Hello! I have a QPopup, as follows: MyPopup = QPopupMenu(self.win.lstSearch, "Popup") MyPopup.insertItem( "Function 1", self.myfunction()) MyPopup.insertItem( "Funciton 2", self.myfunction2()) MyPopup.popup(QCursor.pos()) The menu shows fine, but as soon as the menu appears, both function 1 and function 2 are executed, and then actually clicking on either one of them doesn't execute it... It's a floating popup btw, not a fixed one in a menubar.. Thanks! And thanks for the help you guys have given me so far! -- Bart Verwilst Gentoo Linux Developer, Release Coordinator Gent, Belgium _______________________________________________ PyKDE mailing list PyKDE@mats.gmd.de http://mats.gmd.de/mailman/listinfo/pykde