On 9/21/05, Kevin Brammer <kevlinux@gmail.com> wrote:
I noticed with Quanta if you click on "list item" it automatically
inserts a closing "</li>".  While I agree that it makes logical sense
to close it, the HTML spec says it's optional and Tidy complains when
it finds them.  Is there a different way this should be done?  Can I
tell Tidy to stop complaining about it?  :)

Tidy shouldn't complain if you use the XHTML mode, but that might open up all kinds of other warnings/errors if your document isn't XHTML.  What (if any) DTD exists in the doc?  If you are using old HTML and you can afford the effort, you should be using XHTML.  Tools like Tidy make it easy.

For reference, here is an old Tidy.conf that I used (notice it was to work with html output), with the full reference and documentation online at http://tidy.sourceforge.net/docs/quickref.html

// Name                  Current Value
// ====================  =====================
indent-spaces:            2
wrap:                     0
tab-size:                 2
char-encoding:            latin1
input-encoding:           latin1
output-encoding:          latin1
newline:                  LF
doctype:                  auto
repeated-attributes:      keep-last
alt-text:                 *
error-file:               tidy.out.err
output-file:              tidy.out
write-back:               no
markup:                   yes
show-warnings:            yes
quiet:                    no
indent:                   auto
hide-endtags:             no
input-xml:                no
output-xml:               no
output-xhtml:             no
output-html:              yes
add-xml-decl:             no
uppercase-tags:           no
uppercase-attributes:     no
bare:                     no
clean:                    yes
logical-emphasis:         no
drop-proprietary-attributes: yes
drop-font-tags:           no
drop-empty-paras:         yes
fix-bad-comments:         yes
break-before-br:          yes
split:                    no
numeric-entities:         no
quote-marks:              no
quote-nbsp:               yes
quote-ampersand:          yes
wrap-attributes:          no
wrap-script-literals:     no
wrap-sections:            yes
wrap-asp:                 yes
wrap-jste:                yes
wrap-php:                 yes
fix-backslash:            yes
indent-attributes:        no
assume-xml-procins:       no
add-xml-space:            yes
enclose-text:             no
enclose-block-text:       no
keep-time:                no
word-2000:                no
tidy-mark:                yes
gnu-emacs:                no
literal-attributes:       yes
show-body-only:           no
fix-uri:                  no
lower-literals:           yes
hide-comments:            no
indent-cdata:             no
force-output:             yes
show-errors:              6
ascii-chars:              yes
join-classes:             no
join-styles:              yes
escape-cdata:             no
language:                 EN
ncr:                      yes
output-bom:               auto
replace-color:            no
css-prefix:               Name
accessibility-check:      1
vertical-space:           no
punctuation-wrap:         no