On 9/26/06, Andrew Berry <andrewberry@sentex.net> wrote:
On 26-Sep-06, at 11:53 PM, Anthony Ettinger wrote:

> If I understand, you want to convert <foo></foo> to <foo/> ?

Not quite. I want to do things like remove the <span> and have </
span> automatically delete in <p><span>my text</span></p>.

This is a Word doc to HTML run through Tidy, but there's still quite
a bit of cleanup to remove. Oh Word, how I curse you...

Ahh...i see. That may be more difficult.
You could try opening your word doc with openoffice and then exporting as xml or xhtml, I'm willing to bet OOO's support for "save as html..." is much better than word's.

Anthony Ettinger
phone: 408-656-2473
resume: http://chovy.dyndns.org/resume.html
Currently available for freelance projects
blog: http://www.chovy.com