-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Wido Depping schrieb: > On Apr 6, 2005 2:24 PM, Phil Thompson wrote: > >>>From time to time we get commissioned to develop Python bindings for Qt >>based widget sets. These often come with examples and part of the work is >>to port those examples to Python. We then end up with C++ and Python >>implementations with the same structure, the same functionality, and >>calling the same API. Any difference in the amount of code is purely down >>to "language overhead". >> >>Below is a comparison of the numbers of lines of code for a number of such >>examples. For the C++ implementations I have excluded all .pro files and >>all qmake and moc generated files. >> >> C++ Python Reduction >>example_1 509 318 38% >>example_2 871 516 41% >>example_3 225 132 41% >>example_4 142 72 49% >>example_5 615 363 41% >>example_6 56 46 18% >>example_7 1445 764 47% >>example_8 536 312 42% > > > Hi Phil, > These are indeed nice results. But how is the performance of the > python implemented widgets? I've never done one myself and I wonder if > there is any visible speed difference. When I've got more time on my hands, I'll write a small report of a Python refactoring/porting-to-C++ task I had in an internship job last months. I think that the bigger problem is the memory usage of Python vs. C++ widgets, but with the share of memleaks fixed in the last weeks, it got definitely better. > > By the way, are there any Python-implemented widgets available on the > net? There are some nice widgets in KDE (like Date selector), I would > like to integrate into my application. But I don't want my application > depend on PyKDE, since I want it to be portable on Unix, Mac OS X and > Windows. I sometimes thought about a widget collection for PyQt, something nice for a contrib/ section in the PyQt distribution. greetings Torsten - -- Torsten Marek ID: A244C858 -- FP: 1902 0002 5DFC 856B F146 894C 7CC5 451E A244 C858 Keyserver: subkeys.pgp.net -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iD8DBQFCU9zKfMVFHqJEyFgRAmDjAKCj1eor+bzInFtpzipmFdN7Qeea/QCgxB5o 3oyB5VuuhyC4cMXyBHzG/D8= =VsUh -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ PyKDE mailing list PyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de http://mats.imk.fraunhofer.de/mailman/listinfo/pykde