
Completely agree with your interest to get HTML5 and CSS3 features implemented in this next version of Quanta. Let's build for the future, not just right now.

I've been using Komodo Edit as can tell you it's been a great tool to use. I've been utilizing it while I wait for the next version of Quanta.

I've also used ModX on a few of my sites and have been impressed with the early results.

There's going to be a huge buzz around Quanta 4 - I can't wait to see the final version.


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 3:31 AM, <to@2nova.net> wrote:
(x)html5 | css3
As a designer I would love to test all new (x)html5 features, element tags. Are there plans to implement the new standards in the next version of Quanta?
The same concerns css3, also important features to implement in the next version.

Komodo Edit
Had a short look at this, seems to be a good competitor to Quanta. Could be useful in developing next version?
Also have a look at modxcms.com, great features that could partly be used for the next Quanta version.

Wish the best development for a great web design tool!
Leif | Sweden
using Q+ in opensuse 11.2 kde4.3.5
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