Hello! I'm using a CVS repository for my projects. My problem is, I wanted to import a new project into the repository and the "core" directory in the "smarty" directory just gets ignored. I cd to the project folder (myproject) and then I use the following command: cvs -d :ext:httpuser@ import myproject1 kontor4 release-1 The first output line from CVS is I myproject/includes/smarty/core Is this just some misconfiguration on my side (any ideas how to configure it correctly)? Or has this something to do with Smarty? Gabriel With best regards Gabriel Birke -- KONTOR4_Neue Medien Plathnerstraße 5 30175 Hannover Fax: +49 51184 48 98 99 mailto:birke@kontor4.de http://www.kontor4.de -- Smarty General Mailing List (http://smarty.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php