hello, i have a linux account at school. to check my mail, i can ssh into one of the linux machines at school and just type mutt. problem with that is that i'm on like 20 mailing list and my inbox is just a huge mess. so instead, i use kmail from my home machine to log into the pop server and download all my emails and use filters to put them in different folders. my question is if i use procmail to filter my mail into different maildirs on my school machine, will i still be able to download them all on my home machine using kmail and using pop? i.e. my school machine puts all my mail into $HOME/mailbox. if i use procmail to filter mail from mailbox to different maildirs, will i still be able to get them all when i check my email from home via pop? thanks, -- christopher -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@redhat.com?subject=unsubscribe https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list