On 14 Mar 2007, at 10:27, Chad Perrin wrote: > I also think that once you *give away* or *sell* something, it is *no > longer yours* and you no longer have a right, as author or > otherwise, to > dictate how others dispose of it. Period. If you want to maintain > control of it, keep it in your possession. Otherwise, recognize that > giving up possession (without explicit contractual agreements) > should be > synonymous with giving up control. Which if course is the main point of contention between the BSD and GPL camps. If I were to release code under BSD it would ensure I received recognition for the effort involved in writing it, if I released under GPL it would allow me to control how distributors and derivators used the code. The former is essentially a gift to the community (in the same way as a named Hospital Wing) whilst the latter is more akin to a feudal patent - only one where the obligation is measured in source code distribution and resubmission. Of course I'm not sure Richard Stallman would wish to be described as architect of a system of feudal governance, but that's a discussion for another day ;p What this all boils down to at core is this: both BSD and GPL folks are good, decent people. BSD folks like to give gifts to the individual developer whilst GPL folks prefer to give their gifts to the community of end-users - without the former the world would have a lot fewer clever developers, and without the latter we'd all be stuck with proprietary tools of dubious provenance. Which of the two groups any one of us falls in at any given time surely depends on what we're hoping to achieve with our current project? Ellie Eleanor McHugh Games With Brains ---- raise ArgumentError unless @reality.responds_to? :reason