On Friday 25 May 2012 15:32:39 Wagner Reck wrote:

> Sure, http://wstaw.org/m/2012/05/25/plasma-desktopPR1413.pngT


> > * what does the "ShowAllPointers" dynamic property mean? This is actually

> > the trigger for using the individual paint method. Is the user supposed to

> > set this or is this done somewhere automatically?


> The ShowAllPointers tell to DS plugin to Draw all pointers (to parent

> and to child) and draw a complete image of nodes (as in the

> screenshot).



> If you (all of you) test the plugin and think that it need more

> mature, we can delay it's release until 4.10.


A long weekend is approaching :) Hence I will have time to take a deeper look at the plugin (and why the icons look such different on my system...). Delaying the plugin can still be discussed in some weeks, up to now everything I found should be easy to fix.


