Hello, First off, let me say thanks and kudos to the KDE Web Dev / Quanta development team for Quanta. I recently upgraded from quanta 3.1 to 3.4. Nice enhancements in 3.4! However, If I remember correctly auto-completion of HTML tags within PHP code blocks worked in 3.1. For example: Project Properties > Debugger. I could add /usr/local/lib/kde3/quantadebuggergubed.la as a valid plugin but still no Gubed support. Compiling 3.4 with no configure options provided Gubed in the normal way. Very sweet. Thanks, Don -- Dr. Don Harden harden@Gsu.EDU Department of Chemistry 564 NSC Georgia State University ph: (404) 651-3580 Atlanta, Ga. 30302 fax: (404) 651-1416 _______________________________________________ Quanta mailing list Quanta@mail.kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/quanta