Hello! All my story is on debian command "uname -a: gets: Linux borsuk 2.6.30-2-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Sep 25 22:16:56 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux I had installedKDE 4.* (accidentally!) and decided to live in this... I can't live without quanta so I was looking for how to get it: i tried virtualbox - hmmm... not natural in using..., after some searching I have found than in debian I can try its unique solution: debian is able to manage package installation paralelly from different versions. I did it in the following way: 1. I have installed all kde4 using "apt-get install …" commands 2. When full kde 4 worked I have changed the file: /etc/apt/sources.list: instead normal lines: (hash-out them): # normal: #deb http://ftp.vectranet.pl/debian/ testing main non-free contrib #deb-src http://ftp.vectranet.pl/debian/ testing main non-free contrib #deb http://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates main contrib non-free #deb-src http://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates main contrib non-free I have added the lines: # to install quanta from stable distr: deb http://ftp.vectranet.pl/debian/ stable main non-free contrib deb-src http://ftp.vectranet.pl/debian/ stable main non-free contrib saved changes and normal stuff (be carefull not to change KDE 4 but I had no dangerous warnings): apt-get update apt-get install quanta (maybe other packages which apt-get require - I do not remember). Since then I have quanta plus on kde 4. All works but without sftp which is for me the most important (apart of local :) ), but works! Then I changed sources.list file to the previous version, then did apt-get update again and then blocked in synaptic this quanta plus packages (not to be accidentally changed). Quanta works this way since spring this year as a every-day tool for perl, php, sql, TeX, html, css, haskel, and other types. I have recently got the information that the package kdebase-kio-plugins is responsible for the sftp protocol. So I did again all the stuff but with the followin command : apt-get install kdebase-kio-plugins Now I have quanta plus with my favorite remote protocol sftp. I hope it could be usefull for someone. Regards. Waldemar _______________________________________________ Quanta mailing list Quanta@mail.kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/quanta