Maybe you will like Phrame There is a nice Article in the free Issue of PHPArchitect with an example using Phrame and Smarty I don't have tested other MVCs so I have no comparison - not that there are many MVC frameworks available. With best regards Gabriel Birke -- KONTOR4_Neue Medien Plathnerstraße 5 30175 Hannover Fax: +49 51184 48 98 99 Am 23.07.2004 um 11:48 schrieb Olivier Hericord: > Hi, > > i'm using smarty for quite a long time now. > the use of smarty made me rebuild my projects design and logic and > content are pretty well separated now... > > But i put my hands on flash AS2.0 and on COCOA and the MVC paradigm is > really a joy to use. > > > I don't really have the time to seek for every php MVC framework. > > so my question is: what's the best mvc php framework (to you) to be > integrated in a well design apache/php(smarty)/MySQL application? > > pros and cons appreciated :D > > -- > Smarty General Mailing List ( > To unsubscribe, visit: > > -- Smarty General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: