2010/2/25 Andras Mantia : > Hi (again)! > >  I will list some of the key points in Quanta that I think made it > either unique (at that time) and powerful. As I told on IRC, of course, > the one who codes decides which is more important for him (you) and > which is more fun to work on. > 1) First of all, custom XML support. I used Quanta to write different > kind of XMLs, like the KDE feature page, XMLGUI, Quanta's own language > definition types, etc. The abbility to load the DTD (or some other kind > of definition file) for an XML varianta and get basic features, like > autocompletion, document tree, validation and error reporting, tag > editing, was very useful. Kate has some kind of XML support, at least in > KDE3 times it had autocompletion, but wasn't that powerful. > Unfortunately HTML!=XML, so there were some HTML specific code, but it > can be done in a way, that you focus on XML and add the strange features > of html (like possibility to ommit closing tags) later. > > 2) Autocompletion that is context aware, so it won't just blindly show > all the XML tags, but only those that are valid at that point. > > 3) document tree overview and error reporting. Related to 2 and at least > in Quanta3 they were basicaly the same functionality with a different > view. Document tree helps a lot to overview the structure of your > document and spot problems, like missing closing tags. The error > reporting just helped and shown the same problems in a different > toolview. My opinion on this: Quanta is an Web development IDE, top priority should be HTML support. With proper DTD support we get XML for free anyway. > 4) Custom toolbars and actions. I know you mentioned like something you > would not use, but I think it is  very powerful and usable also in other > parts of KDevelop. This was kind'a working and mostly Quanta indepent, > when I stopped to work on Quanta, but of course KDevelop changed a lot > meantime. The idea is that you can create actions (that can be > integrated functionality, external scripts, etc.) and you can organize > them in toolbars, and of course assign shortcuts to it. The benefit is: > easier to extend Quanta (both for the user and the developer for the > next version), actions/toolbars can be shared, easy to create useful > toolbar packages for different XML languages. Check the Quanta3 docs > about what they are, how they worked. So they were not only to introduce > simple text, but were much more. E.g code formatting or running > htmltidy, xmllint, even showing the page in an external browser was > implemented with the help of the action. You could eg. run an external > script to process the selected text and replace with something else. I think this should be integrated with snippets. Like shortcuts to snippets, add them to a toolbar, operate on selection, scripted snippets... > 5) HTML preview. I mean, not WYSIWYG, but just showing the current > content of the document. If that is in a different view, and updates on- > the-fly(of course with a delay), even better. So the editing is still in > code, you just get feedback how it would look. With PHP of course the > code needs to go through a preprocessor, like a web server (this was > supported by Quanta3). sounds useful. Maybe integrated with a browser launcher so it could be used for debugging too. > 6) This feature was unique, but underutilized: event actions. Related to > 4) you could assign actions to certain events, like opening the project, > saving the file, opening a file, etc. A good idea IMO and not XML/HTML > development related. Check the Quanta3 docs for a detailed description. Never used that, low priority imho. Niko _______________________________________________ quanta-devel mailing list quanta-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/quanta-devel