Is your project setting set to ISO? Op ma, 20-02-2006 te 23:16 +0100, schreef Naoki Peter: > Hi > > Since I switched to Kubuntu 5.10 (x86) a few months ago, I've been > using Quanta Plus as my standard web development editor. Though I like > the program very much, there's one thing that's a little arduous: It > opens all my ISO-8859-1-files in UTF-8, so for each file I open I have > to adjust the encoding. Choosing the standard character encoding to be > ISO-8859-1 in the Quanta Settings didn't help, either. > Meanwhile I suppose that this is rather a KDE-specific problem as the > same thing happens with kate, too, whereas it doesn't happen with vim > and nano. Unfortunately I couldn't get any help on the Kubuntu Forums. > > Does anybody know how I can solve this problem? > > Many thanks in advance! > Naoki > _______________________________________________ > Quanta mailing list > > _______________________________________________ Quanta mailing list