Hi everyone, the ownCloud 8.0 alpha 2 release is done and ready. You find the download here: http://download.owncloud.org/community/testing/owncloud-8.0.0alpha2.tar.bz2 Please give this a very good test! It would be great if everyone could go over the wiki page and add the features that where added in case something is missing. https://github.com/owncloud/core/wiki/ownCloud-8-Features So what are the next steps? For January if would be great if everyone could concentrate on testing and bugfixing ownCloud 8/master so that we have a great release end of January. The full release schedule is on the botton of this page: https://github.com/owncloud/core/wiki/ownCloud-8-Features Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed to this release in ownCloud in general. This is the work of an awesome community. Let me know if you have any questions. Frank _______________________________________________ User mailing list User@owncloud.org http://mailman.owncloud.org/mailman/listinfo/user