _ self cCode: 'strlen(nameStr)'.
+ 	count = 0 ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	resultOop _ interpreterProxy instantiateClass: interpreterProxy classString \
indexableSize: count. + 	dst _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: \
resultOop) to: 'char *'. + 	0 to: count - 1 do: [:i | dst at: i put: (nameStr at: \
i)]. + 
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2 thenPush: resultOop.  "pop arg and rcvr, push result"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primRead (in category 'serial port') -----
+ primRead
+ 	"Read data from the given serial port into the given buffer (a ByteArray or \
String). Answer the number of bytes read." + 
+ 	| portNum bufOop bufPtr bufSize bytesRead |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'bufPtr' declareC: 'char *bufPtr'.
+ 	portNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	bufOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: bufOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: bufOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	bufPtr _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: bufOop) to: 'char \
*'. + 	bufSize _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: bufOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	bytesRead _ self cCode: 'SerialPortRead(portNum, bufPtr, bufSize)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  					"pop args and rcvr"
+ 	interpreterProxy pushInteger: bytesRead.	"push result"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primSetOption (in category 'serial port') -----
+ primSetOption
+ 	"Return the given option value for the given serial port."
+ 	| portNum attrNum attrValue result |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	portNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 2.
+ 	attrNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	attrValue _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	result _ self cCode: 'SerialPortSetOption(portNum, attrNum, attrValue)'.
+ 	result = -1 ifTrue: [interpreterProxy success: false. ^ 0].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  "pop args; leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primWrite (in category 'serial port') -----
+ primWrite
+ 	"Write data to the given serial port from the given buffer (a ByteArray or \
String). Answer the number of bytes written." + 
+ 	| portNum bufOop bufPtr bufSize bytesWritten |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'bufPtr' declareC: 'char *bufPtr'.
+ 	portNum _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	bufOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: bufOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: bufOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	bufPtr _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: bufOop) to: 'char \
*'. + 	bufSize _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: bufOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	bytesWritten _ self cCode: 'SerialPortWrite(portNum, bufPtr, bufSize)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  					"pop args and rcvr"
+ 	interpreterProxy pushInteger: bytesWritten.	"push result"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveBlur (in category 'other filters') -----
+ primitiveBlur
+ 	| inOop outOop width in out sz height n rTotal gTotal bTotal pix outPix |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'unsigned int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'unsigned int *out'.
+ 	inOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 2.
+ 	outOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
+ 	width _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: inOop.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: outOop.
+ 	sz _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: inOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: ((interpreterProxy stSizeOf: outOop) = sz).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	height _ sz // width.
+ 	1 to: height - 2 do: [:y |
+ 		1 to: width - 2 do: [:x |
+ 			n _ rTotal _ gTotal _ bTotal _ 0.
+ 			-1 to: 1 do: [:dY |
+ 				-1 to: 1 do: [:dX |
+ 					pix _ (in at: ((y + dY) * width) + (x + dX) "add 1 when testing in Squeak") \
bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF. + 					pix = 0 ifFalse: [  "skip transparent pixels"
+ 						rTotal _ rTotal + ((pix bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16rFF).
+ 						gTotal _ gTotal + ((pix bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rFF).
+ 						bTotal _ bTotal + (pix bitAnd: 16rFF).
+ 						n _ n + 1]]].
+ 			n = 0
+ 				ifTrue: [outPix _  0]
+ 				ifFalse: [outPix _ ((rTotal // n) bitShift: 16) + ((gTotal // n) bitShift: 8) + \
(bTotal // n)]. + 			out at: ((y * width) + x "add 1 when testing in Squeak") put: \
outPix]]. + 
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveBrightnessShift (in category 'hsv filters') \
----- + primitiveBrightnessShift
+ 	| inOop outOop shift in sz out pix r g b max min hue saturation brightness |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'unsigned int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'unsigned int *out'.
+ 	inOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 2.
+ 	outOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
+ 	shift _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: inOop.
+ 	sz _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: inOop.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: outOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: ((interpreterProxy stSizeOf: outOop) = sz).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	0 to: sz - 1 do: [:i |
+ 		pix _ (in at: i) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF.
+ 		pix = 0 ifFalse: [  "skip pixel values of 0 (transparent)"
+ 			r _ (pix bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16rFF.
+ 			g _ (pix bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rFF.
+ 			b _ pix bitAnd: 16rFF.
+ 			"find min and max color components"
+ 			max _ min _ r.
+ 			g > max ifTrue: [max _ g].
+ 			b > max ifTrue: [max _ b].
+ 			g < min ifTrue: [min _ g].
+ 			b < min ifTrue: [min _ b].
+ 			"find current hue with range 0 to 360"
+ 			hue _ self hueFromR: r G: g B: b min: min max: max.
+ 			"find current saturation and brightness with range 0 to 1000"
+ 			max = 0 ifTrue: [saturation _ 0] ifFalse: [saturation _ ((max - min) * 1000) // \
max]. + 			brightness _ (max * 1000) // 255.
+ 			"compute new brigthness"
+ 			brightness _ brightness + (shift * 10).
+ 			brightness > 1000 ifTrue: [brightness _ 1000].
+ 			brightness < 0 ifTrue: [brightness _ 0].
+ 			self bitmap: out at: i putH: hue s: saturation v: brightness]].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveCondenseSound (in category 'sound') -----
+ primitiveCondenseSound
+ 	| srcOop dstOop factor sz src dst count max v |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'src' declareC: 'short *src'.
+ 	self var: 'dst' declareC: 'short *dst'.
+ 	srcOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 2.
+ 	dstOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
+ 	factor _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy isWords: srcOop).
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy isWords: dstOop).
+ 	count _ (2 * (interpreterProxy stSizeOf: srcOop)) // factor.
+ 	sz _ 2 * (interpreterProxy stSizeOf: dstOop).
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (sz >= count).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	src _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: srcOop) to: 'short *'.
+ 	dst _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: dstOop) to: 'short *'.
+ 	1 to: count do: [:i |
+ 		max _ 0.
+ 		1 to: factor do: [:j |
+ 			v _ self cCode: '*src++'.
+ 			v < 0 ifTrue: [v _ 0 - v].
+ 			v > max ifTrue: [max _ v]].
+ 		self cCode: '*dst++ = max'].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveDoubleSize (in category 'scaling') -----
+ primitiveDoubleSize
+ 	| in out inOop outOop inW inH outW outH dstX dstY baseIndex pix i |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'int *out'.
+ 	inOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 7.
+ 	inW _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 6.
+ 	inH _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 5.
+ 	outOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 4.
+ 	outW _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 3.
+ 	outH _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 2.
+ 	dstX _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	dstY _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: inOop.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: outOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (dstX + (2 * inW)) < outW.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (dstY + (2 * inH)) < outH.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	0 to: inH - 1 do: [:y |
+ 		baseIndex _ ((dstY + (2 * y)) * outW) + dstX.
+ 		0 to: inW - 1 do: [:x |
+ 			pix _ in at: x + (y * inW).
+ 			i _ baseIndex + (2 * x).
+ 			out at: i put: pix.
+ 			out at: i + 1 put: pix.
+ 			out at: i + outW put: pix.
+ 			out at: i + outW + 1 put: pix]].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 8.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveExtractChannel (in category 'sound') -----
+ primitiveExtractChannel
+ 	| srcOop dstOop rightFlag sz src dst |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'src' declareC: 'short *src'.
+ 	self var: 'dst' declareC: 'short *dst'.
+ 	srcOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 2.
+ 	dstOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
+ 	rightFlag _ interpreterProxy booleanValueOf: (interpreterProxy stackValue: 0).
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy isWords: srcOop).
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy isWords: dstOop).
+ 	sz _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: srcOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: ((interpreterProxy stSizeOf: dstOop) >= (sz // 2)).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	src _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: srcOop) to: 'short *'.
+ 	dst _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: dstOop) to: 'short *'.
+ 	rightFlag ifTrue: [self cCode: 'src++']. 
+ 	1 to: sz do: [:i | self cCode: '*dst++ = *src; src += 2'].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveFisheye (in category 'other filters') -----
+ primitiveFisheye
+ 	| inOop outOop width in out sz height centerX centerY dx dy ang pix power r srcX \
srcY scaledPower | + 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'unsigned int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'unsigned int *out'.
+ 	self var: 'scaleX' declareC: 'double scaleX'.
+ 	self var: 'scaleY' declareC: 'double scaleY'.
+ 	self var: 'whirlRadians' declareC: 'double whirlRadians'.
+ 	self var: 'radiusSquared' declareC: 'double radiusSquared'.
+ 	self var: 'dx' declareC: 'double dx'.
+ 	self var: 'dy' declareC: 'double dy'.
+ 	self var: 'd' declareC: 'double d'.
+ 	self var: 'factor' declareC: 'double factor'.
+ 	self var: 'ang' declareC: 'double ang'.
+ 	self var: 'sina' declareC: 'double sina'.
+ 	self var: 'cosa' declareC: 'double cosa'.
+ 	self var: 'r' declareC: 'double r'.
+ 	self var: 'scaledPower' declareC: 'double scaledPower'.
+ 	inOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 3.
+ 	outOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 2.
+ 	width _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	power _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: inOop.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: outOop.
+ 	sz _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: inOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: ((interpreterProxy stSizeOf: outOop) = sz).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	"calculate height, center, scales, radius, whirlRadians, and radiusSquared"
+ 	height _ sz // width.
+ 	centerX _ width // 2.
+ 	centerY _ height // 2.
+ 	height _ sz // width.
+ 	centerX _ width // 2.
+ 	centerY _ height // 2.
+ 	scaledPower _ power / 100.0.
+ 	0 to: width - 1 do: [:x |
+ 		0 to: height - 1 do: [:y |
+ 			dx _ (x - centerX) / centerX asFloat.
+ 			dy _ (y - centerY) / centerY asFloat.
+ 			r _ ((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) sqrt raisedTo: scaledPower.
+ 			r <= 1.0
+ 				ifTrue: [
+ 					ang _ self cCode: 'atan2(dy,dx)'.
+ 					srcX _ (1024 * (centerX + ((r * ang cos) * centerX))) asInteger.
+ 					srcY _ (1024 * (centerY + ((r * ang sin) * centerY))) asInteger]
+ 				ifFalse: [
+ 					srcX _ 1024 * x.
+ 					srcY _ 1024 * y].
+ 			pix _ self interpolatedFrom: in
+ 					x: srcX
+ 					y: srcY
+ 					width: width
+ 					height: height.
+ 			out at: ((y * width) + x "+ 1 for Squeak") put: pix]].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 4.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveGetFolderPath (in category 'os functions') \
----- + primitiveGetFolderPath
+ 	"Get the path for the special folder with given ID. Fail if the folder ID is out \
of range." + 
+ 	| nameStr dst folderID count resultOop |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'nameStr' declareC: 'char nameStr[2000]'.
+ 	self var: 'dst' declareC: 'char* dst'.
+ 	folderID _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	self cCode: 'GetFolderPathForID(folderID, nameStr, 2000)'.
+ 	count _ self cCode: 'strlen(nameStr)'.
+ 	resultOop _ interpreterProxy instantiateClass: interpreterProxy classString \
indexableSize: count. + 	dst _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: \
resultOop) to: 'char *'. + 	0 to: count - 1 do: [:i | dst at: i put: (nameStr at: \
i)]. + 
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2 thenPush: resultOop.  "pop arg and rcvr, push result"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveHalfSizeAverage (in category 'scaling') -----
+ primitiveHalfSizeAverage
+ 	| in inW inH out outW outH srcX srcY dstX dstY dstW dstH srcIndex dstIndex pixel r \
g b | + 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'int *out'.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: (interpreterProxy stackValue: 11).
+ 	inW _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 10.
+ 	inH _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 9.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: (interpreterProxy stackValue: 8).
+ 	outW _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 7.
+ 	outH _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 6.
+ 	srcX _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 5.
+ 	srcY _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 4.
+ 	dstX _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 3.
+ 	dstY _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 2.
+ 	dstW _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	dstH _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (srcX >= 0) & (srcY >= 0).
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (srcX + (2 * dstW)) <= inW.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (srcY + (2 * dstH)) <= inH.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (dstX >= 0) & (dstY >= 0).
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (dstX + dstW) <= outW.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (dstY + dstH) <= outH.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	0 to: dstH - 1 do: [:y |
+ 		srcIndex _ (inW * (srcY + (2 * y))) + srcX.
+ 		dstIndex _ (outW * (dstY + y)) + dstX.
+ 		0 to: dstW - 1 do: [:x |
+ 			pixel _ in at: srcIndex.
+ 			r _ pixel bitAnd: 16rFF0000.
+ 			g _ pixel bitAnd: 16rFF00.
+ 			b _ pixel bitAnd: 16rFF.
+ 			pixel _ in at: srcIndex + 1.
+ 			r _ r + (pixel bitAnd: 16rFF0000).
+ 			g _ g + (pixel bitAnd: 16rFF00).
+ 			b _ b + (pixel bitAnd: 16rFF).
+ 			pixel _ in at: srcIndex + inW.
+ 			r _ r + (pixel bitAnd: 16rFF0000).
+ 			g _ g + (pixel bitAnd: 16rFF00).
+ 			b _ b + (pixel bitAnd: 16rFF).
+ 			pixel _ in at: srcIndex + inW + 1.
+ 			r _ r + (pixel bitAnd: 16rFF0000).
+ 			g _ g + (pixel bitAnd: 16rFF00).
+ 			b _ b + (pixel bitAnd: 16rFF).
+ 			"store combined RGB into target bitmap"
+ 			out at: dstIndex put:
+ 				(((r bitShift: -2) bitAnd: 16rFF0000) bitOr:
+ 				(((g bitShift: -2) bitAnd: 16rFF00) bitOr: (b bitShift: -2))).
+ 			srcIndex _ srcIndex + 2.
+ 			dstIndex _ dstIndex + 1]].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 12.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveHalfSizeDiagonal (in category 'scaling') \
----- + primitiveHalfSizeDiagonal
+ 	| in inW inH out outW outH srcX srcY dstX dstY dstW dstH srcIndex dstIndex p1 p2 r \
g b | + 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'int *out'.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: (interpreterProxy stackValue: 11).
+ 	inW _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 10.
+ 	inH _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 9.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: (interpreterProxy stackValue: 8).
+ 	outW _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 7.
+ 	outH _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 6.
+ 	srcX _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 5.
+ 	srcY _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 4.
+ 	dstX _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 3.
+ 	dstY _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 2.
+ 	dstW _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	dstH _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (srcX >= 0) & (srcY >= 0).
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (srcX + (2 * dstW)) <= inW.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (srcY + (2 * dstH)) <= inH.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (dstX >= 0) & (dstY >= 0).
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (dstX + dstW) <= outW.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (dstY + dstH) <= outH.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	0 to: dstH - 1 do: [:y |
+ 		srcIndex _ (inW * (srcY + (2 * y))) + srcX.
+ 		dstIndex _ (outW * (dstY + y)) + dstX.
+ 		0 to: dstW - 1 do: [:x |
+ 			p1 _ in at: srcIndex.
+ 			p2 _ in at: srcIndex + inW + 1.
+ 			r _ (((p1 bitAnd: 16rFF0000) + (p2 bitAnd: 16rFF0000)) bitShift: -1) bitAnd: \
16rFF0000. + 			g _ (((p1 bitAnd: 16rFF00) + (p2 bitAnd: 16rFF00)) bitShift: -1) \
bitAnd: 16rFF00. + 			b _ ((p1 bitAnd: 16rFF) + (p2 bitAnd: 16rFF)) bitShift: -1.
+ 			"store combined RGB into target bitmap"
+ 			out at: dstIndex put: (r bitOr: (g bitOr: b)).
+ 			srcIndex _ srcIndex + 2.
+ 			dstIndex _ dstIndex + 1]].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 12.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveHueShift (in category 'hsv filters') -----
+ primitiveHueShift
+ 	| inOop outOop shift in sz out pix r g b max min brightness saturation hue |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'unsigned int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'unsigned int *out'.
+ 	inOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 2.
+ 	outOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
+ 	shift _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: inOop.
+ 	sz _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: inOop.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: outOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: ((interpreterProxy stSizeOf: outOop) = sz).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	0 to: sz - 1 do: [:i |
+ 		pix _ (in at: i) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF.
+ 		pix = 0 ifFalse: [  "skip pixel values of 0 (transparent)"
+ 			r _ (pix bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16rFF.
+ 			g _ (pix bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rFF.
+ 			b _ pix bitAnd: 16rFF.
+ 			"find min and max color components"
+ 			max _ min _ r.
+ 			g > max ifTrue: [max _ g].
+ 			b > max ifTrue: [max _ b].
+ 			g < min ifTrue: [min _ g].
+ 			b < min ifTrue: [min _ b].
+ 			"find current brightness (v) and  saturation with range 0 to 1000"
+ 			brightness _ (max * 1000) // 255.
+ 			max = 0 ifTrue: [saturation _ 0] ifFalse: [saturation _ ((max - min) * 1000) // \
max]. + 
+ 			brightness < 110 ifTrue: [					"force black to a very dark, saturated gray"
+ 				brightness _ 110. saturation _ 1000].	
+ 			saturation < 90 ifTrue: [saturation _ 90].		"force a small color change on \
grays" + 			((brightness = 110) | (saturation = 90))		"tint all blacks and grays the \
same" + 				ifTrue: [hue _ 0]
+ 				ifFalse: [hue _ self hueFromR: r G: g B: b min: min max: max].
+ 			hue _ (hue + shift + 360000000) \\ 360.  "compute new hue"
+ 			self bitmap: out at: i putH: hue s: saturation v: brightness]].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveInterpolate (in category 'bilinear \
interpolation') ----- + primitiveInterpolate
+ 	| inOop xFixed yFixed width in sz result |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'unsigned int *in'.
+ 	inOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 3.
+ 	width _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 2.
+ 	xFixed _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	yFixed _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: inOop.
+ 	sz _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: inOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	result _ self interpolatedFrom: in x: xFixed y: yFixed width: width height: sz // \
width. + 
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 5.  "pop args and rcvr"
+ 	interpreterProxy pushInteger: result.
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveIsHidden (in category 'os functions') -----
+ primitiveIsHidden
+ 	"Answer true if the file or folder with the given path should be hidden from the \
user. On Windows, this is the value of the 'hidden' file property." + 
+ 	| pathOop src count fullPath result |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'fullPath' declareC: 'char fullPath[1000]'.
+ 	self var: 'src' declareC: 'char * src'.
+ 	pathOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: pathOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: pathOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false].
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	src _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: pathOop) to: 'char *'.
+ 	count _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: pathOop.
+ 	count >= 1000 ifTrue: [interpreterProxy success: false. ^ 0].
+ 	0 to: count - 1 do: [:i | fullPath at: i put: (src at: i)].
+ 	fullPath at: count put: 0.
+ 	result _ self cCode: 'IsFileOrFolderHidden(fullPath)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2.  "pop arg and rcvr"
+ 	interpreterProxy pushBool: result ~= 0.  "push result"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveOpenURL (in category 'os functions') -----
+ primitiveOpenURL
+ 	"Open a web browser on the given URL."
+ 	| urlStr src urlOop count |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'urlStr' declareC: 'char urlStr[2000]'.
+ 	self var: 'src' declareC: 'char * src'.
+ 	urlOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: urlOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: urlOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false].
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	src _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: urlOop) to: 'char *'.
+ 	count _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: urlOop.
+ 	count >= 2000 ifTrue: [interpreterProxy success: false. ^ 0].
+ 	0 to: count - 1 do: [:i | urlStr at: i put: (src at: i)].
+ 	urlStr at: count put: 0.
+ 	self cCode: 'OpenURL(urlStr)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 1.  "pop arg, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveSaturationShift (in category 'hsv filters') \
----- + primitiveSaturationShift
+ 	| inOop outOop shift in sz out pix r g b max min brightness saturation hue |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'unsigned int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'unsigned int *out'.
+ 	inOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 2.
+ 	outOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
+ 	shift _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: inOop.
+ 	sz _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: inOop.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: outOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: ((interpreterProxy stSizeOf: outOop) = sz).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	0 to: sz - 1 do: [:i |
+ 		pix _ (in at: i) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF.
+ 		pix < 2 ifFalse: [  "skip pixel values of 0 (transparent) and 1 (black)"
+ 			r _ (pix bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16rFF.
+ 			g _ (pix bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rFF.
+ 			b _ pix bitAnd: 16rFF.
+ 			"find min and max color components"
+ 			max _ min _ r.
+ 			g > max ifTrue: [max _ g].
+ 			b > max ifTrue: [max _ b].
+ 			g < min ifTrue: [min _ g].
+ 			b < min ifTrue: [min _ b].
+ 			"find current brightness (v) and  saturation with range 0 to 1000"
+ 			brightness _ (max * 1000) // 255.
+ 			max = 0 ifTrue: [saturation _ 0] ifFalse: [saturation _ ((max - min) * 1000) // \
max]. + 
+ 			saturation > 0 ifTrue: [  "do nothing if pixel is unsaturated (gray)"
+ 				hue _ self hueFromR: r G: g B: b min: min max: max.
+ 				"compute new saturation"
+ 				saturation _ saturation + (shift * 10).
+ 				saturation > 1000 ifTrue: [saturation _ 1000].
+ 				saturation < 0 ifTrue: [saturation _ 0].
+ 				self bitmap: out at: i putH: hue s: saturation v: brightness]]].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveScale (in category 'scaling') -----
+ primitiveScale
+ 	"Scale using bilinear interpolation."
+ 	| inOop inW inH outOop outW outH in out inX inY xIncr yIncr outPix w1 w2 w3 w4 t \
p1 p2 p3 p4 tWeight | + 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'int *out'.
+ 	inOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 5.
+ 	inW _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 4.
+ 	inH _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 3.
+ 	outOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 2.
+ 	outW _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	outH _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy stSizeOf: inOop) = (inW * inH).
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy stSizeOf: outOop) = (outW * outH).
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: inOop.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: outOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	inX _ inY _ 0.					"source x and y, scaled by 1024"
+ 	xIncr _ (inW * 1024) // outW.	"source x increment, scaled by 1024"
+ 	yIncr _ (inH * 1024) // outH.		"source y increment, scaled by 1024"
+ 	0 to: (outH - 1) do: [:outY |
+ 		inX _ 0.
+ 		0 to: (outW - 1) do: [:outX |
+ 			"compute weights, scaled by 2^20"
+ 			w1 _ (1024 - (inX bitAnd: 1023))	* (1024 - (inY bitAnd: 1023)).
+ 			w2 _ (inX bitAnd: 1023)			* (1024 - (inY bitAnd: 1023)).
+ 			w3 _ (1024 - (inX bitAnd: 1023))	* (inY bitAnd: 1023).
+ 			w4 _ (inX bitAnd: 1023)			* (inY bitAnd: 1023).
+ 			"get source pixels"
+ 			t _ ((inY >> 10) * inW) + (inX >> 10).
+ 			p1 _ in at: t.
+ 			((inX >> 10) < (inW - 1)) ifTrue: [p2 _ in at: t + 1] ifFalse: [p2 _ p1].
+ 			(inY >> 10) < (inH - 1) ifTrue: [t _ t + inW].  "next row"
+ 			p3 _ in at: t.
+ 			((inX >> 10) < (inW - 1)) ifTrue: [p4 _ in at: t + 1] ifFalse: [p4 _ p3].
+ 			"deal with transparent pixels"
+ 			tWeight _ 0.
+ 			p1 = 0 ifTrue: [p1 _ p2. tWeight _ tWeight + w1].
+ 			p2 = 0 ifTrue: [p2 _ p1. tWeight _ tWeight + w2].
+ 			p3 = 0 ifTrue: [p3 _ p4. tWeight _ tWeight + w3].
+ 			p4 = 0 ifTrue: [p4 _ p3. tWeight _ tWeight + w4].
+ 			p1 = 0 ifTrue: [p1 _ p3. p2 _ p4].  "both top pixels were transparent; use \
bottom row" + 			p3 = 0 ifTrue: [p3 _ p1. p4 _ p2].  "both bottom pixels were \
transparent; use top row" + 
+ 			outPix _ 0.
+ 			tWeight < 500000 ifTrue: [  "compute an (opaque) output pixel if less than 50% \
transparent" + 				t _ (w1 * ((p1 >> 16) bitAnd: 255)) + (w2 * ((p2 >> 16) bitAnd: \
255)) + (w3 * ((p3 >> 16) bitAnd: 255)) + (w4 * ((p4 >> 16) bitAnd: 255)). + \
outPix _ ((t >> 20) bitAnd: 255) << 16. + 				t _ (w1 * ((p1 >> 8) bitAnd: 255)) + \
(w2 * ((p2 >> 8) bitAnd: 255)) + (w3 * ((p3 >> 8) bitAnd: 255)) + (w4 * ((p4 >> 8) \
bitAnd: 255)). + 				outPix _ outPix bitOr: (((t >> 20) bitAnd: 255) << 8).
+ 				t _ (w1 * (p1 bitAnd: 255)) + (w2 * (p2 bitAnd: 255)) + (w3 * (p3 bitAnd: 255)) \
+ (w4 * (p4 bitAnd: 255)). + 				outPix _ outPix bitOr: ((t >> 20) bitAnd: 255).
+ 				outPix = 0 ifTrue: [outPix _ 1]].
+ 			out at: (outY * outW) + outX put: outPix.
+ 			inX _ inX + xIncr].
+ 		inY _ inY + yIncr].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 6.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveSetUnicodePasteBuffer (in category 'os \
functions') ----- + primitiveSetUnicodePasteBuffer
+ 	"Set the Mac OS X Unicode paste buffer."
+ 	| utf16 strOop count |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'utf16' declareC: 'short int *utf16'.
+ 	strOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: strOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: strOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false].
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	utf16 _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: strOop) to: 'short \
int *'. + 	count _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: strOop.
+ 	self cCode: 'SetUnicodePasteBuffer(utf16, count)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 1.  "pop arg, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveSetWindowTitle (in category 'os functions') \
----- + primitiveSetWindowTitle
+ 	"Set the title of the Scratch window."
+ 	| titleStr src titleOop count |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'titleStr' declareC: 'char titleStr[1000]'.
+ 	self var: 'src' declareC: 'char * src'.
+ 	titleOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: titleOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: titleOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false].
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	src _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: titleOop) to: 'char *'.
+ 	count _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: titleOop.
+ 	count >= 1000 ifTrue: [interpreterProxy success: false. ^ 0].
+ 	0 to: count - 1 do: [:i | titleStr at: i put: (src at: i)].
+ 	titleStr at: count put: 0.
+ 	self cCode: 'SetScratchWindowTitle(titleStr)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 1.  "pop arg, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveShortToLongPath (in category 'os functions') \
----- + primitiveShortToLongPath
+ 	"On Windows, convert a short file/path name into a long one. Fail on other \
platforms." + 
+ 	| shortPath longPath ptr shortPathOop result count resultOop |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'shortPath' declareC: 'char shortPath[1000]'.
+ 	self var: 'longPath' declareC: 'char longPath[1000]'.
+ 	self var: 'ptr' declareC: 'char * ptr'.
+ 	shortPathOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: shortPathOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: shortPathOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false. ^ 0].
+ 	ptr _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: shortPathOop) to: 'char \
*'. + 	count _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: shortPathOop.
+ 	count >= 1000 ifTrue: [interpreterProxy success: false. ^ 0].
+ 	0 to: count - 1 do: [:i | shortPath at: i put: (ptr at: i)].
+ 	shortPath at: count put: 0.
+ 	result _ self cCode: 'WinShortToLongPath(shortPath, longPath, 1000)'.
+ 	result = -1 ifTrue: [interpreterProxy success: false. ^ 0].
+ 	count _ self cCode: 'strlen(longPath)'.
+ 	resultOop _ interpreterProxy instantiateClass: interpreterProxy classString \
indexableSize: count. + 	ptr _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: \
resultOop) to: 'char *'. + 	0 to: count - 1 do: [:i | ptr at: i put: (longPath at: \
i)]. + 
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2 thenPush: resultOop.  "pop arg and rcvr, push result"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveWaterRipples1 (in category 'other filters') \
----- + primitiveWaterRipples1
+ 	| in out aArray bArray ripply temp pix dx dy dist inOop outOop width allPix aArOop \
bArOop height t1 blops x y power val val2 dx2 dy2 newLoc | + 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'unsigned int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'unsigned int *out'.
+ 	self var: 'aArray' declareC: 'double *aArray'.
+ 	self var: 'bArray' declareC: 'double *bArray'.
+ 	self var: 'ripply' declareC: 'int ripply'.
+ 	self var: 'temp' declareC: 'double temp'.
+ 	self var: 'pix' declareC: 'unsigned int pix'.
+ 	self var: 'dist' declareC: 'double dist'.
+ 	self var: 'dx2' declareC: 'double dx2'.
+ 	self var: 'dy2' declareC: 'double dy2'.
+ 	inOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 5.
+ 	outOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 4.
+ 	width _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 3.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: inOop.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: outOop.
+ 	allPix _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: inOop.
+ 	ripply _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 2.
+ 	aArOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
+ 	bArOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	aArray _ self checkedFloatPtrOf: aArOop.
+ 	bArray _ self checkedFloatPtrOf: bArOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: ((interpreterProxy stSizeOf: outOop) = allPix).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	height _ allPix // width.
+ 	t1 _ self cCode: 'rand()'.
+ 	blops _ t1 \\ ripply -1.
+ 	0 to: blops /2-1 do: [:t |
+ 		t1 _ self cCode: 'rand()'.
+ 		x _ t1 \\ width.
+ 		t1 _ self cCode: 'rand()'.
+ 		y _ t1 \\ height.
+ 		t1 _ self cCode: 'rand()'.
+ 		power _ t1 \\ 8.
+ 		-4 to: 4 do: [:g |
+ 			-4 to: 4 do: [:h |
+ 				dist _ ((g*g) + (h*h)) asFloat.
+ 				((dist < 25) and: [dist > 0]) ifTrue: [
+ 						dx _ (x + g) asInteger.
+ 						dy _ (y + h) asInteger.
+ 						((dx >0) and: [(dy>0) and: [(dy < height) and: [dx < width]]]) ifTrue: [
+ 							aArray at: ((dy)*width + dx) put: (power *(1.0 asFloat -(dist/(25.0 \
asFloat))) asFloat). + 						].
+ 					].
+ 				].
+ 			].
+ 		].
+ 		1 to: width -2 do: [:f |
+ 			1 to: height -2 do: [:d |
+ 			val _ (d)*width + f.
+ 			aArray at: val put: (((
+ 				(bArray at: (val+1)) + (bArray at: (val-1)) + (bArray at: (val + width)) + \
(bArray at: (val - width)) + + 				((bArray at: (val -1 -width))/2) + ((bArray at: \
(val-1+width))/2) + ((bArray at: (val+1-width))/2) + ((bArray at: (val+1+width))/2)) \
/4) - (aArray at: (val))). + 			aArray at: (val) put: ((aArray at: (val))*(0.9 \
asFloat)). + 			].
+ 		].
+ 		"temp _ bArray.
+ 		bArray _ aArray.
+ 		aArray _ temp."
+ 		0 to: width*height do: [:q |
+ 			temp _ bArray at: q.
+ 			bArray at: q put: (aArray at: q).
+ 			aArray at: q put: temp.
+ 		].
+ 		0 to: height-1 do: [:j |
+ 			0 to: width-1 do: [:i |
+ 				((i > 1) and: [(i<(width-1)) and: [(j>1) and: [(j<(height-1))]]]) ifTrue: [
+ 					val2 _ (j)*width + i.
+ 					dx2 _ ((((aArray at: (val2)) - (aArray at: (val2-1))) + ((aArray at: (val2+1)) \
- (aArray at: (val2)))) *64) asFloat. + 					dy2 _ ((((aArray at: (val2)) - (aArray \
at: (val2-width))) + ((aArray at: (val2+width)) - (aArray at: (val2)))) /64) asFloat. \
+ 					(dx2<-2) ifTrue: [dx2 _ -2]. + 					(dx2>2) ifTrue: [dx2 _ 2].
+ 					(dy2<-2) ifTrue: [dy2 _ -2].
+ 					(dy2>2) ifTrue: [dy2 _ 2].
+ 					newLoc _ ((j+dy2)*width + (i+dx2)) asInteger.
+ 					((newLoc < (width*height)) and: [newLoc >=0]) ifTrue: [
+ 						pix _ in at: newLoc]
+ 					ifFalse: [
+ 						pix _ in at: (i +(j*width)) ].
+ 				]
+ 				ifFalse: [
+ 					pix _ in at: (i +(j*width)) ].
+ 			out at: (i + (j*width)) put: pix.
+ 		]].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 6.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScratchPlugin>>primitiveWhirl (in category 'other filters') -----
+ primitiveWhirl
+ 	| inOop outOop width degrees in out sz height centerX centerY radius scaleX scaleY \
whirlRadians radiusSquared dx dy d factor ang sina cosa pix | + 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'in' declareC: 'unsigned int *in'.
+ 	self var: 'out' declareC: 'unsigned int *out'.
+ 	self var: 'scaleX' declareC: 'double scaleX'.
+ 	self var: 'scaleY' declareC: 'double scaleY'.
+ 	self var: 'whirlRadians' declareC: 'double whirlRadians'.
+ 	self var: 'radiusSquared' declareC: 'double radiusSquared'.
+ 	self var: 'dx' declareC: 'double dx'.
+ 	self var: 'dy' declareC: 'double dy'.
+ 	self var: 'd' declareC: 'double d'.
+ 	self var: 'factor' declareC: 'double factor'.
+ 	self var: 'ang' declareC: 'double ang'.
+ 	self var: 'sina' declareC: 'double sina'.
+ 	self var: 'cosa' declareC: 'double cosa'.
+ 	inOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 3.
+ 	outOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 2.
+ 	width _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	degrees _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	in _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: inOop.
+ 	out _ self checkedUnsignedIntPtrOf: outOop.
+ 	sz _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: inOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: ((interpreterProxy stSizeOf: outOop) = sz).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	"calculate height, center, scales, radius, whirlRadians, and radiusSquared"
+ 	height _ sz // width.
+ 	centerX _ width // 2.
+ 	centerY _ height // 2.
+ 	centerX < centerY
+ 		ifTrue: [
+ 			radius _ centerX.
+ 			scaleX _ centerY asFloat / centerX. 
+ 			scaleY _ 1.0]
+ 		ifFalse: [
+ 			radius _ centerY.
+ 			scaleX _ 1.0.
+ 			centerY < centerX
+ 				ifTrue: [scaleY _ centerX asFloat / centerY]
+ 				ifFalse: [scaleY _ 1.0]].
+ 	whirlRadians _ (-3.141592653589793 * degrees) / 180.0.
+ 	radiusSquared _ (radius * radius) asFloat.
+ 	0 to: width - 1 do: [:x |
+ 		0 to: height - 1 do: [:y |
+ 			dx _ scaleX * (x - centerX) asFloat.
+ 			dy _ scaleY * (y - centerY) asFloat.
+ 			d _ (dx * dx) + (dy * dy).
+ 			d < radiusSquared ifTrue: [  "inside the whirl circle"
+ 				factor _ 1.0 - (d sqrt / radius).
+ 				ang _ whirlRadians * (factor * factor).
+ 				sina _ ang sin.
+ 				cosa _ ang cos.
+ 				pix _ self interpolatedFrom: in
+ 					x: (1024.0 * ((((cosa * dx) - (sina * dy)) / scaleX) + centerX)) asInteger
+ 					y: (1024.0 * ((((sina * dx) + (cosa * dy)) / scaleY) + centerY)) asInteger
+ 					width: width
+ 					height: height.
+ 				out at: ((width * y) + x "for Squeak: + 1") put: pix]]].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 4.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ InterpreterPlugin subclass: #UnicodePlugin
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'VMMaker-Plugins'!
+ !UnicodePlugin commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
+ This plugin measures and renders Unicode (UTF8) strings.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin class>>hasHeaderFile (in category 'translation') -----
+ hasHeaderFile
+ 	^true!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>asCString: (in category 'utility') -----
+ asCString: stringOop
+ 	"Return a C char * pointer into the given Squeak string object."
+ 	"Warning: A Squeak string is not necessarily null-terminated."
+ 	"Warning: the resulting pointer may become invalid after the next garbage \
collection and should only be using during the current primitive call." + 
+ 	self inline: false.
+ 	self returnTypeC: 'char *'.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: stringOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: stringOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	^ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: stringOop) to: 'char *'
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>cWordsPtr:minSize: (in category 'utility') -----
+ cWordsPtr: oop minSize: minSize
+ 	"Return a C pointer to the first indexable field of oop, which must be a words \
object of at least the given size." + 	"Warning: the resulting pointer may become \
invalid after the next garbage collection and should only be using during the current \
primitive call." + 
+ 	self inline: false.
+ 	self returnTypeC: 'void *'.
+ 	interpreterProxy success:
+ 		((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: oop) not and:
+ 		 [(interpreterProxy isWords: oop) and:
+ 		 [(interpreterProxy stSizeOf: oop) >= minSize]]).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	^ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: oop) to: 'void *'
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>copyString:into:max: (in category 'utility') -----
+ copyString: stringOop into: stringPtr max: maxChars
+ 	"Copy the Squeak string into a temporary buffer and add a terminating null byte. \
Fail if there is not sufficent space in the buffer." + 
+ 	| srcPtr count |
+ 	self inline: false.
+ 	self var: 'stringPtr' declareC: 'char *stringPtr'.
+ 	self var: 'srcPtr' declareC: 'char *srcPtr'.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: stringOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: stringOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	count _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: stringOop.
+ 	count < maxChars ifFalse: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	srcPtr _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: stringOop) to: 'char \
*'. + 	1 to: count do: [:i | self cCode: '*stringPtr++ = *srcPtr++'].
+ 	self cCode: '*stringPtr = 0'.
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>primitiveClipboardGet (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primitiveClipboardGet
+ 	"Read the clipboard into the given UTF16 string.."
+ 	| utf16Oop utf16 utf16Length count |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'utf16' declareC: 'unsigned short *utf16'.
+ 	utf16Oop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: utf16Oop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isWords: utf16Oop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false].
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	utf16 _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: utf16Oop) to: \
'unsigned short *'. + 	utf16Length _ 2 * (interpreterProxy stSizeOf: utf16Oop).
+ 	count _ self cCode: 'unicodeClipboardGet(utf16, utf16Length)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2
+ 		thenPush: (interpreterProxy integerObjectOf: count).
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>primitiveClipboardPut (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primitiveClipboardPut
+ 	"Set the clipboard to a UTF16 string.."
+ 	| strOop count utf16 utf16Length |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'utf16' declareC: 'unsigned short *utf16'.
+ 	strOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
+ 	count _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: strOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isWords: strOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false].
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	utf16 _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: strOop) to: 'unsigned \
short *'. + 	utf16Length _ 2 * (interpreterProxy stSizeOf: strOop).
+ 	((count >= 0) & (count < utf16Length)) ifTrue: [utf16Length _ count].
+ 	self cCode: 'unicodeClipboardPut(utf16, utf16Length)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2.  "pop args, leave rcvr on stack"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>primitiveClipboardSize (in category 'primitives') \
----- + primitiveClipboardSize
+ 	| count |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	count _ self cCode: 'unicodeClipboardSize()'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 1
+ 		thenPush: (interpreterProxy integerObjectOf: count).
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>primitiveDrawString (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primitiveDrawString
+ 	| utf8Oop utf8 w h bitmapOop bitmapPtr utf8Length result |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'utf8' declareC: 'char *utf8'.
+ 	self var: 'bitmapPtr' declareC: 'void *bitmapPtr'.
+ 	utf8Oop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 3.
+ 	utf8 _ self asCString: utf8Oop.
+ 	w _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 2.
+ 	h _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	bitmapOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	bitmapPtr _ self cWordsPtr: bitmapOop minSize: w * h.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	utf8Length _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: utf8Oop.
+ 	self cCode: 'unicodeDrawString(utf8, utf8Length, &w, &h, bitmapPtr)'.
+ 	result _ interpreterProxy makePointwithxValue: w yValue: h.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 5 thenPush: result.
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>primitiveGetFontList (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primitiveGetFontList
+ 	| strOop str strLength count |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'str' declareC: 'char *str'.
+ 	strOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	str _ self asCString: strOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	strLength _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: strOop.
+ 	count _ self cCode: 'unicodeGetFontList(str, strLength)'.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2
+ 		thenPush: (interpreterProxy integerObjectOf: count).
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>primitiveGetXRanges (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primitiveGetXRanges
+ 	| utf8Oop utf8 resultOop resultPtr utf8Length count resultLength |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'utf8' declareC: 'char *utf8'.
+ 	self var: 'resultPtr' declareC: 'int *resultPtr'.
+ 	utf8Oop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
+ 	utf8 _ self asCString: utf8Oop.
+ 	resultOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	resultPtr _ self cWordsPtr: resultOop minSize: 0.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	utf8Length _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: utf8Oop.
+ 	resultLength _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: resultOop.
+ 	count _ self cCode: 'unicodeGetXRanges(utf8, utf8Length, resultPtr, \
resultLength)'. + 
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 3 thenPush: (interpreterProxy integerObjectOf: count).
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>primitiveMeasureString (in category 'primitives') \
----- + primitiveMeasureString
+ 	| utf8Oop utf8 utf8Length w h result |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'utf8' declareC: 'char *utf8'.
+ 	utf8Oop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	utf8 _ self asCString: utf8Oop.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	w _ h _ 0.
+ 	utf8Length _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: utf8Oop.
+ 	self cCode: 'unicodeMeasureString(utf8, utf8Length, &w, &h)'.
+ 	result _ interpreterProxy makePointwithxValue: w yValue: h.
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2 thenPush: result.
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>primitiveSetColors (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primitiveSetColors
+ 	| fgRed fgGreen fgBlue bgRed bgGreen bgBlue mapBGToTransparent |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	fgRed _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 6.
+ 	fgGreen _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 5.
+ 	fgBlue _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 4.
+ 	bgRed _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 3.
+ 	bgGreen _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 2.
+ 	bgBlue _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
+ 	mapBGToTransparent _ interpreterProxy booleanValueOf: (interpreterProxy \
stackValue: 0). + 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	self cCode: 'unicodeSetColors(fgRed, fgGreen, fgBlue, bgRed, bgGreen, bgBlue, \
mapBGToTransparent)'. + 
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 7.
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UnicodePlugin>>primitiveSetFont (in category 'primitives') -----
+ primitiveSetFont
+ 	| fontName fontSize boldFlag italicFlag antiAliasFlag |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'fontName' declareC: 'char fontName[200]'.
+ 	self copyString: (interpreterProxy stackValue: 4) into: fontName max: 200.
+ 	fontSize _ interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 3.
+ 	boldFlag _ interpreterProxy booleanValueOf: (interpreterProxy stackValue: 2).
+ 	italicFlag _ interpreterProxy booleanValueOf: (interpreterProxy stackValue: 1).
+ 	antiAliasFlag _ interpreterProxy booleanValueOf: (interpreterProxy stackValue: 0).
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 	self cCode: 'unicodeSetFont(fontName, fontSize, boldFlag, italicFlag, \
antiAliasFlag)'. + 
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 5.
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: VMMaker class>>versionString (in category 'version testing') -----
  	"VMMaker versionString"
+ 	^'4.9.8'!
- 	^'4.9.7'!

Item was added:
+ InterpreterPlugin subclass: #WeDoPlugin
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'VMMaker-Plugins'!
+ !WeDoPlugin commentStamp: 'jm 12/2/2008 14:22' prior: 0!
+ Low level interface to the Lego WeDo.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WeDoPlugin class>>hasHeaderFile (in category 'translation') -----
+ hasHeaderFile
+ 	^true!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WeDoPlugin>>primClosePort (in category 'translated prims') -----
+ primClosePort
+ 	"Close the WeDo port."
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (self cCode: 'WeDoClosePort()').
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WeDoPlugin>>primOpenPort (in category 'translated prims') -----
+ primOpenPort
+ 	"Open the WeDo port."
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	interpreterProxy success: (self cCode: 'WeDoOpenPort()').
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WeDoPlugin>>primRead (in category 'translated prims') -----
+ primRead
+ 	"Read data from the WeDo port into the given buffer (a ByteArray or String). \
Answer the number of bytes read." + 
+ 	| bufOop bufPtr bufSize byteCount |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'bufPtr' declareC: 'char *bufPtr'.
+ 	bufOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: bufOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: bufOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	bufPtr _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: bufOop) to: 'char \
*'. + 	bufSize _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: bufOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	byteCount _ self cCode: 'WeDoRead(bufPtr, bufSize)'.
+ 	byteCount < 0 ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2.  					"pop args and rcvr"
+ 	interpreterProxy pushInteger: byteCount.	"push result"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WeDoPlugin>>primWrite (in category 'translated prims') -----
+ primWrite
+ 	"Write data to the WeDo port from the given buffer (a ByteArray or String). Answer \
the number of bytes written." + 
+ 	| bufOop bufPtr bufSize byteCount |
+ 	self export: true.
+ 	self var: 'bufPtr' declareC: 'char *bufPtr'.
+ 	bufOop _ interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ 	((interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: bufOop) or:
+ 	 [(interpreterProxy isBytes: bufOop) not]) ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	bufPtr _ self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: bufOop) to: 'char \
*'. + 	bufSize _ interpreterProxy stSizeOf: bufOop.
+ 	interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 	byteCount _ self cCode: 'WeDoWrite(bufPtr, bufSize)'.
+ 	byteCount < 0 ifTrue: [
+ 		interpreterProxy success: false.
+ 		^ 0].
+ 	interpreterProxy pop: 2.  					"pop args and rcvr"
+ 	interpreterProxy pushInteger: byteCount.	"push result"
+ 	^ 0
+ !

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