Hi, Some time ago I created some classes to manage the actions for the context menus in VPL. It has a class, TagActionManager, that creates the actions and also plug the actions to some widget. This is done calling methods of classes derived from TagActionSetAbstract which are in a container attribute of TagActionManager. This files are in the kafka module but should be moved to utility/. I think TagAction class should be ported to this infrastructure, that has already methods to deal with nodes and a cleaner design. Right now the all thing is a little unmantainable :( What do you think, Andras and Jens? -- Paulo Moura Guedes Linux Caixa Mágica - http://caixamagica.org KDE Web Development - http://kdewebdev.org _______________________________________________ quanta-devel mailing list quanta-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/quanta-devel