Hi, people. I am testing version 1.0, and found a number of issues. What is the correct address for bug reports? I am sending some here: A) On all pages I get a line saying: Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/vhostadmin/www/owncloud/inc/lib_base.php on line 59
I imagine this is related to running owncloud on a subdirectory of the webserver, mapped to a virtual name. B) When you upload a file that has accents on the name it will get created in data. But you can no longer load the file browser: clicking on files will display nothing. Deleting the file from the data subdirectory makes it possible to view the other files again. Test with a file named "Questionário número1.doc" C) When you upload a file with spaces in the filename ("foo bar.doc") then it will be displayed, but when you download the SAVE AS dialog in the browser will only show "foo" as the suggested filename. D) Click on MORE ACTIONS. Now create a folder. Without closing the more actions subwindow, select the folder in the main pane. Try to upload a file. It will be uploaded into root. Now click MORE ACTIONS again to hide it. Click again to display it, after navigating to the folder you have created. Now the upload will occur to the right location. BTW, I am using SQlite as the backend, Debian Lenny on the server. I would love to help development, hope to catch some of you during Akademy. Regards, Mauricio Piacentini _______________________________________________ Owncloud mailing list Owncloud@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/owncloud