From pykde Thu May 27 15:22:13 2004 From: Torsten Marek Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 15:22:13 +0000 To: pykde Subject: Re: [PyKDE] Systray icons in PyQt Message-Id: <40B607A5.3080305 () gmx ! net> X-MARC-Message: MIME-Version: 1 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--------------enigBFB37B886A023D4B7CEA6E90" This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 2440 and 3156) --------------enigBFB37B886A023D4B7CEA6E90 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------050709080505030508090307" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------050709080505030508090307 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, 2nd version of ctypes code and Python extension module with one func only. The spec can be found here, the code itself is taken from qjackctl ( When the code has undergone some review, I'll put it into the wiki. Should it be distributed somewhere else? Maybe it could go into the PyQt examples directory? greetings Torsten -- Torsten Marek ID: A244C858 -- FP: 1902 0002 5DFC 856B F146 894C 7CC5 451E A244 C858 -- --------------050709080505030508090307 Content-Type: text/x-python; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="" import qt import ctypes as c class SystrayIcon(qt.QLabel): """On construction, you have to supply a QPixmap instance holding the application icon. The pixmap should not be bigger than 32x32, preferably 22x22. Currently, no check is made. The class can emits two signals: Leftclick on icon: activated() Rightclick on icon: contextMenuRequested(const QPoint&) """ def __init__(self, icon, parent = None, name = ""): qt.QLabel.__init__(self, parent, name, qt.Qt.WMouseNoMask | qt.Qt.WRepaintNoErase | qt.Qt.WType_TopLevel | qt.Qt.WStyle_Customize | qt.Qt.WStyle_NoBorder | qt.Qt.WStyle_StaysOnTop) self.setMinimumSize(22, 22); self.setBackgroundMode(qt.Qt.X11ParentRelative) self.setBackgroundOrigin(qt.QWidget.WindowOrigin) libX11 = c.cdll.LoadLibrary("/usr/X11R6/lib/") # get all functions, set arguments + return types XDefaultScreenOfDisplay = libX11.XDefaultScreenOfDisplay XDefaultScreenOfDisplay.argtypes = [c.c_void_p] XDefaultScreenOfDisplay.restype = c.c_void_p XScreenNumberOfScreen = libX11.XScreenNumberOfScreen XScreenNumberOfScreen.argtypes = [c.c_void_p] XInternAtom = libX11.XInternAtom XInternAtom.argtypes = [c.c_void_p, c.c_char_p, c.c_int] XGrabServer = libX11.XGrabServer XGrabServer.argtypes = [c.c_void_p] XGetSelectionOwner = libX11.XGetSelectionOwner XGetSelectionOwner.argtypes = [c.c_void_p, c.c_int] XSelectInput = libX11.XSelectInput XSelectInput.argtypes = [c.c_void_p, c.c_int, c.c_long] XUngrabServer = libX11.XUngrabServer XUngrabServer.argtypes = [c.c_void_p] XFlush = libX11.XFlush XFlush.argtypes = [c.c_void_p] class data(c.Union): _fields_ = [("b", c.c_char * 20), ("s", c.c_short * 10), ("l", c.c_long * 5)] class XClientMessageEvent(c.Structure): _fields_ = [("type", c.c_int), ("serial", c.c_ulong), ("send_event", c.c_int), ("display", c.c_void_p), ("window", c.c_int), ("message_type", c.c_int), ("format", c.c_int), ("data", data)] XSendEvent = libX11.XSendEvent XSendEvent.argtypes = [c.c_void_p, c.c_int, c.c_int, c.c_long, c.c_void_p] XSync = libX11.XSync XSync.argtypes = [c.c_void_p, c.c_int] dpy = int(qt.qt_xdisplay()) trayWin = self.winId(); iscreen = XScreenNumberOfScreen(XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy)) # get systray window (holds _NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S atom) selectionAtom = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S%i" % iscreen, 0) XGrabServer(dpy) managerWin = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, selectionAtom) if managerWin != 0: # set StructureNotifyMask (1L << 17) XSelectInput(dpy, managerWin, 1L << 17) XUngrabServer(dpy); XFlush(dpy); if managerWin != 0: # send "SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE_REQUEST_DOCK to managerWin k = data() k.l = (0, # CurrentTime 0, # REQUEST_DOCK trayWin, # window ID 0, # empty 0) # empty ev = XClientMessageEvent(33, #type: ClientMessage 0, # serial 0, # send_event dpy, # display managerWin, # systray manager XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE", 0), # message type 32, # format k) # message data XSendEvent(dpy, managerWin, 0, 0, c.addressof(ev)) XSync(dpy, 0) self.setPixmap(icon) self.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignHCenter) if parent: qt.QToolTip.add(self, parent.caption()) def setTooltipText(self, text): qt.QToolTip.add(self, text) def mousePressEvent(self, e): if e.button() == qt.Qt.RightButton: self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("contextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)"), (e.globalPos(),)) elif e.button() == qt.Qt.LeftButton: self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("activated()"), ()) --------------050709080505030508090307 Content-Type: text/x-csrc; name="traywin.c" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="traywin.c" #include #include #include /* System Tray Protocol Specification opcodes. */ #define SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK 0 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_BEGIN_MESSAGE 1 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_CANCEL_MESSAGE 2 static PyObject* setTrayIcon(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) /*Display *dpy, Window trayWin*/ { /* System Tray Protocol Specification. */ Display *dpy; Window trayWin; PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ll", &dpy, &trayWin); Screen *screen = XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy); int iScreen = XScreenNumberOfScreen(screen); char szAtom[32]; snprintf(szAtom, sizeof(szAtom), "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S%d", iScreen); Atom selectionAtom = XInternAtom(dpy, szAtom, False); XGrabServer(dpy); Window managerWin = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, selectionAtom); if (managerWin != None) XSelectInput(dpy, managerWin, StructureNotifyMask); XUngrabServer(dpy); XFlush(dpy); if (managerWin != None) { XEvent ev; memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; ev.xclient.window = managerWin; ev.xclient.message_type = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE", False); ev.xclient.format = 32;[0] = CurrentTime;[1] = SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK;[2] = trayWin;[3] = 0;[4] = 0; XSendEvent(dpy, managerWin, False, NoEventMask, &ev); XSync(dpy, False); } return Py_None; } static char traywin_docs[] = "setTrayIcon: make the window WID a tray icon\n"; static PyMethodDef traywin_funcs[]= { {"setTrayIcon", (PyCFunction)setTrayIcon, METH_VARARGS, traywin_docs}, {NULL} }; void inittraywin(void) { PyObject* thismod = Py_InitModule3("traywin", traywin_funcs, "empty"); } --------------050709080505030508090307 Content-Type: text/x-python; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="" import qt import sys import traywin class SystrayIcon(qt.QLabel): def __init__(self, icon, parent = None, name = ""): qt.QLabel.__init__(self, parent, name, qt.Qt.WMouseNoMask | qt.Qt.WRepaintNoErase | qt.Qt.WType_TopLevel | qt.Qt.WStyle_Customize | qt.Qt.WStyle_NoBorder | qt.Qt.WStyle_StaysOnTop) self.setMinimumSize(22, 22); self.setBackgroundMode(qt.Qt.X11ParentRelative) self.setBackgroundOrigin(qt.QWidget.WindowOrigin) dpy = int(qt.qt_xdisplay()) winid = self.winId(); print "test" traywin.setTrayIcon(dpy, winid) self.setPixmap(icon) self.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignHCenter) if parent: qt.QToolTip.add(self, parent.caption()) def setTooltipText(self, text): qt.QToolTip.add(self, text) def mousePressEvent(self, e): if e.button() == qt.Qt.RightButton: self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("contextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)"), (e.globalPos(),)) elif e.button() == qt.Qt.LeftButton: self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("activated()"), ()) def showPopup(pos): popup.popup(pos) a = qt.QApplication(sys.argv) img = qt.QImage("/home/shlomme/bilder/rattlesnake_tray.png") pm = qt.QPixmap() pm.convertFromImage(img.smoothScale(22, 22), 0) w = SystrayIcon(pm) w.setTooltipText("Rattlesnake") popup = qt.QPopupMenu() popup.insertItem("This is amazing, but please quit now!", w.close) qt.QObject.connect(w, qt.PYSIGNAL("contextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)"), showPopup) qt.QObject.connect(a,qt.SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"),a,qt.SLOT("quit()")) a.exec_loop() --------------050709080505030508090307-- --------------enigBFB37B886A023D4B7CEA6E90 Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Debian - iD8DBQFAtgelfMVFHqJEyFgRAqthAJwMPMFqqG9iYIO46fRD0K6NHMkvjwCeNJFf Mp9CnlvOzU4jIvX9AUNN/1g= =v5ob -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------enigBFB37B886A023D4B7CEA6E90-- _______________________________________________ PyKDE mailing list