Inspired by this and a blog-post elsewhere I tried disabling "direct rendering" from the desktop > advanced menu in "system settings".

So far, so good!

I have no clue why! Cheers.


Jürgen Schmitt wrote:
Yippieh!! It really works.

I did it as described in your link

And now it works fine!

Thank you!

Am Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008 18:07:04 schrieben Sie:
On Wednesday 30 July 2008, Jürgen Schmitt wrote:
Quanta crashes if I want to upload a
project and with it the whole KDE environment. It puts me back to the
login screen of KDE.
That means...the problem is not in Quanta. Actually you should try this
one in xorg.conf, Device section:

Option "UseCompositeWrapper" "true"

