On 10/12/06, Milan Babuskov <milanb@panonnet.net> wrote:

I got no replies on this so far. Does it make sense to file a
feature-request? Would it be accepted?

I wrote:
> I'm rather new to Quanta, and I'm using version 3.4.2. I have a hard
> time to understand how should named anchors work. In Mozilla Composer I
> used so far, there is "insert named anchor" command, which prompts for
> name and adds
> <A NAME="whatever">
> to the document. Later, when I create a link to that place, I select the
> text, and select "create link" from context menu. On the dialog that
> shows up, one of the options is a dropdown list (combobox) of all named
> anchors found in document. I just pick one and it adds:
> <A HREF="#whatever">
> to the document.
> I tried this with Quanta, and can't seem to find anything similar. The
> "Anchor" from "Standard" shows a dialog where I can type the anchor
> name. That part is ok. But, it looks like there is no way to refer to it
> later - short of typing #whatever manually in "Anchor" dialog's HREF
> field. That field has the combobox, but it doesn't show any items.
> I also noticed the "Link" in "Other" but it doesn't help either.
> I've read the Quanta docs, and they say nothing about this. Google
> wasn't much helpful either.
> Am I missing something too obvious here?

I would stay away from using <a name> it breaks in a lot of browsers in html emails - although you may not be at all concerned about that. You can accomlish the same thing by linking to an object's id:

<a href="#jump">Jumper</a>

<p>Some information about jumping here</p>

<h1 id="jump">Jumper</h1>
<p>Don't do it man!</p>

This example avoids having to have random tags like:
<a href="#jump">Jumper</a>

<p>Some information about jumping here</p>

------- old example ------

<a name="jump" /> <!-- this was a problem for me in firefox and ie  reading html emails with an html4 doctype it highlighted the remaining text as a link  -->
<h1 id="jump">Jumper</h1>
<p>Don't do it man!</p>

Anthony Ettinger
phone: 408-656-2473
resume: http://chovy.dyndns.org/resume.html
Currently available for freelance projects
blog: http://www.chovy.com