Hello, (I am posting this both as a summary and to know your opinion on the second approach below) I and others have already asked on this list in the past how to use procmail in a virtual-domain-only (no system accounts for email recipients) postfix environment for small (~40/50) groups of users. So far, the consensus was to define procmail as virtual_transport in main.cf and master.cf, more or less in this way: master.cf: procmail unix - n n - - pipe flags=R user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/procmail -t -m /etc/procmailrc ${sender} main.cf: virtual_transport = procmail and it works. Yesterday, however, I discovered at http://forums.site5.com/showthread.php?p=96629 an alternative approach, which _looks_ simpler. Just define virtual aliases in this way: me@virtualdomain1.net : "|/absolute/path/to/procmail -m /somedir/me.virtualdomain1.net.procmailrc" joe@virtualdomain2.com : "|/absolute/path/to/procmail -m /somedir/joe.virtualdomain2.com.procmailrc" jane@virtualdomain1.net : "|/absolute/path/to/procmail -m /somedir/jane.virtualdomain1.net.procmailrc" and so on. I'll have the possibility to test it myself only next week, but in the meantime I'd like to ask. What do you think? Are there any caveats or corner cases, like handling the same message to more than one user? Which approach is better (safer| more robust| less resource hungry)? Thanks, Marco