On Mar 12, 1:56 am, "Uma Geller" wrote: > I would like to use the fantastic QT4 for Win32 > using the Qtruby bindings. > > Even though I made some progress, reading from > Richard Dale's blog, the effort didn't pay out. > > The guidelines were a bit too fuzzy, plus the > GNU build environment is constantly at odds > with the Windows way. Using 3 different shells, > perl, and dealing with autotools is a pain. > It shouldn't be this difficult. > > Has anyone managed to compile QTRuby QT4 > for Windows ? (Open Source edition) > > I don't expect you to throw me a binary package > with the thing compiled, but a good detailed > list of tools and dependencies required, and a > step by step guide would greatly help. > > best, > UG > --- > Uma Gellerhttp://umageller.wordpress.com We've recently got Qt4 QtRuby building with cmake on both Linux and Mac OS X, which is a giant step forward. In theory it should be just as easy to build on Windows now, but as none of the developers (ie Caleb Tennnis or myself) are particularly Windows oriented we haven't had time to try it yet. The next release will be quite soon and use cmake and so I'm really hoping that normal humans will finally be able to easily build QtRuby in all enviroments without having to deal with 'autohell'. -- Richard