Hi all, As I posted previously to the user list I have not been very active this year. If you did not see the post here is the short of it... Last year in Malaga I was having difficult concentrating and a week after I was home I felt like I needed a vacation again. By early this year I could not sit in front of a computer for 15 minutes without getting a headache. I have almost never had a headache my whole life. In March I went to my naturopathic doctor who promptly sent me to the emergency room with bloodpressure exceeding 220/115. I responded well and it seems it had not been going on long so there was minimal damage, but had I not gone I might well be dead by now. Since then I've been on the least medication possible and approaching my health with natural medicine and nutritional therapy, including now weekly visits to the doctor for intravenous nutrition therapy, NAET allergy treatment and things like silkworm extract. Recently my cholesterol went from somewhat alarming to practically textbook and my bloodpressure at my last visit (her machine is more accurate than mine) was 136/84. I'm feeling way better than I did. I was on bed rest and now I'm working my ass off with my business, but my energy is up, even though it some respects I have a ways to go. So I'm beginning to phase in activity in the project again. Recently I saw good news regarding Apple's Webcore patches getting into KHTML for KDE 4. This brings me to an obvious and somewhat nervous question... Will anyone be working on VPL for KDE 4 development and also will any of those developers be able to make it to the conference this September in Dublin. To be blunt, this should be the absolute best platform to finally address what needs to be done and it would be a tragic shame to to let the ball drop, especially as it means we could potentially have trouble even supporting visual development without someone on it. I'd like to restate that what we need is along with the improvements a context sensitive visual implementation for editing content, the ability to do XSLT on the fly and good integration with tools for CSS and rendering included pages with parent CSS data. I'm hoping I will not have to begin lobbying for someone to do this and that Nicolas and Moura will be able to devote some time, if nothing else to help us get people up to speed. Please let me know, and if you want to get to the conference we'll see what we can do there too. Eric _______________________________________________ quanta-devel mailing list quanta-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/quanta-devel