On Mon, Apr 21, 2003 at 09:39:20AM +0200, Van Winnendaele Lionel wrote: > I have this error with pyQt, I have already compiled SIP: > > How can I reslove that ? Time for a FAQ entry on this, methinks. How about: Building PyQt .... .... ....

Why does the build claims there's no QDateTimeEdit::layoutEditors method?

Probably you're building a PyQt version previous to 3.6 against Qt v3.1.2 or later. PyQt v3.5 only supports up to Qt version 3.1.1, and it shouldn't be a problem, but Trolltech's made a very rare incompatible API change between 3.1.1 and 3.1.2: they substracted layoutEditors method from QDateTimeEdit class. To solve this, you can either:

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