There seems to be a few IDEs for Ruby GUIs in Windows or Linux, if anyone has tried them, comments are welcome!, so here they are with some initial comments added: Komodo 4 Beta Probably one of the best of the lot, actively developed but it only integrates TK support. GUI tools available with the professional version only. BlackAdder It integrates QT and an IDE for Ruby or Python. It is Commercial, but how good is it? Never tried it before. Eric IDE Open source, looks unpolished. Ruby in Steel You need VS2005 for it to work, but looks promising. Windows only. Free for the time being, but will be commercial, and you do need VS2005 for it to work. Finally... if you seriously want to do "cross-platform" development, probably using C++ and QT is the best bet, not free, BUT solid, fast and there are a lot of successful desktops app out there built with it. Ruby seems better suited for Web apps, at least for the time being. Joseph Hurtado Web Developer from Toronto AliasX Neo wrote: > David Vallner wrote: > > > > The short answer: no. > > > > The long answer: > > > > If you manage to port qtruby4 to Windows, you get QtDesigner (overall > > Qt4 seems to be designed to have the GUI layout created in that, > > decoupling the UI design and behaviour implementations.) Things like > > rubyuic should work the same on all platforms. > > > > Another hope is the wx rewrite getting into a stable state, and wxGlade > > supporting emitting of Ruby code. This is however just speculation. > > > > Personally, if you need to do this sort of GUI development on Windows, > > Ruby is so far rough around the edges. > > > > David Vallner > > That's what I figured, I guess I'm going to have to stick to ugly > command line programs. > > Thanks anyways. > > -- > Posted via