Eric Laffoon wrote: > I always cringe when people talk about wiping out their .kde directory for a > specific problem. In my mind it's important to point out that this is > shooting at a gnat with a shotgun. You may get it, and you may cause a lot of > other problems. For instance if you use Kontact, Konqueror and other > applications you can wipe out address books, bookmarks, desktop > configurations and numerous application settings and data. All of this to get > to .kde/share/config/quantarc? Amen to that. I have an ongoing similar problem. After Quanta has been running for a while (say an hour or so, though I often leave it up for days), switching from one file to another begins to take a long time. Opening a new file occurs quickly, but I am still unable to do anything with that file, or change to another one, for periods of about 30 seconds (that's an estimate - I haven't timed them). This seems unrelated to system resources (e.g. at the moment there is about 1.1 GiB of memory available, and 1.4 GiB of swap), CPU usage, or the size of the files (it is as likely to occur with a few small files as with a few large ones - though I have few truly large files). I work on both PHP and HTML, with more of the former, and they are usually relatively small. The only solution is to kill all the files and restart, at which point everything is hunky-dory for a while. Once in starts again, there does not seem to be a cumulative effect, but I say that not having actually timed anything. I do have other programs running: Firefox, Thunderbird, Openoffice, gpdf, Konsole, gnucash, gkrellm, exim4, dovecot, plus the usual suspects. If it helps, I have a Debian testing system, which means Quanta 3.5.2. > In any case if you just did this I don't think snake oil remedies are your > route to nirvana. What would be better is to figure out what the problem is, > and that requires diagnostic information. > 1) By resurface, do you mean that everything was fine for a time and then it > came back, or you noticed it proportionally in the same intervals? > 2) Is there any correlation to the files you are editing and the problem? Does > this only show up on certain files, and if so can you isolate them? > 3) Once the problem occurs is it cumulative? Does it get worse with files that > didn't have the problem in the same session or only happen with those > specific files? > 4) Have you verified your system resources? Memory usage and swap file usage > can cause this problem depending on a number of factors, though it's not a > common occurrance. > 5) How large are the files you're editing that are having problems? Are they > really huge? > 6) Do you have other programs open at the same time and is there any > correlation there? For instance do you open and close gimp a lot? This > correlates to system resources. I think I covered your questions. TIA Cam -- Cam Ellison, Ph.D. R.Psych. #1417 Cam Ellison & Associates Ltd. 3446 Beach Avenue Roberts Creek BC V0N 2W2 Phone: 604-885-4806 Fax: 604-885-4809 _______________________________________________ Quanta mailing list