is possible instead of (document structure tab)->"document structure" to have (document structure tab)->"functions" to follow the cursor around. if i choose to unselect follow cursor (e.g. not following cursor) functions list GETS CLOSED, which is frankly not very helpful, when editing php code. ---------------------- Also Quanta on my opinion is not quite ready for large scale (i mean 10k+ of lines) development (especially for large files). I use FreeBSD and there are not many commercial IDE's available so i have to use vim instead. Something like quanta would be a nice transition because it offers the following excellent features: -list of symbols (functions) in a tab, which i find more and more useful with large projects -symbol autocompletion -open file, that is in quotes (like "file.php") I thought i would list the nice to have features (not presuming but i am the first to enquire but have not found it on mailing lists...) though it would be nice to have the following accomplished with one key stroke: -go to symbol (function or variable), including maybe search in other files -ability to split screen (like in kate) -navigating/jumping around source code more easily (like in vim) -autocompletion of code, e.g. typing " will insert another " after the cursor, and delete it, when first one is deleted; also maybe some others like in text mate. The first feature especially would be nice, because developers need that a lot (i do anyways) I would be happy to help out to modify the source code, though i've never coded anything for QT/KDE so maybe somebody can suggest on where to look (which file, class, method). I would be really appreciate any feedback or criticism. Many thanks mike _______________________________________________ quanta-devel mailing list