On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 12:32 PM, John wrote: > HTML Tidy works fine as far as I can see. I'm using the IDEALI mode. Here the > Tidy errors and warnings are shown in the message window area below the code > window. Clicking on the error in the message window area puts the cursor on > the correct line in the code window. Is this what you mean? Not sure but I don't think so. My barrier to understanding is lack of confidence in your meanings for IDEALI mode and the code window. (I'm new to this list, the Help file is a bit thin, and I've mostly figured out how to use Quanta without consulting others.) The only conceivably relevant settings I (knowingly) change from a default install, IIRC, are: [i] line numbering activated; [ii] HTML 4.01 Strict DTD, and [iii] creation of an HTML Tidy config file with some switches for variable output I can comment out until needed. What I think of as the "Tidy editing pane" appears after running Tidy between the file tabs and the tabbed toolbar for wrapping HTML tags around text selections. For me on Kubuntu Hardy with KDE 3.5, that editing pane is just tall enough to view a single line (and scroll it horizontally if need be). Clicking on a line in the Tidy report brings up that the corresponding marked up line in the Tidy editing pane. From there I can check it and edit the line if needed in the Tidy editing pane. Then, click on the next line in the report and loop. However on Kubuntu 9.04 i386 (KDE 4.3), the Tidy editing pane is so short that not even portions of characters can be seen. Tampering with screen resolutions didn't seem to help, although I was running on Virtual Box so don't know what the result of the tampering would be if I were running Kubuntu on bare metal. From your description, I get the suspicion that where you are working is near the bottom of the screen rather than toward the top. Is this enough for you to distinguish what we might be doing differently? I wouldn't recommend putting too much time into figuring this out. I've already trashed the Kubuntu 9.04 VM and would rather not create a new one. But I could be persuaded if it might aid in spotting a bug. (Have to wait 48 hours or so though; I'm getting close to a release deadline.) Best regards, Paul -- Universal Interoperability Council _______________________________________________ Quanta mailing list Quanta@mail.kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/quanta