Thank you for that David. While Eric's description of Quanta+ 4 has me salivating, it's good to know that, in the worst case scenario, we will be able to update to 11.2 if Q4 is not yet ready.

Of course Quanta is not the only app in this position. Today, I wanted to batch resize about 100 photos, and had to revert to Gwenview for KDE3.

As I've mentioned before, I'm really not critical of the KDE4 strategy, especially if we can continue to run KDE3 apps while the functionality gradually returns. But I thought the opensuse decision to drop KDE3 for 11.2 was inflammatory, and I must confess to being so inflamed that, like others, I didn't check my facts properly.

Anyway, I've drifted a bit off-topic for a Quanta list, except to say that without this excuse, we have less leverage to persuade major players such as Novell to get behind Quanta. Guess we just have to appeal to the argument that GNU/Linux *needs* such a program. You wouldn't think that would be so difficult would you?
