On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 04:28:00PM -0500, D. Richard Hipp wrote: > Remember: SQLite is not trying to replace Oracle. SQLite is trying > to replace fopen(). Exactly. SQLite is *wonderful* for this, and I would hate to see it compromised by adding features that really aren't necessary. There are a lot of feature requests, and many of them are to make SQLite more like MySQL or Oracle --- in which case I would suggest people really should be using those. I'm very happy with how small, compact, and blisteringly fast, SQLite is for a whole range of uses, I don't want it bloated down to make it something it's not. Oh, except right joins. If you add those I won't mind :-) _______________________________________________ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@sqlite.org http://sqlite.org:8080/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users