Hey Vladisslav, I don't remember if I e-mailed you back or not but if I have already - sorry. If not, sorry :-) So development of the SpreadKDE website IS actually ongoing. To prevent duplication of effort (you know how we hate that kind of stuff ;-) you'll need to sign up to the kde-promo@mail.kde.org list and coordinate with those guys. Mockups and such can be posted on the kde-promo list, so if you already have something, feel free.
Thanks. Bye.

On 6/5/07, Vladislav Blanton <vblanton@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Orville,

I am web designer who would love to lend a hand in the re-creation of spreadkde.  Best contact for me is at this email address ( vblanton@gmail.com ).  I am willing to design the site, but if there are any graphic artists who want to take a stab at designing the site I would also be willing to chop up their creation into beautiful, valid, and clean cross-browser code (yum!).  I'll go over and join the kde-promo list now.

I look forward to reading your ideas!

Vlad Blanton

On 6/5/07, Orville Bennett < illogical1@gmail.com > wrote:
Hi, I'm new on all you lists (well, except quanta and kde-quality)
OK, so I noticed that Spreadkde.org died a quiet death today while I was on
IRC talking about spreading KDE. I personally would love to see the site back
up, which brings us directly to why kde-artists, quanta and kde-quality are
also recieving this message.
We undoubtedly have some very talented people who would be willing to help, if
only they do. Well, as far as my feeble mind can tell, now they do. So I
think some co-operation amongst the lists, *gasp*, is in order. First to set
up the spreadkde site, and then to do the actual spreading of the
propaganda :-)
I'd encourage everyone interested to join the kde-promo list, but if you can't
be bother I will be monitoring the "Who wants to spread KDE?" threads of all
the lists mailed. My utimate goal, other than subjected people to reading
lengthy e-mails is to promote the sh*t out of KDE until 4.0 goes live.
Reminiscent of the getfirefox (or whatever they called it) campaign.

So yeah, spamming news sites, digg bombs, promo vids, pimped out web site,
promo articles all that good stuff. I realise people have the "real" world to
deal with so don't worry about sacrificing the first-borns. That won't be
necessary just yet. I think the first thing to do is to get the site back up.
and to do that we'll need:
1. Graphics artists
2. Web designers
3. Maintainers dood(s)
4. Content

I've already got ideas for #4 which'll be on kde-promo soon enough. Sooo
anyone interested? Last time we tried this on kde-quality for the konq bug
triage it worked pretty well.
No guerillas were harmed in the making of this Gorilla Marketing message }:-)

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