-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 OT: Datarchitect Test Results Hi folks, In July I had made a test of DataArchitekt 2.0. This Version worked in Linux with uniODBC not correctly, I promised to the public here, to post a short test report after solving the problems. The problems are now solved, DA is working very fine for SapDB (and others: MSQL, MySQL, Postgres, generic SQL=ODBC). My check marks were: reading / reengenering an old SapDB Datamodell, document, print graphical structure, change, and modify the datbase structure, generate a SQL92 datbase contruction script, generate the Database online against a running SapDB instance. All points worked fine. In this environment: SuSE Linux 8.0 + unixODBC 2.2.3 Datarchitect V2.1.0 SapDB (loacl and remote instances) The only bad point so far, is an slow standard support via eMail ML. Those list is not so fast for solutions, but there is an acceptable priced porfessional support avaible also. Refer to the thekompany.com Website for it. Summary: usable and well priced professional tool for universal database modelling and GUI aided data design. For every one interested this is the URL: http://www.thekompany.com/products/dataarchitect/ Demo Version also avaible. Price: US$ 39,99 (download version, full featured), avaible for Linux and Windows. The Windows Version was not tested by mine, here is Microsoft free zone. mfG Jürgen Sauer - -- Jürgen Sauer - AutomatiX GmbH, +49-4209-4699, jojo@automatix.de ** ** Das Linux Systemhaus - Service - Support - Server - Lösungen ** http://www.automatix.de to Mail me: remove: -not-for-spawm- ** -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iEYEARECAAYFAj2q/eEACgkQW7UKI9EqarEn1wCfceqpdsdqkep5Ltf0nonDSS52 xQQAn0+HlwSmCURCfljk1riOSPE/lRTO =LFud -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ sapdb.general mailing list sapdb.general@listserv.sap.com http://listserv.sap.com/mailman/listinfo/sapdb.general