Hi everyone, I've just upgraded from 2.0.7 to 2.2.1a, and it seems to work well. However, as I try to go on deeper at the config side, I'm encountering some strange behaviours. First I need to precise that I have an heterogeneous network with both Win2k (sp2) and NT4 clients. My concerns are about the user manager. Well, I've managed for some installation to browse with the user manager of Win2K the users of samba, even to add some network user to the local users of the machine (typically Power Users, often needed on laptops in order to use power-saving facilities). But suddenly, it doesn't work any more: When I click on "apply", Win2k tells me that it was unable to find the user that I could browse a few moments before. Okay, time to dig into samba internals, using rpcclient. This tool works quite well, and I've tried to ask NT servers in our network with this tool, successfully. Now time to ask the samba server. My biggest concern is when I try to find the SID of a user using lookupnames on the samba server. It returns always the NULL SID. My question is: is this feature implemented within samba, or is this a problem with rpcclient? I successfully managed to join both NT4 & Win2K machines to the samba server; so I guess that at least this information has to be stored somewhere. Why is rpcclient unable to give me that info? as a (suspected side-effect), I get the visit of Dr Watson on NT4 with LSASS.EXE when trying to add a domain user to a local machine group. Anyone an idea ? Regards, Eric Devolder () -------------- Note: This message and its attachements have been checked for viruses by InterScan VirusWall V3.4