what are you guys talking about? i'm running qt-3.1.2/kde-3.1.1a off an nfs share and it runs fine. the nfs server that exports the kde dir is a pII 350 mhz machine with like 64 megs of ram...its ancient! the computer i'm actually running kde on is an athlon xp 1800+ with 512 megs of ram though. i've always loved kde since kde-2.0. it looks so much better than gnome and it just seems more well thought out and organized. why don't yall like the qt framework? i've done mfc programming, as well as qt programming and i must say, qt is tons better than mfc (programming wise, i have no idea about performance). whatever gui toolkit gnome is based on isn't even c++ is it? c++ is perfect for gui hierarchies (sp?)! =) i guess i'm a die hard kde fan that's always had the luxury of running it on semi high end systems. my one complaint is that when i move 1000+ messages to the trash in kmail, it takes like 20+ seconds...but thats an nfs thing...=( dunno if this matters either, but my qt/kde is compiled from source. anyways, i'm drunk and thats my 2 cents...=) -- christopher -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@redhat.com?subject=unsubscribe https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list