Morton Goldberg wrote: > On Mar 12, 2007, at 4:13 AM, 7stud 7stud wrote: > > When I'm actually writing "serious" Ruby code, of course, I save it to a > file in my text editor (I use Vim for that). I find that irb serves as > an indispensable aid a lot of the time, however. Your mileage may vary. Is there a way to get Vim to automatically indent code? > the tab key is the key used to > complete code snippets. > ...if you highlight the two lines > > foo = bar > zot ||= [] > > and hit cntrl-shift-W, inserts the code snippet I don't get the digit gymnastics that most text editors require you to perform to use auto completion. Is there no way to bind the auto completion to the space bar in TextMate? If you've never coded with space-bar auto-completion, you haven't lived! The type of auto completion I'm talking about seems like such a simple feature to implement: you have a flat text file with a list of character sequences and the corresponding code(phrase, name, whatever), and then the typing the characters plus hitting the space bar produce the code. Personally, I've never really liked the Xcode, MS Visual C++ style of auto completion where a list pops up--it's just too slow to find what you want in the list. I just started using Xcode, and I don't have anything favorable to say about it. I can't even get it to properly line up nested braces when using this style of braces: void myFunc() { } I mean matching up braces has to be the most basic requirement of any IDE, but Xcode(2.4) can't do it for nested braces. Ridiculous. Sorry to the op for the thread drift. I also want to thank everyone else for the really insightful posts on good Ruby books and text editors. -- Posted via