On 1/17/06, Eric Laffoon <sequitur@kde.org> wrote:
On Tuesday 17 January 2006 12:43 am, Mark Howells wrote:
> I'm not sure whether this is a cervisia problem or Quanta but here goes.
> Whenever I try to use Quanta's CVS facilities I get the error "Sorry - CVS
> DCOP service. You have to set a local working copy directory before you can
> use this function".

Do you have a project loaded? Is your project root the same directory? Most
likely this will be a forehead slapper since Quanta loads up Cervisia with
the project directory.

Yes, I do have a project loaded - in /home/mark/testproj which is one level _above_ the directory controlled by Cervisia.  When I get home tonight I'll check out what happens when the project directory itself is CVS based. 

and of course there is no 2.4.2. ;-)

That should, of course, read 3.4.2 - doh!

