
I'm currently using quanta3, and i noticed a bug in how quanta handles string find & replace.

I'm aware that quanta3 is no-longer under active development, but i just wanted to report the bug incase it's been integrated into quanta4.

If i search for a character/string, quanta locates one, however it then performs the replacement based upon the exact locate/range that the text resides in the document.

For example:


    <p id="1">hello<br>my name is matthew</p>

If Find/Replace <br> with <br /> and "Prompt on replace" is set, the find engine locates <br>, memorises its exact location within the document and then waits until the replace button is clicked.

However, if after its found <br> but before i click replace, i then remove id="1" from the <p> element, upon clicking replace, the document would look like the following:

    <p>hello<br>my <br /> is matthew</p>

Because quanta simply replaces the space that <br> resided in, rather than marking the located <br> and then replacing the marked <br>, if the location of <br> moves, quanta replaces the wrong characters.

I'm not very good at explaining myself, so i've attached screen shots.


Matthew Millar

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