Hi there,

Did anybody meet this bug ?

I'm really looking for any solution that might work to solve this because that's really blocking issue.

Thnaks in advance for any feedback.


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 9:17 AM, L'oiseau2nuit <l.oiseau2nuit@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi there,

I'd like to report some bug i've encountered for some times with Quanta while using the 2 latest ubuntu releases. I'm currently using the v8.10 including Quanta v3.5.10 and it seems impossible to work anymore on an online project connecting through FTP :

When starting a new project, I then try to include online files in it. The software starts processing my online folder, runs, runs runs and finally crashes after about 50% import. I've meet this before but not so often. It seemed to happen while processing some specific script files (such as .htaccess or kind of file like this one) but now, it occures every time I try. My last test with a single HTML file went down to failure.

Have you ever meet this ? If so, do you have any idea on how to fix this ?

By the way, I did not find any link to this mailing list's archive so, forgive me if this has already been posted before.

Thanks in advance for your feedbacks.