Hello! Although I have never used it, I would recommend TikiWiki (http://tikiwiki.org/). It has uncountable features and seems to be highly configurable. Apart from that - Have a look at the Smarty website: http://smarty.php.net/resources.php?category=2 There you will find a list of CMS that use Smarty. With best regards Gabriel Birke -- KONTOR4_Neue Medien Plathnerstraße 5 30175 Hannover Fax: +49 51184 48 98 99 mailto:birke@kontor4.de http://www.kontor4.de Am 11.06.2004 um 04:39 schrieb Dark Siren Sally: > I'm looking for a good CMS for my site. The first one I downloaded was > PostNuke, as it seemed one of the most popular, but I was disappointed > by > the lack of a templating system for the themes. *shudder* Embedding > HTML in > PHP is even worse than the other way around! I just recoil at those > sort of > coding practices. > > I understand that PostNuke seems to be developing a templating system > (Xanthia?), but then I remembered Smarty, and wondered whether anyone > could > recommend a CMS program that actually uses Smarty as a templating > system. > I've used it on my site for quite a while, but am getting too busy to > edit > templates and things from home... I'd like to be able to update my > whole > site on the web. > > So far I've looked at XOOPS... haven't downloaded yet, though. I'd > appreciate any comments and suggestions people might have for a CMS, > other > than writing one myself (I simply don't have the time for that). > > Thanks! :) > > Sally > > -- > Smarty General Mailing List (http://smarty.php.net/) > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php > > -- Smarty General Mailing List (http://smarty.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php