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List:       python-web-sig
Subject:    [Web-SIG] "Web3" Spec (aka WSGI2)
From:       Chris McDonough <chrism () plope ! com>
Date:       2010-07-20 5:43:12
Message-ID: 1279604592.3627.38.camel () thinko
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Below is the first draft of a specification for a WSGI-like protocol
I've tentatively named "Web3".  If it's formatted poorly in this email
for you, the in-progress version of spec is also available at

Web3 is a backwards-incompatible variant of WSGI which:

- Is compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.1.

- Uses bytes to represent all environment values and application body,
  staus, and header values.

- Breaks support for asynchronous servers and applications.

- Tries to address existing problems with WSGI 1.0 (at least the ones
  I found while trolling the maillist and the WSGI site).

Much of it is a reworking of PEP 333, with significant differences from
WSGI called out in a section near the beginning.  It also contains a
"Points of Contention" section near the end that anticipates argument.

My reasoning for creating the spec was to see exactly how crappy it
would be to write to a spec that drew equivalence between Python 2
``str`` and Python 3 ``bytes`` rather than between the Python 2 ``str``
and Python 3 ``str`` equivalence promoted by most conversations here.
The answer: about as crappy.  But slightly less crappy than I feared.

Here's the spec...

Title: Python Web3 Interface
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Chris McDonough <chrism@plope.com>
Discussions-To: Python Web-SIG <web-sig@python.org>
Status: Draft
Type: Informational
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 19-Jul-2010


This document specifies a proposed second-generation standard
interface between web servers and Python web applications or

Rationale and Goals

This protocol and specification is influenced heavily by the Web
Services Gateway Interface (WSGI) 1.0 standard described in PEP 333
[1]_ .  The high-level rationale for having any standard that allows
Python-based web servers and applications to interoperate is outlined
in PEP 333.  This document essentially uses PEP 333 as a template, and
changes its wording in various places for the purpose of forming a
different standard.

Python currently boasts a wide variety of web application frameworks
which use the WSGI 1.0 protocol.  However, due to changes in the
language, the WSGI 1.0 protocol is not compatible with Python 3.  This
specification describes a standardized WSGI-like protocol that lets
Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.1+ applications communicate with web servers.
Web3 is clearly a WSGI derivative; it only uses a different name than
"WSGI" in order to indicate that it is not in any way backwards

Applications and servers which are written to this specification are
meant to work properly under Python 2.6.X, Python 2.7.X and Python
3.1+.  Neither an application nor a server that implements this
specification can be easily written which will work under Python 2
versions earlier than 2.6 nor Python 3 versions earlier than 3.1.

.. note:: whatever Python 3 version fixed
   http://bugs.python.org/issue4006 so os.environ['foo'] returns
   surrogates (ala PEP 383) when the value of 'foo' cannot be decoded
   using the current locale instead of failing with a KeyError is the
   true minimum Python 3 version.  In particular, however, Python 3.0
   is not supported.

Explicability and documentability are the main technical drivers for
the decisions made within the standard.  

Differences from WSGI

- Asynchronous applications and servers are supported more poorly by
  Web3 than by WSGI 1.0

- All protocol-specific environment names are prefixed with ``web3.``
  rather than ``wsgi.``, eg. ``web3.input`` rather than

- All values present as environment dictionary *values* are explicitly
  *bytes* instances instead of native strings.

- All values returned by an application must be bytes instances,
  including status code, header names and values, and the body.

- Wherever WSGI 1.0 referred to an ``app_iter``, this specification
  refers to a ``body``.

- No ``start_response()`` callback (and therefore no ``write()``
  callable nor ``exc_info`` data).

- The ``readline()`` function of ``web3.input`` must support a size
  hint parameter.

- No support for asynchronous applications that cannot yield a
  meaningful status code and a set of headers before beginning to
  produce a body.

- No requirement for middleware to yield an empty string if it needs
  more information from an application to produce output (e.g. no
  "Middleware Handling of Block Boundaries").

- Filelike objects passed to a "file_wrapper" must have an
  ``__iter__`` which returns bytes (never text).

- "file_wrapper": don't read the entire file unless a
  ``Content-Length`` header value has been set by the application;
  under that circumstance, the file wrapper should only
  ``Content-Length`` bytes are read from the underlying filelike

- ``QUERY_STRING``, ``SCRIPT_NAME``, ``PATH_INFO`` values required to
  be placed in environ by server (each as the empty bytes instance if
  no associated value is received in the HTTP request).

- ``web3.path_info`` and ``web3.script_name`` must be put into the
  WSGI environment by the origin WSGI server.  When available, each is
  the original, plain 7-bit ASCII, URL-encoded variant of its CGI
  equivalent derived directly from the request URI (with %2F segment
  markers and other meta-characters intact).

- This requirement was removed: "middleware components **must not**
  block iteration waiting for multiple values from an application
  iterable.  If the middleware needs to accumulate more data from the
  application before it can produce any output, it **must** yield an
  empty string."

- ``SERVER_PORT`` must be a bytes instance (not an integer).

Specification Overview

The Web3 interface has two sides: the "server" or "gateway" side, and
the "application" or "framework" side.  The server side invokes a
callable object that is provided by the application side.  The
specifics of how that object is provided are up to the server or
gateway.  It is assumed that some servers or gateways will require an
application's deployer to write a short script to create an instance
of the server or gateway, and supply it with the application object.
Other servers and gateways may use configuration files or other
mechanisms to specify where an application object should be imported
from, or otherwise obtained.

In addition to "pure" servers/gateways and applications/frameworks,
it is also possible to create "middleware" components that implement
both sides of this specification.  Such components act as an
application to their containing server, and as a server to a
contained application, and can be used to provide extended APIs,
content transformation, navigation, and other useful functions.

Throughout this specification, we will use the term "a callable" to
mean "a function, method, class, or an instance with a ``__call__``
method".  It is up to the server, gateway, or application implementing
the callable to choose the appropriate implementation technique for
their needs.  Conversely, a server, gateway, or application that is
invoking a callable **must not** have any dependency on what kind of
callable was provided to it.  Callables are only to be called, not
introspected upon.

The Application/Framework Side

The application object is simply a callable object that accepts one
argument.  The term "object" should not be misconstrued as requiring
an actual object instance: a function, method, class, or instance with
a ``__call__`` method are all acceptable for use as an application
object.  Application objects must be able to be invoked more than
once, as virtually all servers/gateways (other than CGI) will make
such repeated requests.

(Note: although we refer to it as an "application" object, this should
not be construed to mean that application developers will use Web3 as
a web programming API.  It is assumed that application developers will
continue to use existing, high-level framework services to develop
their applications.  Web3 is a tool for framework and server
developers, and is not intended to directly support application

Here are two example application objects; one is a function, and the
other is a class::

    def simple_app(environ):
        """Simplest possible application object"""
        status = b'200 OK'
        headers = [(b'Content-type', b'text/plain')]
        body = [b'Hello world!\n']
        return status, headers, body

    class AppClass:
        """Produce the same output, but using a class.

        (Note: 'AppClass' is the "application" here, so calling it
        returns an instance of 'AppClass', which is then the return
        value of the "application callable" as required by the spec.
        If we wanted to use *instances* of 'AppClass' as application
        objects instead, we would have to implement a '__call__'
        method, which would be invoked to execute the application,
        and we would need to create an instance for use by the
        server or gateway.
        def __init__(self, environ):
            self.environ = environ

        def __iter__(self):
            status = b'200 OK'
            headers = [(b'Content-type', b'text/plain')]
            body = [b'Hello world!\n']
            yield status
            yield headers
            yield body

The Server/Gateway Side

The server or gateway invokes the application callable once for each
request it receives from an HTTP client, that is directed at the
application.  To illustrate, here is a simple CGI gateway, implemented
as a function taking an application object.  Note that this simple
example has limited error handling, because by default an uncaught
exception will be dumped to ``sys.stderr`` and logged by the web


    import locale
    import os
    import sys

    encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()

    stdout = sys.stdout

    if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer'):
        # Python 3 compatibility; we need to be able to push bytes out
        stdout = sys.stdout.buffer

    def get_environ():
        d = {}
        for k, v in os.environ.items():
            # Python 3 compatibility
            if not insinstance(v, bytes):
                # We must explicitly encode the string to bytes under 
                # Python 3.1+
                v = v.encode(encoding, 'surrogateescape')
            d[k] = v
        return d

    def run_with_cgi(application):

        environ = get_environ()
        environ['web3.input']        = sys.stdin
        environ['web3.errors']       = sys.stderr
        environ['web3.version']      = (1,0)
        environ['web3.multithread']  = False
        environ['web3.multiprocess'] = True
        environ['web3.run_once']     = True

        if environ.get('HTTPS', b'off') in (b'on', b'1'):
            environ['web3.url_scheme'] = b'https'
            environ['web3.url_scheme'] = b'http'

        status, headers, body = application(environ)

        CLRF = b'\r\n'

            stdout.write(b'Status: ' + status + CRLF)
            for header_name, header_val in headers:
                stdout.write(header_name + b': ' + header_val + CRLF)
            for chunk in body:
            if hasattr(body, 'close'):

Middleware: Components that Play Both Sides

Note that a single object may play the role of a server with respect
to some application(s), while also acting as an application with
respect to some server(s).  Such "middleware" components can perform
such functions as:

* Routing a request to different application objects based on the
  target URL, after rewriting the ``environ`` accordingly.

* Allowing multiple applications or frameworks to run side-by-side in
  the same process

* Load balancing and remote processing, by forwarding requests and
  responses over a network

* Perform content postprocessing, such as applying XSL stylesheets

The presence of middleware in general is transparent to both the
"server/gateway" and the "application/framework" sides of the
interface, and should require no special support.  A user who desires
to incorporate middleware into an application simply provides the
middleware component to the server, as if it were an application, and
configures the middleware component to invoke the application, as if
the middleware component were a server.  Of course, the "application"
that the middleware wraps may in fact be another middleware component
wrapping another application, and so on, creating what is referred to
as a "middleware stack".

For the most part, middleware must conform to the restrictions and
requirements of both the server and application sides of Web3.  In
some cases, however, requirements for middleware are more stringent
than for a "pure" server or application, and these points will be
noted in the specification.

Here is a (tongue-in-cheek) example of a middleware component that
converts ``text/plain`` responses to pig latin, using Joe Strout's
``piglatin.py``.  (Note: a "real" middleware component would probably
use a more robust way of checking the content type, and should also
check for a content encoding.  Also, this simple example ignores the
possibility that a word might be split across a block boundary.)


    from piglatin import piglatin
    class LatinIter:

        """Transform iterated output to piglatin."""

        def __init__(self, result):
            if hasattr(result,'close'):
                self.close = result.close
            self.result = result
            self._next = iter(result).next

        def __iter__(self):
            return self

        def next(self):
            text = str(self._next(), 'utf-8')
            return piglatin(text).encode('utf-8')

    class Latinator:

        def __init__(self, application):
            self.application = application

        def __call__(self, environ):
            status, headers, body = self.application(environ)
            for name, value in headers:
                if name.lower() == b'content-type' and value == b'text/plain':
                    body = LatinIter(body)
                    # Strip content-length if present, else it'll be wrong
                    headers = [(name, value) for name, value in headers
                               if name.lower() != b'content-length']

            return status, headers, body
    # Run foo_app under a Latinator's control, using the example CGI gateway
    from foo_app import foo_app

Specification Details

The application object must accept one positional argument.  For the
sake of illustration, we have named it ``environ``, but it is not
required to have this name.  A server or gateway **must** invoke the
application object using a positional (not keyword) argument.
(E.g. by calling ``status, headers, body = application(environ)`` as
shown above.)

The ``environ`` parameter is a dictionary object, containing CGI-style
environment variables.  This object **must** be a builtin Python
dictionary (*not* a subclass, ``UserDict`` or other dictionary
emulation), and the application is allowed to modify the dictionary in
any way it desires.  The dictionary must also include certain
Web3-required variables (described in a later section), and may also
include server-specific extension variables, named according to a
convention that will be described below.

When called by the server, the application object must return an
iterable yielding three elements: ``status``, ``headers`` and

The ``status`` element is a status in bytes of the form ``b'999
Message here'``.

``headers`` is a Python list of ``(header_name, header_value)`` pairs
describing the HTTP response header.  The ``headers`` structure must
be a literal Python list; it should yield two-tuples.  Both
``header_name`` and ``header_value`` must be bytes values.

The ``body`` is an iterable yielding zero or more bytes instances.
This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, such as by returning a
list containing bytes instances as ``body``, or by returning a
generator function as ``body`` that yields bytes instances, or by the
``body`` being a class whose instances are iterable.  Regardless of
how it is accomplished, the application object must always return a
``body`` iterable yielding zero or more bytes instances.

The server or gateway must transmit the yielded bytes to the client in
an unbuffered fashion, completing the transmission of each set of
bytes before requesting another one.  (In other words, applications
**should** perform their own buffering.  See the `Buffering and
Streaming`_ section below for more on how application output must be

The server or gateway should treat the yielded bytes as binary byte
sequences: in particular, it should ensure that line endings are not
altered.  The application is responsible for ensuring that the
string(s) to be written are in a format suitable for the client.  (The
server or gateway **may** apply HTTP transfer encodings, or perform
other transformations for the purpose of implementing HTTP features
such as byte-range transmission.  See `Other HTTP Features`_, below,
for more details.)

If a call to ``len(body)`` succeeds, the server must be able to rely
on the result being accurate.  That is, if the ``body`` iterable
returned by the application provides a working ``__len__()`` method,
it **must** return an accurate result.  (See the `Handling the
Content-Length Header`_ section for information on how this would
normally be used.)

If the ``body`` iterable returned by the application has a ``close()``
method, the server or gateway **must** call that method upon
completion of the current request, whether the request was completed
normally, or terminated early due to an error.  (This is to support
resource release by the application.  This protocol is intended to
complement PEP 325's generator support, and other common iterables
with ``close()`` methods.

Finally, servers and gateways **must not** directly use any other
attributes of the ``body`` iterable returned by the application,
unless it is an instance of a type specific to that server or gateway,
such as a "file wrapper" returned by ``web3.file_wrapper`` (see
`Optional Platform-Specific File Handling`_).  In the general case,
only attributes specified here, or accessed via e.g. the PEP 234
iteration APIs are acceptable.

``environ`` Variables

The ``environ`` dictionary is required to contain various CGI
environment variables, as defined by the Common Gateway Interface
specification [2]_.

The following CGI variables **must** be present.  Each key is a native
string.  Each value is a bytes instance.

.. note:: In Python 3.1+, a "native string" is a ``str`` type decoded
   using the ``surrogateescape`` error handler, as done by
   ``os.environ.__getitem__``.  In Python 2.6 and 2.7, a "native
   string" is a ``str`` types representing a set of bytes.

  The HTTP request method, such as ``"GET"`` or ``"POST"``.

  The initial portion of the request URL's "path" that corresponds to
  the application object, so that the application knows its virtual
  "location".  This may be the empty bytes instance if the application
  corresponds to the "root" of the server.  SCRIPT_NAME will be a
  bytes instance representing a sequence of URL-encoded segments
  separated by the slash character (``/``).

  The remainder of the request URL's "path", designating the virtual
  "location" of the request's target within the application.  This
  **may** be a bytes instance if the request URL targets the
  application root and does not have a trailing slash.  PATH_INFO will
  be a bytes instance representing a sequence of URL-encoded segments
  separated by the slash character (``/``).

  The non-URL-decoded ``PATH_INFO`` value.

  Through a historical inequity, by virtue of the CGI specification,
  ``PATH_INFO`` is present within the environment as an already
  URL-decoded string.    This is the original URL-encoded value.

  The portion of the request URL (in bytes) that follows the ``"?"``,
  if any, or the empty bytes instance.

  When combined with ``SCRIPT_NAME`` and ``PATH_INFO`` (or their raw
  equivalents)`, these variables can be used to complete the URL.
  Note, however, that ``HTTP_HOST``, if present, should be used in
  preference to ``SERVER_NAME`` for reconstructing the request URL.
  See the `URL Reconstruction`_ section below for more detail.
  ``SERVER_PORT`` should be a bytes instance, not an integer.

  The version of the protocol the client used to send the request.
  Typically this will be something like ``"HTTP/1.0"`` or ``"HTTP/1.1"``
  and may be used by the application to determine how to treat any
  HTTP request headers.  (This variable should probably be called
  ``REQUEST_PROTOCOL``, since it denotes the protocol used in the
  request, and is not necessarily the protocol that will be used in the
  server's response.  However, for compatibility with CGI we have to
  keep the existing name.)

The following CGI values **may** present be in the Web3 environment.
Each key is a native string.  Each value is a bytes instances.

  The contents of any ``Content-Type`` fields in the HTTP request.

  The contents of any ``Content-Length`` fields in the HTTP request.

``HTTP_`` Variables
  Variables corresponding to the client-supplied HTTP request headers
  (i.e., variables whose names begin with ``"HTTP_"``).  The presence or
  absence of these variables should correspond with the presence or
  absence of the appropriate HTTP header in the request.

A server or gateway **should** attempt to provide as many other CGI
variables as are applicable, each with a string for its key and a
bytes instance for its value.  In addition, if SSL is in use, the
server or gateway **should** also provide as many of the Apache SSL
environment variables [5]_ as are applicable, such as ``HTTPS=on`` and
``SSL_PROTOCOL``.  Note, however, that an application that uses any
CGI variables other than the ones listed above are necessarily
non-portable to web servers that do not support the relevant
extensions.  (For example, web servers that do not publish files will
not be able to provide a meaningful ``DOCUMENT_ROOT`` or

A Web3-compliant server or gateway **should** document what variables
it provides, along with their definitions as appropriate.
Applications **should** check for the presence of any variables they
require, and have a fallback plan in the event such a variable is

Note that CGI-defined variable values must be bytes instances, if they
are present at all.  It is a violation of this specification for a CGI
variable's value to be of any type other than ``bytes``.  On Python 2,
this means they will be of type ``str``.  On Python 2, this means they
will be of type ``bytes``.

In addition to the CGI-defined variables, the ``environ`` dictionary
**may** also contain arbitrary operating-system "environment
variables", and **must** contain the following Web3-defined variables.

=====================  ===============================================
Variable               Value
=====================  ===============================================
``web3.version``       The tuple ``(1,0)``, representing Web3
                       version 1.0.

``web3.url_scheme``    A bytes value representing the "scheme" portion of
                       the URL at which the application is being 
                       invoked.  Normally, this will have the value
                       ``b"http"`` or ``b"https"``, as appropriate.

``web3.input``         An input stream (file-like object) from which bytes
                       constituting the HTTP request body can be read.
                       (The server or gateway may perform reads
                       on-demand as requested by the application, or
                       it may pre- read the client's request body and
                       buffer it in-memory or on disk, or use any
                       other technique for providing such an input
                       stream, according to its preference.)

``web3.errors``        An output stream (file-like object) to which error
                       output text can be written, for the purpose of
                       recording program or other errors in a
                       standardized and possibly centralized location.
                       This should be a "text mode" stream; i.e.,
                       applications should use ``"\n"`` as a line
                       ending, and assume that it will be converted to
                       the correct line ending by the server/gateway.
                       Applications may *not* send bytes to the
                       'write' method of this stream; they may only
                       send text.

                       For many servers, ``web3.errors`` will be the
                       server's main error log. Alternatively, this
                       may be ``sys.stderr``, or a log file of some
                       sort.  The server's documentation should
                       include an explanation of how to configure this
                       or where to find the recorded output.  A server
                       or gateway may supply different error streams
                       to different applications, if this is desired.

``web3.multithread``   This value should evaluate true if the 
                       application object may be simultaneously
                       invoked by another thread in the same process,
                       and should evaluate false otherwise.

``web3.multiprocess``  This value should evaluate true if an 
                       equivalent application object may be 
                       simultaneously invoked by another process,
                       and should evaluate false otherwise.

``web3.run_once``      This value should evaluate true if the server
                       or gateway expects (but does not guarantee!)
                       that the application will only be invoked this
                       one time during the life of its containing
                       process.  Normally, this will only be true for
                       a gateway based on CGI (or something similar).

``web3.script_name``   The non-URL-decoded ``SCRIPT_NAME`` value.
                       Through a historical inequity, by virtue of the
                       CGI specification, ``SCRIPT_NAME`` is present
                       within the environment as an already
                       URL-decoded string.  This is the original
                       URL-encoded value derived from the request URI.

``web3.path_info``     The non-URL-decoded ``PATH_INFO`` value.
                       Through a historical inequity, by virtue of the
                       CGI specification, ``PATH_INFO`` is present
                       within the environment as an already
                       URL-decoded string.  This is the original
                       URL-encoded value derived from the request URI.

=====================  ===============================================

Finally, the ``environ`` dictionary may also contain server-defined
variables.  These variables should have names which are strings,
composed of only lower-case letters, numbers, dots, and underscores,
and should be prefixed with a name that is unique to the defining
server or gateway.  For example, ``mod_python`` might define variables
with names like ``mod_python.some_variable``.  

Input Stream

The input stream (``web3.input``) provided by the server must support
the following methods:

===================   ========
Method                Notes
===================   ========
``read(size)``        1,4
``readline([size])``  1,2,4
``readlines([size])`` 1,3,4
``__iter__()``        4
===================   ========

The semantics of each method are as documented in the Python Library
Reference, except for these notes as listed in the table above:

1. The server is not required to read past the client's specified
   ``Content-Length``, and is allowed to simulate an end-of-file
   condition if the application attempts to read past that point.
   The application **should not** attempt to read more data than is
   specified by the ``CONTENT_LENGTH`` variable.

2. The implementation must support the optional ``size`` argument to

3. The application is free to not supply a ``size`` argument to
   ``readlines()``, and the server or gateway is free to ignore the
   value of any supplied ``size`` argument.

4. The ``read``, ``readline`` and ``__iter__`` methods must return a
   bytes instance.  The ``readlines`` method must return a sequence
   which contains instances of bytes.

The methods listed in the table above **must** be supported by all
servers conforming to this specification.  Applications conforming to
this specification **must not** use any other methods or attributes of
the ``input`` object.  In particular, applications **must not**
attempt to close this stream, even if it possesses a ``close()``

Error Stream

The error stream (``web3.errors``) provided by the server must support
the following methods:

===================   ==========  ========
Method                Stream      Notes
===================   ==========  ========
``flush()``           ``errors``  1
``write(str)``        ``errors``  2
``writelines(seq)``   ``errors``  2
===================   ==========  ========

The semantics of each method are as documented in the Python Library
Reference, except for these notes as listed in the table above:

1. Since the ``errors`` stream may not be rewound, servers and
   gateways are free to forward write operations immediately, without
   buffering.  In this case, the ``flush()`` method may be a no-op.
   Portable applications, however, cannot assume that output is
   unbuffered or that ``flush()`` is a no-op.  They must call
   ``flush()`` if they need to ensure that output has in fact been
   written.  (For example, to minimize intermingling of data from
   multiple processes writing to the same error log.)

2. The ``write()`` method must accept a string argument, but needn't
   necessarily accept a bytes argument.  The ``writelines()`` method
   must accept a sequence argument that consists entirely of strings,
   but needn't necessarily accept any bytes instance as a member of
   the sequence.

The methods listed in the table above **must** be supported by all
servers conforming to this specification.  Applications conforming to
this specification **must not** use any other methods or attributes of
the ``errors`` object.  In particular, applications **must not**
attempt to close this stream, even if it possesses a ``close()``

Values Returned by A Web3 Application

Web3 applications return an iterable in the form (``status``,
``headers``, ``body``).  The return value can be any iterable type
that returns exactly three values.

The ``status`` value is assumed by a gateway or server to be an HTTP
"status" bytes instance like ``b'200 OK'`` or ``b'404 Not Found'``.
That is, it is a string consisting of a Status-Code and a
Reason-Phrase, in that order and separated by a single space, with no
surrounding whitespace or other characters.  (See RFC 2616, Section
6.1.1 for more information.)  The string **must not** contain control
characters, and must not be terminated with a carriage return,
linefeed, or combination thereof.

The ``headers`` value is assumed by a gateway or server to be a
literal Python list of ``(header_name, header_value)`` tuples.  Each
``header_name`` must be a bytes instance representing a valid HTTP
header field-name (as defined by RFC 2616, Section 4.2), without a
trailing colon or other punctuation.  Each ``header_value`` must be a
bytes instance and **must not** include any control characters,
including carriage returns or linefeeds, either embedded or at the
end.  (These requirements are to minimize the complexity of any
parsing that must be performed by servers, gateways, and intermediate
response processors that need to inspect or modify response headers.)

In general, the server or gateway is responsible for ensuring that
correct headers are sent to the client: if the application omits
a header required by HTTP (or other relevant specifications that are in
effect), the server or gateway **must** add it.  For example, the HTTP
``Date:`` and ``Server:`` headers would normally be supplied by the
server or gateway.

(A reminder for server/gateway authors: HTTP header names are
case-insensitive, so be sure to take that into consideration when
examining application-supplied headers!)

Applications and middleware are forbidden from using HTTP/1.1
"hop-by-hop" features or headers, any equivalent features in HTTP/1.0,
or any headers that would affect the persistence of the client's
connection to the web server.  These features are the exclusive
province of the actual web server, and a server or gateway **should**
consider it a fatal error for an application to attempt sending them,
and raise an error if they are supplied as return values from an
application in the ``headers`` structure.  (For more specifics on
"hop-by-hop" features and headers, please see the `Other HTTP
Features`_ section below.)

Handling the ``Content-Length`` Header

If the application does not supply a ``Content-Length`` header, a
server or gateway may choose one of several approaches to handling it.
The simplest of these is to close the client connection when the
response is completed.  Under some circumstances, however, the server
or gateway may be able to either generate a ``Content-Length`` header,
or at least avoid the need to close the client connection.

If the application returns a ``body`` iterable whose ``len()`` is 1,
then the server can automatically determine ``Content-Length`` by
taking the length of the first string yielded by the iterable.

If the server and client both support HTTP/1.1 "chunked encoding"
[3]_, then the server **may** use chunked encoding to send a chunk for
each string yielded by the ``body`` iterable, thus generating a
``Content-Length`` header for each chunk.  This allows the server to
keep the client connection alive, if it wishes to do so.  Note that
the server **must** comply fully with RFC 2616 when doing this, or
else fall back to one of the other strategies for dealing with the
absence of ``Content-Length``.

(Note: applications and middleware **must not** apply any kind of
``Transfer-Encoding`` to their output, such as chunking or gzipping;
as "hop-by-hop" operations, these encodings are the province of the 
actual web server/gateway.  See `Other HTTP Features`_ below, for
more details.)

Dealing with Compatibility Across Python Versions

Creating Web3 code that runs under both Python 2.6/2.7 and Python 3.1+
requires some care on the part of the developer.  In general, the Web3
specification assumes a certain level of equivalence between the
Python 2 ``str`` type and the Python 3 ``bytes`` type.  For example,
under Python 2, the values present in the Web3 ``environ`` will be
instances of the ``str`` type; in Python 3, these will be instances of
the ``bytes`` type.  The Python 3 ``bytes`` type does not possess all
the methods of the Python 2 ``str`` type, and some methods which it
does possess behave differently than the Python 2 ``str`` type.
Effectively, to ensure that Web3 middleware and applications work
across Python versions, developers must do these things:

#) Do not assume comparison equivalence between text values and bytes
   values.  If you do so, your code may work under Python 2, but it
   will not work properly under Python 3.  For example, don't write
   ``somebytes == 'abc'``.  This will sometimes be true on Python 2
   but it will never be true on Python 3, because a sequence of bytes
   never compares equal to a string under Python 3.  Instead, always
   compare a bytes value with a bytes value, e.g. "somebytes ==
   b'abc'".  Code which does this is compatible with and works the
   same in Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.1.  The ``b`` in front of ``'abc'``
   signals to Python 3 that the value is a literal bytes instance;
   under Python 2 it's a forward compatibility placebo.

#) Don't use the ``__contains__`` method (directly or indirectly) of
   items that are meant to be byteslike without ensuring that its
   argument is also a bytes instance.  If you do so, your code may
   work under Python 2, but it will not work properly under Python 3.
   For example, ``'abc' in somebytes'`` will raise a ``TypeError``
   under Python 3, but it will return ``True`` under Python 2.6 and
   2.7.  However, ``b'abc' in somebytes`` will work the same on both

#) Dont try to use the ``format`` method or the ``__mod__`` method of
   instances of bytes (directly or indirectly).  In Python 2, the
   ``str`` type which we treat equivalently to Python 3's ``bytes``
   supports these method but actual Python 3's ``bytes`` instances
   don't support these methods.  If you use these methods, your code
   will work under Python 2, but not under Python 3.

#) Do not try to concatenate a bytes value with a string value.  This
   may work under Python 2, but it will not work under Python 3.  For
   example, doing ``'abc' + somebytes`` will work under Python 2, but
   it will result in a ``TypeError`` under Python 3.  Instead, always
   make sure you're concatenating two items of the same type,
   e.g. ``b'abc' + somebytes``.

Web3 expects byte values in other places, such as in all the values
returned by an application.

In short, to ensure compatibility of Web3 application code between
Python 2 and Python 3, in Python 2, treat CGI and server variable
values in the environment as if they had the Python 3 ``bytes`` API
even though they actually have a more capable API.  Likewise for all
stringlike values returned by a Web3 application.

Buffering and Streaming

Generally speaking, applications will achieve the best throughput by
buffering their (modestly-sized) output and sending it all at once.
This is a common approach in existing frameworks: the output is
buffered in a StringIO or similar object, then transmitted all at
once, along with the response headers.

The corresponding approach in Web3 is for the application to simply
return a single-element ``body`` iterable (such as a list) containing
the response body as a single string.  This is the recommended
approach for the vast majority of application functions, that render
HTML pages whose text easily fits in memory.

For large files, however, or for specialized uses of HTTP streaming
(such as multipart "server push"), an application may need to provide
output in smaller blocks (e.g. to avoid loading a large file into 
memory).  It's also sometimes the case that part of a response may
be time-consuming to produce, but it would be useful to send ahead the
portion of the response that precedes it.

In these cases, applications will usually return a ``body`` iterator
(often a generator-iterator) that produces the output in a
block-by-block fashion.  These blocks may be broken to coincide with
mulitpart boundaries (for "server push"), or just before
time-consuming tasks (such as reading another block of an on-disk

Web3 servers, gateways, and middleware **must not** delay the 
transmission of any block; they **must** either fully transmit
the block to the client, or guarantee that they will continue
transmission even while the application is producing its next block.
A server/gateway or middleware may provide this guarantee in one of
three ways:

1. Send the entire block to the operating system (and request 
   that any O/S buffers be flushed) before returning control
   to the application, OR
2. Use a different thread to ensure that the block continues
   to be transmitted while the application produces the next
3. (Middleware only) send the entire block to its parent

By providing this guarantee, Web3 allows applications to ensure
that transmission will not become stalled at an arbitrary point
in their output data.  This is critical for proper functioning
of e.g. multipart "server push" streaming, where data between
multipart boundaries should be transmitted in full to the client.

Unicode Issues

HTTP does not directly support Unicode, and neither does this
interface.  All encoding/decoding must be handled by the
**application**; all values passed to or from the server must be of
the Python 3 type ``bytes`` or instances of the Python 2 type ``str``,
not Python 2 ``unicode`` or Python 3 ``str`` objects.  

All "bytes instances" referred to in this specification

- On Python 2, be of type ``str``.

- On Python 3, be of type ``bytes``.

All "bytes instances" **must not** :

- On Python 2,  be of type ``unicode``.

- On Python 3, be of type ``str``.

The result of using a textlike object where a byteslike object is
required is undefined.

Values returned from a Web3 app as a status or as response headers
**must** follow RFC 2616 with respect to encoding.  That is, the bytes
returned must contain a character stream of ISO-8859-1 characters, or
the character stream should use RFC 2047 MIME encoding.

On Python platforms which do not have a native bytes-like type
(e.g. Jython, IronPython, etc.), but instead which generally use
textlike strings to represent bytes data, the definition of "bytes
instance" can be changed: their "bytes instances" must be native
strings that contain only code points representable in ISO-8859-1
encoding (``\u0000`` through ``\u00FF``, inclusive).  It is a fatal
error for an application on such a platform to supply strings
containing any other Unicode character or code point.  Similarly,
servers and gateways on those platforms **must not** supply strings to
an application containing any other Unicode characters.

HTTP 1.1 Expect/Continue

Servers and gateways that implement HTTP 1.1 **must** provide 
transparent support for HTTP 1.1's "expect/continue" mechanism.  This
may be done in any of several ways:

1. Respond to requests containing an ``Expect: 100-continue`` request
   with an immediate "100 Continue" response, and proceed normally.

2. Proceed with the request normally, but provide the application
   with a ``web3.input`` stream that will send the "100 Continue"
   response if/when the application first attempts to read from the
   input stream.  The read request must then remain blocked until the
   client responds.
3. Wait until the client decides that the server does not support
   expect/continue, and sends the request body on its own.  (This
   is suboptimal, and is not recommended.)

Note that these behavior restrictions do not apply for HTTP 1.0
requests, or for requests that are not directed to an application
object.  For more information on HTTP 1.1 Expect/Continue, see RFC
2616, sections 8.2.3 and 10.1.1.

Other HTTP Features

In general, servers and gateways should "play dumb" and allow the
application complete control over its output.  They should only make
changes that do not alter the effective semantics of the application's
response.  It is always possible for the application developer to add
middleware components to supply additional features, so server/gateway
developers should be conservative in their implementation.  In a sense,
a server should consider itself to be like an HTTP "gateway server",
with the application being an HTTP "origin server".  (See RFC 2616,
section 1.3, for the definition of these terms.)

However, because Web3 servers and applications do not communicate via 
HTTP, what RFC 2616 calls "hop-by-hop" headers do not apply to Web3
internal communications.  Web3 applications **must not** generate any
"hop-by-hop" headers [4]_, attempt to use HTTP features that would
require them to generate such headers, or rely on the content of
any incoming "hop-by-hop" headers in the ``environ`` dictionary.
Web3 servers **must** handle any supported inbound "hop-by-hop" headers
on their own, such as by decoding any inbound ``Transfer-Encoding``,
including chunked encoding if applicable.

Applying these principles to a variety of HTTP features, it should be 
clear that a server **may** handle cache validation via the
``If-None-Match`` and ``If-Modified-Since`` request headers and the
``Last-Modified`` and ``ETag`` response headers.  However, it is
not required to do this, and the application **should** perform its
own cache validation if it wants to support that feature, since
the server/gateway is not required to do such validation.

Similarly, a server **may** re-encode or transport-encode an
application's response, but the application **should** use a
suitable content encoding on its own, and **must not** apply a 
transport encoding.  A server **may** transmit byte ranges of the
application's response if requested by the client, and the 
application doesn't natively support byte ranges.  Again, however,
the application **should** perform this function on its own if desired.

Note that these restrictions on applications do not necessarily mean
that every application must reimplement every HTTP feature; many HTTP
features can be partially or fully implemented by middleware
components, thus freeing both server and application authors from
implementing the same features over and over again.
Thread Support

Thread support, or lack thereof, is also server-dependent.
Servers that can run multiple requests in parallel, **should** also
provide the option of running an application in a single-threaded
fashion, so that applications or frameworks that are not thread-safe
may still be used with that server.

Implementation/Application Notes

Server Extension APIs

Some server authors may wish to expose more advanced APIs, that
application or framework authors can use for specialized purposes.
For example, a gateway based on ``mod_python`` might wish to expose
part of the Apache API as a Web3 extension.

In the simplest case, this requires nothing more than defining an
``environ`` variable, such as ``mod_python.some_api``.  But, in many
cases, the possible presence of middleware can make this difficult.
For example, an API that offers access to the same HTTP headers that
are found in ``environ`` variables, might return different data if
``environ`` has been modified by middleware.

In general, any extension API that duplicates, supplants, or bypasses
some portion of Web3 functionality runs the risk of being incompatible
with middleware components.  Server/gateway developers should *not*
assume that nobody will use middleware, because some framework
developers specifically organize their frameworks to function almost
entirely as middleware of various kinds.

So, to provide maximum compatibility, servers and gateways that
provide extension APIs that replace some Web3 functionality, **must**
design those APIs so that they are invoked using the portion of the
API that they replace.  For example, an extension API to access HTTP
request headers must require the application to pass in its current
``environ``, so that the server/gateway may verify that HTTP headers
accessible via the API have not been altered by middleware.  If the
extension API cannot guarantee that it will always agree with
``environ`` about the contents of HTTP headers, it must refuse service
to the application, e.g. by raising an error, returning ``None``
instead of a header collection, or whatever is appropriate to the API.

These guidelines also apply to middleware that adds information such
as parsed cookies, form variables, sessions, and the like to
``environ``.  Specifically, such middleware should provide these
features as functions which operate on ``environ``, rather than simply
stuffing values into ``environ``.  This helps ensure that information
is calculated from ``environ`` *after* any middleware has done any URL
rewrites or other ``environ`` modifications.

It is very important that these "safe extension" rules be followed by
both server/gateway and middleware developers, in order to avoid a
future in which middleware developers are forced to delete any and all
extension APIs from ``environ`` to ensure that their mediation isn't
being bypassed by applications using those extensions!

Application Configuration

This specification does not define how a server selects or obtains an
application to invoke.  These and other configuration options are
highly server-specific matters.  It is expected that server/gateway
authors will document how to configure the server to execute a
particular application object, and with what options (such as
threading options).

Framework authors, on the other hand, should document how to create an
application object that wraps their framework's functionality.  The
user, who has chosen both the server and the application framework,
must connect the two together.  However, since both the framework and
the server have a common interface, this should be merely a mechanical
matter, rather than a significant engineering effort for each new
server/framework pair.

Finally, some applications, frameworks, and middleware may wish to use
the ``environ`` dictionary to receive simple string configuration
options.  Servers and gateways **should** support this by allowing an
application's deployer to specify name-value pairs to be placed in
``environ``.  In the simplest case, this support can consist merely of
copying all operating system-supplied environment variables from
``os.environ`` into the ``environ`` dictionary, since the deployer in
principle can configure these externally to the server, or in the CGI
case they may be able to be set via the server's configuration files.

Applications **should** try to keep such required variables to a
minimum, since not all servers will support easy configuration of
them.  Of course, even in the worst case, persons deploying an
application can create a script to supply the necessary configuration

   from the_app import application
   def new_app(environ):
       environ['the_app.configval1'] = 'something'
       return application(environ)

But, most existing applications and frameworks will probably only need
a single configuration value from ``environ``, to indicate the location
of their application or framework-specific configuration file(s).  (Of
course, applications should cache such configuration, to avoid having
to re-read it upon each invocation.)

URL Reconstruction

If an application wishes to reconstruct a request's complete URL (as a
bytes object), it may do so using the following algorithm:

    host = environ.get('HTTP_HOST')

    scheme = environ['web3.url_scheme']
    port = environ['SERVER_PORT']
    query = environ['QUERY_STRING']

    url = scheme + b'://'

    if host:
        url += host
        url += environ['SERVER_NAME']

        if scheme == b'https':
            if port != b'443':
               url += ':' + port
            if port != b'80':
               url += ':' + port

    url += environ['web3.script_name']
    url += environ['web3.path_info']
    if query:
        url += '?' + query

Note that such a reconstructed URL may not be precisely the same URI
as requested by the client.  Server rewrite rules, for example, may
have modified the client's originally requested URL to place it in a
canonical form.

Optional Platform-Specific File Handling

Some operating environments provide special high-performance file-
transmission facilities, such as the Unix ``sendfile()`` call.
Servers and gateways **may** expose this functionality via an optional
``web3.file_wrapper`` key in the ``environ``.  An application **may**
use this "file wrapper" to convert a file or file-like object into the
``body`` iterable that it then returns, e.g.::

    if 'web3.file_wrapper' in environ:
        body = environ['web3.file_wrapper'](filelike, block_size)
        body = iter(lambda: filelike.read(block_size), '')

If the server or gateway supplies ``web3.file_wrapper``, it must be a
callable that accepts one required positional parameter, and one
optional positional parameter.  The first parameter is the file-like
object to be sent, and the second parameter is an optional block size
"suggestion" (which the server/gateway need not use).  The callable
**must** return an iterable object, and **must not** perform any data
transmission until and unless the server/gateway actually receives the
iterable as a return value from the application.  (To do otherwise
would prevent middleware from being able to interpret or override the
response data.)

To be considered "file-like", the object supplied by the application
must have a ``read()`` method that takes an optional size argument.
The ``read()`` method of the object must return *bytes*, never *text*.
It **may** have a ``close()`` method, and if so, the iterable returned
by ``web3.file_wrapper`` **must** have a ``close()`` method that
invokes the original file-like object's ``close()`` method.  If the
"file-like" object has any other methods or attributes with names
matching those of Python built-in file objects (e.g. ``fileno()``),
the ``web3.file_wrapper`` **may** assume that these methods or
attributes have the same semantics as those of a built-in file object.

The actual implementation of any platform-specific file handling
must occur **after** the application returns, and the server or
gateway checks to see if a wrapper object was returned.  (Again,
because of the presence of middleware, error handlers, and the like,
it is not guaranteed that any wrapper created will actually be used.)
Apart from the handling of ``close()``, the semantics of returning a
file wrapper from the application should be the same as if the
application had returned ``iter(filelike.read, '')``.  In other words,
transmission should begin at the current position within the "file" at
the time that transmission begins, and continue until the end is
reached unless a ``Content-Length`` header value has been set by the
application; under that circumstance, only ``Content-Length`` bytes
are read from the "file".

Of course, platform-specific file transmission APIs don't usually
accept arbitrary "file-like" objects.  Therefore, a
``web3.file_wrapper`` has to introspect the supplied object for things
such as a ``fileno()`` (Unix-like OSes) or a ``java.nio.FileChannel``
(under Jython) in order to determine if the file-like object is
suitable for use with the platform-specific API it supports.

Note that even if the object is *not* suitable for the platform API,
and the ``web3.file_wrapper`` **must** still return an iterable.  The
iterable must wrap the underlying filelike object's ``close()``
method.  The iterable **may** be the underlying file object itself but
also may need to be a wrapper if the underlying filelike object is not
iterable.  Here's a simple platform-agnostic file wrapper class:

    class FileWrapper(object):
        def __init__(self, filelike, blksize=8192):
            self.filelike = filelike
            self.blksize = blksize
            if hasattr(filelike, 'close'):
                self.close = filelike.close
        def __iter__(self):
               return iter(self.filelike)
            except TypeError: # underlying filelike object not iterable
               return self

        def next(self):
            data = self.filelike.read(self.blksize)
            if data:
                return data
            raise StopIteration

and here is a snippet from a server/gateway that uses it to provide
access to a platform-specific API::

    environ['web3.file_wrapper'] = FileWrapper
    result = application(environ)
        if isinstance(result, FileWrapper):
            # check if result.filelike is usable w/platform-specific
            # API, and if so, use that API to transmit the result.
            # If not, fall through to normal iterable handling
            # loop below.

        for data in result:
            # etc.
        if hasattr(result,'close'):

Points of Contention

Outlined below are potential points of contention regarding this

WSGI 1.0 Compatibility

Components written using the WSGI 1.0 specification will not
transparently interoperate with components written using this
specification.  That's because the goals of this proposal and the
goals of WSGI 1.0 are not directly aligned.

WSGI 1.0 is obliged to provide specification-level backwards
compatibility with versions of Python between 2.2 and 2.7.  This
specification, however, ditches Python 2.5 and lower compatibility in
order to provide compatibility between relatively recent versions of
Python 2 (2.6 and 2.7) as well as relatively recent versions of Python
3 (3.1).

It is currently impossible to write components which work reliably
under both Python 2 and Python 3 using the WSGI 1.0 specification,
because the specification implicitly posits that CGI and server
variable values in the environ and values returned via
``start_response`` represent a sequence of bytes that can be addressed
using the Python 2 string API.  It posits such a thing because that
sort of data type was the sensible way to represent bytes in all
Python 2 versions, and WSGI 1.0 was conceived before Python 3 existed.

Python 3's ``str`` type supports the full API provided by the Python 2
``str`` type, but since Python 3's ``str`` type does not represent a
sequence of bytes, and instead represents text.  Therefore, using it
to represent environ values also requires that the environ byte
sequence be decoded to text via some encoding.  We cannot decode these
bytes to text (at least in any way where the decoding has any meaning
other than as a tunnelling mechanism) without widening the scope of
WSGI to include server and gateway knowledge of decoding policies and
mechanics.  WSGI 1.0 never concerned itself with encoding and
decoding.  It made statements about allowable transport values, and
suggested that various values might be best decoded as one encoding or
another, but it never required a server to *perform* any decoding

Python 3 does not have a stringlike type that can be used instead to
represent bytes: it has a ``bytes`` type.  A bytes type operates quite
a bit like a Python 2 ``str`` in Python 3.1+, but it lacks behavior
equivalent to ``str.__mod__`` and its iteration protocol, and
containment and equivalence comparisons are different.

In either case, there is no type in Python 3 that behaves just like
the Python 2 ``str`` type, and a way to create such a type doesn't
exist because there is no such thing as a "String ABC" which would
allow a suitable type to be built.  Due to this design
incompatibility, existing WSGI 1.0 servers, middleware, and
applications will not work under Python 3, even after they are run
through ``2to3``.

Existing Web-SIG discussions about updating the WSGI specification so
that it is possible to write a WSGI application that runs in both
Python 2 and Python 3 tend to revolve around creating a
specification-level equivalence between the Python 2 ``str`` type
(which represents a sequence of bytes) and the Python 3 ``str`` type
(which represents text).  Such an equivalence becomes strained in
various areas, given the different roles of these types.  An arguably
more straightforward equivalence exists between the Python 3 ``bytes``
type API and a subset of the Python 2 ``str`` type API.  This
specification exploits this subset equivalence.

In the meantime, aside from any Python 2 vs. Python 3 compatibility
issue, as various discussions on Web-SIG have pointed out, the WSGI
1.0 specification is too general, providing support for asynchronous
applications at the expense of implementation complexity.  This
specification uses the fundamental incompatibility between WSGI 1.0
and Python 3 as a natural divergence point to create a specification
with reduced complexity by removing specialized support for
asynchronous applications.

To provide backwards compatibility for older WSGI 1.0 applications, so
that they may run on a Web3 stack, it is presumed that Web3 middleware
will be created which can be used "in front" of existing WSGI 1.0
applications, allowing those existing WSGI 1.0 applications to run
under a Web3 stack.  This middleware will require, when under Python
3, an equivalence to be drawn between Python 3 ``str`` types and the
bytes values represented by the HTTP request and all the attendant
encoding-guessing (or configuration) it implies.

.. note:: Such middleware *might* in the future, instead of drawing an
   equivalnce between Python 3 ``str`` and HTTP byte values, make use
   of a yet-to-be-created "ebytes" type (aka "bytes-with-benefits"),
   particularly if a String ABC proposal is accepted into the Python
   core and implemented.

Conversely, it is presumed that WSGI 1.0 middleware will be created
which will allow a Web3 application to run behind a WSGI 1.0 stack on
the Python 2 platform.

Environ and Response Values as Bytes

Casual middleware and application writers may consider the use of
bytes as environment values and response values inconvenient.  In
particular, they won't be able to use common string formatting
functions such as ``('%s' % bytes_val)`` or
``bytes_val.format('123')`` because bytes don't have the same API as
strings on platforms such as Python 3 where the two types differ.
Likewise, on such platforms, stdlib HTTP-related API support for using
bytes interchangeably with text can be spotty.  In places where bytes
are inconvenient or incompatible with library APIs, middleware and
application writers will have to decode such bytes to text explicitly.
This is particularly inconvenient for middleware writers: to work with
environment values as strings, they'll have to decode them from an
implied encoding and if they need to mutate an environ value, they'll
then need to encode the value into a byte stream before placing it
into the environ.  While the use of bytes by the specification as
environ values might be inconvenient for casual developers, it
provides several benefits.

Using bytes types to represent HTTP and server values to an
application most closely matches reality because HTTP is fundamentally
a bytes-oriented protocol.  If the environ values are mandated to be
strings, each server will need to use heuristics to guess about the
encoding of various values provided by the HTTP environment.  Using
all strings might increase casual middleware writer convenience, but
will also lead to ambiguity and confusion when a value cannot be
decoded to a meaningful non-surrogate string.

Use of bytes as environ values avoids any potential for the need for
the specification to mandate that a participating server be informed
of encoding configuration parameters.  If environ values are treated
as strings, and so must be decoded from bytes, configuration
parameters may eventually become necessary as policy clues from the
application deployer.  Such a policy would be used to guess an
appropriate decoding strategy in various circumstances, effectively
placing the burden for enforcing a particular application encoding
policy upon the server.  If the server must serve more than one
application, such configuration would quickly become complex.  Many
policies would also be impossible to express declaratively.

In reality, HTTP is a complicated and legacy-fraught protocol that, to
make sense of, requires a complex set of heuristics.  It would be nice
if we could allow this protocol to protect us from this complexity,
but we cannot do so reliably while still providing to application
writers a level of control commensurate with reality.  Python
applications must often deal with data embedded in the environment
which not only must be parsed by legacy heuristics, but *does not
conform even to any existing HTTP specification*.  While these
eventualities are unpleasant, they crop up with regularity, making it
impossible and undesirable to hide them from application developers,
as application developers are the only people who are able to decide
upon an appropriate action when an HTTP specification violation is

Some have argued for mixed use of bytes and string values as environ
values.  This proposal avoids that strategy.  Sole use of bytes as
environ values makes it possible to fit this specification entirely in
one's head; you won't need to guess about which values are strings and
which are bytes.

This protocol would also fit in a developer's head if all environ
values were strings, but this specification doesn't use that strategy.
This will likely be the point of greatest contention regarding the use
of bytes.  In defense of bytes: developers often prefer protocols with
consistent contracts, even if the contracts themselves are suboptimal.
If we hide encoding issues from a developer until a value that
contains surrogates causes problems after it has already reached
beyond the I/O boundary of their application, they will need to do a
lot more work to fix assumptions made by their application than if we
were to just present the problem much earlier in terms of "here's some
bytes, you decode them".  This is also a counter-argument to the
"bytes are inconvenient" assumption: while presenting bytes to an
application developer may be inconvenient for a casual application
developer who doesn't care about edge cases, they are extremely
convenient for the application developer who needs to deal with
complex, dirty eventualities, because use of bytes allows him the
appropriate level of control with a clear separation of

If the protocol uses bytes, it is presumed that libraries will be
created to make working with bytes-only in the environ and within
return values more pleasant; for example, analogues of the WSGI 1.0
libraries named "WebOb" and "Werkzeug".  Such libraries will fill the
gap between convenience and control, allowing the spec to remain
simple and regular while still allowing casual authors a convenient
way to create Web3 middleware and application components.  This seems
to be a reasonable alternative to baking encoding policy into the
protocol, because many such libraries can be created independently
from the protocol, and application developers can choose the one that
provides them the appropriate levels of control and convenience for a
particular job.

Here are some alternatives to using all bytes:

- Have the server decode all values representing CGI and server
  environ values into strings using the ``latin-1`` encoding, which is
  lossless.  Smuggle any undecodable bytes within the resulting

- Encode all CGI and server environ values to strings using the
  ``utf-8`` encoding with the ``surrogateescape`` error handler.  This
  does not work under any existing Python 2.

- Encode some values into bytes and other values into strings, as
  decided by their typical usages.

Applications Should be Allowed to Read ``web3.input`` Past ``CONTENT_LENGTH``

Graham Dumpleton makes the assertion that ``wsgi.input`` should be
required to return the empty string as a signifier of out-of-data, and
that applications should be allowed to read past the number of bytes
specified in ``CONTENT_LENGTH``, depending only upon the empty string
as an EOF marker.  WSGI relies on an application "being well behaved
and once all data specified by ``CONTENT_LENGTH`` is read, that it
processes the data and returns any response. That same socket
connection could then be used for a subsequent request."  Graham would
like WSGI adapters to be required to wrap raw socket connections:
"this wrapper object will need to count how much data has been read,
and when the amount of data reaches that as defined by
``CONTENT_LENGTH``, any subsequent reads should return an empty string
instead."  This may be useful to support chunked encoding and input

``web3.input`` Unknown Length

There's no documented way to indicate that there is content in
``environ['web3.input']``, but the content length is unknown.

``read()`` of ``web3.input`` Should Support No-Size Calling Convention

Graham Dumpleton makes the assertion that the ``read()`` method of
``wsgi.input`` should be callable without arguments, and that the
result should be "all available request content".  Needs discussion.

Input Filters should set environ ``CONTENT_LENGTH`` to -1

Graham Dumpleton suggests that an input filter might set
``environ['CONTENT_LENGTH']`` to -1 to indicate that it mutated the

``headers`` as Literal List of Two-Tuples

Why do we make applications return a ``headers`` structure that is a
literal list of two-tuples?  I think the iterability of ``headers``
needs to be maintained while it moves up the stack, but I don't think
we need to be able to mutate it in place at all times.  Could we
loosen that requirement?

Removed Requirement that Middleware Not Block

This requirement was removed: "middleware components **must not**
block iteration waiting for multiple values from an application
iterable.  If the middleware needs to accumulate more data from the
application before it can produce any output, it **must** yield an
empty string."  This requirement existed to support asynchronous
applications and servers (see PEP 333's "Middleware Handling of Block
Boundaries").  We might reintroduce this requirement if we want to
support asynchronous applications and servers minimally.

``web3.script_name`` and ``web3.path_info``

These values are required to be placed into the environment by origin
server under this specification.  Unlike ``SCRIPT_NAME`` and
``PATH_INFO``, these must be the original *URL-encoded* variants
derived from the request URI.  We probably need to figure out how
these should be computed originally, and what their values should be
if the server performs URL rewriting.  

Long Response Headers

Bob Brewer notes in

"Each header_value must not include any control characters, including
carriage returns or linefeeds, either embedded or at the end. (These
requirements are to minimize the complexity of any parsing that must
be performed by servers, gateways, and intermediate response
processors that need to inspect or modify response headers.)" [1]

That's understandable, but HTTP headers are defined as (mostly) *TEXT,
and "words of *TEXT MAY contain characters from character sets other
than ISO-8859-1 only when encoded according to the rules of RFC 2047."
[2] And RFC 2047 specifies that "an 'encoded-word' may not be more
than 75 characters long...If it is desirable to encode more text than
will fit in an 'encoded-word' of 75 characters, multiple
'encoded-word's (separated by CRLF SPACE) may be used." [3] This
satisfies HTTP header folding rules, as well: "Header fields can be
extended over multiple lines by preceding each extra line with at
least one SP or HT." [1, again]

So in my reading of HTTP, some code somewhere should introduce
newlines in longish, encoded response header values. I see three

 1. Keep things as they are and disallow response header values if
    they contain words over 75 chars that are outside the ISO-8859-1
    character set

 2. Allow newline characters in WSGI response headers

 3. Require/strongly suggest WSGI servers to do the encoding and
    folding before sending the value over HTTP.

Request Trailers and Chunked Transfer Encoding

When using chunked transfer encoding on request content, the RFCs
allow there to be request trailers. These are like request headers but
come after the final null data chunk. These trailers are only
available when the chunked data stream is finite length and when it
has all been read in.  Neither WSGI nor Web3 currently supports them.


.. [1] PEP 333: Python Web Services Gateway Interface

.. [2] The Common Gateway Interface Specification, v 1.1, 3rd Draft

.. [3] "Chunked Transfer Coding" -- HTTP/1.1, section 3.6.1

.. [4] "End-to-end and Hop-by-hop Headers" -- HTTP/1.1, Section 13.5.1 

.. [5] mod_ssl Reference, "Environment Variables"

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