We've almost fully converted to designing all dialogboxes and other application windows in Qt Designer to use in our PyQt application, but I've come into a difficulty with wanting to use custom widgets created in Python with the Qt Designer designed dialogs. I've noted a tutorial[1] doing just that by embedding python code into the Comments field of the form, but that only seems to work when using pyuic to create python-code from the .ui-files. We use QWidgetFactory exclusively to generate the widgets runtime from the .ui-files, and using pyuic would put us back into gui-design stoneage again (gui mixed too much with other code, and hard to redesign components). Is there a way to use Qt Designer to embed python-created components into dialogs etc. when they are loaded with QWidgetFactory inty our python application? [1] - http://www.pycs.net/lateral/stories/27.html -- Truls A. Tangstad - _______________________________________________ PyKDE mailing list PyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de http://mats.imk.fraunhofer.de/mailman/listinfo/pykde