Am 05.04.23 um 16:02 schrieb Phil Thompson: > On 05/04/2023 09:27, Detlev Offenbach wrote: >> One addition: The exception happens in 'mousePressEvent()'. >> >> Am 05.04.23 um 10:24 schrieb Detlev Offenbach: >>> >>> Hi Phil, >>> >>> I just tried the latest PyQt 6.5 snapshot from your PyPI server and >>> observed the following isse, when I click a QScintilla (also latest >>> snapshot) margin. >>> >>> TypeError("unable to convert a C++ 'Qt::KeyboardModifiers' instance >>> to a Python object") >>> >>> I traced it in eric to the point, where I jump into the QScintilla >>> code and that jump never returns but results in my excepthook method >>> being called. > > I've uploaded fixed versions. That fixed it. I'll carry on using it with eric and will let you know, if I encounter another issue. > > Thanks, > Phil Regards, Detlev -- Detlev Offenbach