Thanks Eric.
I achieved the desired result by copying the stylesheet inline and commenting out the file link.
I will just have to do some final editing to use the stylesheet file before uploading to the host.

My suggestion for a book- While the KDE Quanta doc explains the menus and windows, what is needed for new users is an explanation of how to apply the application to constructing a web site.
My best introduction was an article in tuxmagazine, though in a magazine article format it can only scratch the surface.

I feel Quanta is just the right balance between editing the source and a WYSIWYG builder. Good product!

regards, Lyle

On 7/9/06, Eric Laffoon <> wrote:
On Saturday 08 July 2006 4:17 am, Lyle Walker wrote:
> Hello, I am new to Quanta Plus, and use version 3.5.3 on CentOS.
> After a simple tutorial, I tried to use a template design for a home page
> downloaded from OSWD, which uses a link to the CSS file.
> I added the CSS file to the project tree, and saved it into the same
> directory as the project files. However the preview does not pick up the
> styles.
> Where do I save the stylesheet in order for Quanta to use it? If i test the
> index.html and the CSS file in the server root the page renders with
> styles, so the link is correct.

Unfortunately external style sheets are not yet detected the same as internal
style. Thanks for reminding me something I want at the top of Andras' do
list. ;-)
> Secondly, could you recommend a book that covers web site development with
> Quanta?

Yes, but as I've been busy it will probably be at least a year before I can
get it written. We're working on other resources too like a subscription
online magazine when we can get the time and people together.
> thanks in advance,
> Lyle

Eric Laffoon - Quanta+ Team Leader
Quanta mailing list