On 21/04/2024 01:47, Mel Tearle wrote: > Hi Phil, > > I wrote a few days ago about a problem running PyQt6 on an M1 mac. > I’ve ruled out vscode as it happens even if run from the command line. > > I thought that maybe if I caused a type error in pygame, which only > runs > in Rosetta, I’d see a similar result but I didn’t. > > Inclosed is the relevant portion of the last crash report. I can > follow it enough > starting at line 10 to see that Qt is calling the shots, line 7 we > have fatal message logger, > and at line 4 a qAbort. > > That’s kinda of harsh for a type error. Another possibility could be > malware, > but why PyQt? > > I scrubbed python off my mac and reinstalled 3.11.7 and PyQt6, again - > didn’t work. > I was looking for an 6.5 .whl that I might try but maybe I missed them. > > I’ve been programming in PyQt since around 2019 . I hate to have to > stop because of a bug. > > I would really liked to hear your take on this. > > Yours truly, > > Mel Tearle This is the expected behaviour. You have a Python exception in the Python reimplementation of a C++ virtual. PyQt will display the exception and then call Qt's qFatal() to make sure the programmer is aware of the bug. If you want to handle this more gracefully then use sys.excepthook. Phil