Hi! I have created several new packages for the documentation sidebar: XSLT EXSLT (X)HTML (quite different from the existing HTML package) MySQL CSS 2 Web Standards W3C Standards XSLT, (X)HTML and CSS are automatic conversions of the excellent references from http://www.zvon.org. They feature completeness and direct links to the relevant W3C standard sections. ZVON references are true references, however - little to no explanation, usually only some excerpt from the relevant standard. MySQL is an automatic extract from the official MySQL (5.1) user manual (Section 12: Functions and Section 13: Statements). EXSLT is an automatic conversion of www.exslt.org. "Web Standards" is an automatic conversion of a self-written XML/Web reference card and link list, http://garni.ch/Docs/XML/ (soon available on the AxKit Wiki again: http://axkit.org/wiki/view/AxKit/XMLReferenceCard but broken due to spam at the moment) "W3C Standards" is a collection of smaller W3C standards, too small to justify an own top-level entry. Right now it includes only XInclude, but others to come as I find need for them (xml:base, XPointer, xml-namespaces are examples for future inclusion). It directly links to the official standard document(s). All except "Web Standards" have context help indices and allow direct access to the relevant language elements (tags, functions, commands, whatever...) and contain some way to be regenerated from official sources (XSLT stylesheet or perl script). All content is licensed under one of the well-known free documentation licenses. Is there interest in these packages? What do I have to do to have them downloadable via the built-in docs downloader? How can I update these packages myself, if they are hosted on some server ("W3C Standards" is continuously evolving, for example)? Please CC me, I'm not on the list. -- CU Jörg _______________________________________________ quanta-devel mailing list quanta-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/quanta-devel