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List:       oss-security
Subject:    [oss-security] Vulnerability in JSON Parser in Ruby on Rails 3.0 and 2.3
From:       Michael Koziarski <michael () koziarski ! com>
Date:       2013-01-28 21:03:05
Message-ID: 5106E789.9020707 () koziarski ! com
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Hash: SHA1

There is a vulnerability in the JSON  code for Ruby on Rails which
allows attackers to bypass authentication systems, inject arbitrary
SQL, inject and execute arbitrary code, or perform a DoS attack on a
Rails application. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE
identifier CVE-2013-0333.

Versions Affected:  2.3.x, 3.0.x
Not Affected:       3.1.x, 3.2.x, applications using the yajl gem.
Fixed Versions:     3.0.20, 2.3.16

- ------
The JSON Parsing code in Rails 2.3 and 3.0 support multiple parsing
backends.  One of the backends involves transforming the JSON into
YAML, and passing that through the YAML parser.  Using a specially
crafted payload attackers can trick the backend into decoding a subset
of YAML.

All users running an affected application should upgrade or use the
workaround immediately.

Note: This is a separate vulnerability to CVE-2013-0156, if you are
running a 2.3 or 3.0 application you must still take action to protect
your application.

- --------
The 3.0.20 and 2.3.16 releases are available at the normal locations.

- -----------
If you are unable to upgrade, or apply the patches, you can work
around this vulnerability by switching backends to the JSONGem
backend.  Place this code in an application initializer:

  ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = "JSONGem"

If you are running Ruby 1.8 you will need to ensure that the `json` or
`json_pure` gems are installed and in your application's Gemfile.
Ruby 1.9 includes this code already.

- -------
To aid users who aren't able to upgrade immediately we have provided
patches for the two supported release series.  They are in git-am
format and consist of a single changeset.

* 2-3-json-parser.patch - Patch for 2.3 series
* 3-0-json-parser.patch - Patch for 3.0 series

Please note that only the 2.3.x, 3.1.x and 3.2.x series are supported
at present.  Users of earlier unsupported releases are advised to
upgrade as soon as possible as we cannot guarantee the continued
availability of security fixes for unsupported releases.

- -------

Thanks to Lawrence Pit of Mirror42 for discovering the vulnerability
and working closely with us to ensure we shipped a comprehensive fix.
 Thanks also to the RedHat security response team for helping us with
regression testing.

- -- 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


["2-3-json-parser.patch" (text/plain)]

> From c688c2bd52563f9170912eac4148f438447dcd4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Koziarski <michael@koziarski.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 09:33:37 +1300
Subject: [PATCH] Add an OkJson backend and remove the YAML backend

Fixes CVE-2013-0333.  The ActiveSupport::JSON::Backends::Yaml class is present but the \
                functionality has been removed entirely.
 .../lib/active_support/json/backends/okjson.rb     |  644 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../lib/active_support/json/backends/yaml.rb       |   71 +---
 activesupport/lib/active_support/json/decoding.rb  |    2 +-
 activesupport/test/json/decoding_test.rb           |    4 +-
 4 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/okjson.rb

diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/okjson.rb \
b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/okjson.rb new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f720a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/okjson.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+module ActiveSupport
+  # Include OkJson as a replacement for the Yaml backend
+  # encoding: UTF-8
+  #
+  # Copyright 2011, 2012 Keith Rarick
+  #
+  # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+  # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+  # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+  # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+  # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+  # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+  #
+  # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+  # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+  #
+  # See https://github.com/kr/okjson for updates.
+  require 'stringio'
+  # Some parts adapted from
+  # http://golang.org/src/pkg/json/decode.go and
+  # http://golang.org/src/pkg/utf8/utf8.go
+  module OkJson
+    Upstream = 'LTD7LBKLZWFF7OZK'
+    extend self
+    # Decodes a json document in string s and
+    # returns the corresponding ruby value.
+    # String s must be valid UTF-8. If you have
+    # a string in some other encoding, convert
+    # it first.
+    #
+    # String values in the resulting structure
+    # will be UTF-8.
+    def decode(s)
+      ts = lex(s)
+      v, ts = textparse(ts)
+      if ts.length > 0
+        raise Error, 'trailing garbage'
+      end
+      v
+    end
+    # Parses a "json text" in the sense of RFC 4627.
+    # Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
+    # Note: this is almost the same as valparse,
+    # except that it does not accept atomic values.
+    def textparse(ts)
+      if ts.length < 0
+        raise Error, 'empty'
+      end
+      typ, _, val = ts[0]
+      case typ
+      when '{' then objparse(ts)
+      when '[' then arrparse(ts)
+      else
+        raise Error, "unexpected #{val.inspect}"
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses a "value" in the sense of RFC 4627.
+    # Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
+    def valparse(ts)
+      if ts.length < 0
+        raise Error, 'empty'
+      end
+      typ, _, val = ts[0]
+      case typ
+      when '{' then objparse(ts)
+      when '[' then arrparse(ts)
+      when :val,:str then [val, ts[1..-1]]
+      else
+        raise Error, "unexpected #{val.inspect}"
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses an "object" in the sense of RFC 4627.
+    # Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
+    def objparse(ts)
+      ts = eat('{', ts)
+      obj = {}
+      if ts[0][0] == '}'
+        return obj, ts[1..-1]
+      end
+      k, v, ts = pairparse(ts)
+      obj[k] = v
+      if ts[0][0] == '}'
+        return obj, ts[1..-1]
+      end
+      loop do
+        ts = eat(',', ts)
+        k, v, ts = pairparse(ts)
+        obj[k] = v
+        if ts[0][0] == '}'
+          return obj, ts[1..-1]
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses a "member" in the sense of RFC 4627.
+    # Returns the parsed values and any trailing tokens.
+    def pairparse(ts)
+      (typ, _, k), ts = ts[0], ts[1..-1]
+      if typ != :str
+        raise Error, "unexpected #{k.inspect}"
+      end
+      ts = eat(':', ts)
+      v, ts = valparse(ts)
+      [k, v, ts]
+    end
+    # Parses an "array" in the sense of RFC 4627.
+    # Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
+    def arrparse(ts)
+      ts = eat('[', ts)
+      arr = []
+      if ts[0][0] == ']'
+        return arr, ts[1..-1]
+      end
+      v, ts = valparse(ts)
+      arr << v
+      if ts[0][0] == ']'
+        return arr, ts[1..-1]
+      end
+      loop do
+        ts = eat(',', ts)
+        v, ts = valparse(ts)
+        arr << v
+        if ts[0][0] == ']'
+          return arr, ts[1..-1]
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def eat(typ, ts)
+      if ts[0][0] != typ
+        raise Error, "expected #{typ} (got #{ts[0].inspect})"
+      end
+      ts[1..-1]
+    end
+    # Scans s and returns a list of json tokens,
+    # excluding white space (as defined in RFC 4627).
+    def lex(s)
+      ts = []
+      while s.length > 0
+        typ, lexeme, val = tok(s)
+        if typ == nil
+          raise Error, "invalid character at #{s[0,10].inspect}"
+        end
+        if typ != :space
+          ts << [typ, lexeme, val]
+        end
+        s = s[lexeme.length..-1]
+      end
+      ts
+    end
+    # Scans the first token in s and
+    # returns a 3-element list, or nil
+    # if s does not begin with a valid token.
+    #
+    # The first list element is one of
+    # '{', '}', ':', ',', '[', ']',
+    # :val, :str, and :space.
+    #
+    # The second element is the lexeme.
+    #
+    # The third element is the value of the
+    # token for :val and :str, otherwise
+    # it is the lexeme.
+    def tok(s)
+      case s[0]
+      when ?{  then ['{', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?}  then ['}', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?:  then [':', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?,  then [',', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?[  then ['[', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?]  then [']', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?n  then nulltok(s)
+      when ?t  then truetok(s)
+      when ?f  then falsetok(s)
+      when ?"  then strtok(s)
+      when Spc then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?\t then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?\n then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?\r then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      else          numtok(s)
+      end
+    end
+    def nulltok(s);  s[0,4] == 'null'  ? [:val, 'null',  nil]   : [] end
+    def truetok(s);  s[0,4] == 'true'  ? [:val, 'true',  true]  : [] end
+    def falsetok(s); s[0,5] == 'false' ? [:val, 'false', false] : [] end
+    def numtok(s)
+      m = /-?([1-9][0-9]+|[0-9])([.][0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?/.match(s)
+      if m && m.begin(0) == 0
+        if m[3] && !m[2]
+          [:val, m[0], Integer(m[1])*(10**Integer(m[3][1..-1]))]
+        elsif m[2]
+          [:val, m[0], Float(m[0])]
+        else
+          [:val, m[0], Integer(m[0])]
+        end
+      else
+        []
+      end
+    end
+    def strtok(s)
+      m = /"([^"\\]|\\["\/\\bfnrt]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})*"/.match(s)
+      if ! m
+        raise Error, "invalid string literal at #{abbrev(s)}"
+      end
+      [:str, m[0], unquote(m[0])]
+    end
+    def abbrev(s)
+      t = s[0,10]
+      p = t['`']
+      t = t[0,p] if p
+      t = t + '...' if t.length < s.length
+      '`' + t + '`'
+    end
+    # Converts a quoted json string literal q into a UTF-8-encoded string.
+    # The rules are different than for Ruby, so we cannot use eval.
+    # Unquote will raise an error if q contains control characters.
+    def unquote(q)
+      q = q[1...-1]
+      a = q.dup # allocate a big enough string
+      rubydoesenc = false
+      # In ruby >= 1.9, a[w] is a codepoint, not a byte.
+      if a.class.method_defined?(:force_encoding)
+        a.force_encoding('UTF-8')
+        rubydoesenc = true
+      end
+      r, w = 0, 0
+      while r < q.length
+        c = q[r]
+        case true
+        when c == ?\\
+          r += 1
+          if r >= q.length
+            raise Error, "string literal ends with a \"\\\": \"#{q}\""
+          end
+          case q[r]
+          when ?",?\\,?/,?'
+            a[w] = q[r]
+            r += 1
+            w += 1
+          when ?b,?f,?n,?r,?t
+            a[w] = Unesc[q[r]]
+            r += 1
+            w += 1
+          when ?u
+            r += 1
+            uchar = begin
+              hexdec4(q[r,4])
+            rescue RuntimeError => e
+              raise Error, "invalid escape sequence \\u#{q[r,4]}: #{e}"
+            end
+            r += 4
+            if surrogate? uchar
+              if q.length >= r+6
+                uchar1 = hexdec4(q[r+2,4])
+                uchar = subst(uchar, uchar1)
+                if uchar != Ucharerr
+                  # A valid pair; consume.
+                  r += 6
+                end
+              end
+            end
+            if rubydoesenc
+              a[w] = '' << uchar
+              w += 1
+            else
+              w += ucharenc(a, w, uchar)
+            end
+          else
+            raise Error, "invalid escape char #{q[r]} in \"#{q}\""
+          end
+        when c == ?", c < Spc
+          raise Error, "invalid character in string literal \"#{q}\""
+        else
+          # Copy anything else byte-for-byte.
+          # Valid UTF-8 will remain valid UTF-8.
+          # Invalid UTF-8 will remain invalid UTF-8.
+          # In ruby >= 1.9, c is a codepoint, not a byte,
+          # in which case this is still what we want.
+          a[w] = c
+          r += 1
+          w += 1
+        end
+      end
+      a[0,w]
+    end
+    # Encodes unicode character u as UTF-8
+    # bytes in string a at position i.
+    # Returns the number of bytes written.
+    def ucharenc(a, i, u)
+      case true
+      when u <= Uchar1max
+        a[i] = (u & 0xff).chr
+        1
+      when u <= Uchar2max
+        a[i+0] = (Utag2 | ((u>>6)&0xff)).chr
+        a[i+1] = (Utagx | (u&Umaskx)).chr
+        2
+      when u <= Uchar3max
+        a[i+0] = (Utag3 | ((u>>12)&0xff)).chr
+        a[i+1] = (Utagx | ((u>>6)&Umaskx)).chr
+        a[i+2] = (Utagx | (u&Umaskx)).chr
+        3
+      else
+        a[i+0] = (Utag4 | ((u>>18)&0xff)).chr
+        a[i+1] = (Utagx | ((u>>12)&Umaskx)).chr
+        a[i+2] = (Utagx | ((u>>6)&Umaskx)).chr
+        a[i+3] = (Utagx | (u&Umaskx)).chr
+        4
+      end
+    end
+    def hexdec4(s)
+      if s.length != 4
+        raise Error, 'short'
+      end
+      (nibble(s[0])<<12) | (nibble(s[1])<<8) | (nibble(s[2])<<4) | nibble(s[3])
+    end
+    def subst(u1, u2)
+      if Usurr1 <= u1 && u1 < Usurr2 && Usurr2 <= u2 && u2 < Usurr3
+        return ((u1-Usurr1)<<10) | (u2-Usurr2) + Usurrself
+      end
+      return Ucharerr
+    end
+    def surrogate?(u)
+      Usurr1 <= u && u < Usurr3
+    end
+    def nibble(c)
+      case true
+      when ?0 <= c && c <= ?9 then c.ord - ?0.ord
+      when ?a <= c && c <= ?z then c.ord - ?a.ord + 10
+      when ?A <= c && c <= ?Z then c.ord - ?A.ord + 10
+      else
+        raise Error, "invalid hex code #{c}"
+      end
+    end
+    # Encodes x into a json text. It may contain only
+    # Array, Hash, String, Numeric, true, false, nil.
+    # (Note, this list excludes Symbol.)
+    # X itself must be an Array or a Hash.
+    # No other value can be encoded, and an error will
+    # be raised if x contains any other value, such as
+    # Nan, Infinity, Symbol, and Proc, or if a Hash key
+    # is not a String.
+    # Strings contained in x must be valid UTF-8.
+    def encode(x)
+      case x
+      when Hash    then objenc(x)
+      when Array   then arrenc(x)
+      else
+        raise Error, 'root value must be an Array or a Hash'
+      end
+    end
+    def valenc(x)
+      case x
+      when Hash    then objenc(x)
+      when Array   then arrenc(x)
+      when String  then strenc(x)
+      when Numeric then numenc(x)
+      when true    then "true"
+      when false   then "false"
+      when nil     then "null"
+      else
+        raise Error, "cannot encode #{x.class}: #{x.inspect}"
+      end
+    end
+    def objenc(x)
+      '{' + x.map{|k,v| keyenc(k) + ':' + valenc(v)}.join(',') + '}'
+    end
+    def arrenc(a)
+      '[' + a.map{|x| valenc(x)}.join(',') + ']'
+    end
+    def keyenc(k)
+      case k
+      when String then strenc(k)
+      else
+        raise Error, "Hash key is not a string: #{k.inspect}"
+      end
+    end
+    def strenc(s)
+      t = StringIO.new
+      t.putc(?")
+      r = 0
+      # In ruby >= 1.9, s[r] is a codepoint, not a byte.
+      rubydoesenc = s.class.method_defined?(:encoding)
+      while r < s.length
+        case s[r]
+        when ?"  then t.print('\\"')
+        when ?\\ then t.print('\\\\')
+        when ?\b then t.print('\\b')
+        when ?\f then t.print('\\f')
+        when ?\n then t.print('\\n')
+        when ?\r then t.print('\\r')
+        when ?\t then t.print('\\t')
+        else
+          c = s[r]
+          case true
+          when rubydoesenc
+            begin
+              c.ord # will raise an error if c is invalid UTF-8
+              t.write(c)
+            rescue
+              t.write(Ustrerr)
+            end
+          when Spc <= c && c <= ?~
+            t.putc(c)
+          else
+            n = ucharcopy(t, s, r) # ensure valid UTF-8 output
+            r += n - 1 # r is incremented below
+          end
+        end
+        r += 1
+      end
+      t.putc(?")
+      t.string
+    end
+    def numenc(x)
+      if ((x.nan? || x.infinite?) rescue false)
+        raise Error, "Numeric cannot be represented: #{x}"
+      end
+      "#{x}"
+    end
+    # Copies the valid UTF-8 bytes of a single character
+    # from string s at position i to I/O object t, and
+    # returns the number of bytes copied.
+    # If no valid UTF-8 char exists at position i,
+    # ucharcopy writes Ustrerr and returns 1.
+    def ucharcopy(t, s, i)
+      n = s.length - i
+      raise Utf8Error if n < 1
+      c0 = s[i].ord
+      # 1-byte, 7-bit sequence?
+      if c0 < Utagx
+        t.putc(c0)
+        return 1
+      end
+      raise Utf8Error if c0 < Utag2 # unexpected continuation byte?
+      raise Utf8Error if n < 2 # need continuation byte
+      c1 = s[i+1].ord
+      raise Utf8Error if c1 < Utagx || Utag2 <= c1
+      # 2-byte, 11-bit sequence?
+      if c0 < Utag3
+        raise Utf8Error if ((c0&Umask2)<<6 | (c1&Umaskx)) <= Uchar1max
+        t.putc(c0)
+        t.putc(c1)
+        return 2
+      end
+      # need second continuation byte
+      raise Utf8Error if n < 3
+      c2 = s[i+2].ord
+      raise Utf8Error if c2 < Utagx || Utag2 <= c2
+      # 3-byte, 16-bit sequence?
+      if c0 < Utag4
+        u = (c0&Umask3)<<12 | (c1&Umaskx)<<6 | (c2&Umaskx)
+        raise Utf8Error if u <= Uchar2max
+        t.putc(c0)
+        t.putc(c1)
+        t.putc(c2)
+        return 3
+      end
+      # need third continuation byte
+      raise Utf8Error if n < 4
+      c3 = s[i+3].ord
+      raise Utf8Error if c3 < Utagx || Utag2 <= c3
+      # 4-byte, 21-bit sequence?
+      if c0 < Utag5
+        u = (c0&Umask4)<<18 | (c1&Umaskx)<<12 | (c2&Umaskx)<<6 | (c3&Umaskx)
+        raise Utf8Error if u <= Uchar3max
+        t.putc(c0)
+        t.putc(c1)
+        t.putc(c2)
+        t.putc(c3)
+        return 4
+      end
+      raise Utf8Error
+    rescue Utf8Error
+      t.write(Ustrerr)
+      return 1
+    end
+    class Utf8Error < ::StandardError
+    end
+    class Error < ::StandardError
+    end
+    Utagx = 0x80 # 1000 0000
+    Utag2 = 0xc0 # 1100 0000
+    Utag3 = 0xe0 # 1110 0000
+    Utag4 = 0xf0 # 1111 0000
+    Utag5 = 0xF8 # 1111 1000
+    Umaskx = 0x3f # 0011 1111
+    Umask2 = 0x1f # 0001 1111
+    Umask3 = 0x0f # 0000 1111
+    Umask4 = 0x07 # 0000 0111
+    Uchar1max = (1<<7) - 1
+    Uchar2max = (1<<11) - 1
+    Uchar3max = (1<<16) - 1
+    Ucharerr = 0xFFFD # unicode "replacement char"
+    Ustrerr = "\xef\xbf\xbd" # unicode "replacement char"
+    Usurrself = 0x10000
+    Usurr1 = 0xd800
+    Usurr2 = 0xdc00
+    Usurr3 = 0xe000
+    Spc = ' '[0]
+    Unesc = {?b=>?\b, ?f=>?\f, ?n=>?\n, ?r=>?\r, ?t=>?\t}
+  end
+  module JSON
+    module Backends
+      module OkJson
+        ParseError = ::ActiveSupport::OkJson::Error
+        extend self
+        # Parses a JSON string or IO and convert it into an object
+        def decode(json)
+          if json.respond_to?(:read)
+            json = json.read
+          end
+          data = ActiveSupport::OkJson.decode(json)
+          if ActiveSupport.parse_json_times
+            convert_dates_from(data)
+          else
+            data
+          end
+        end
+      private
+        def convert_dates_from(data)
+          case data
+          when nil
+            nil
+          when DATE_REGEX
+            begin
+              DateTime.parse(data)
+            rescue ArgumentError
+              data
+            end
+          when Array
+            data.map! { |d| convert_dates_from(d) }
+          when Hash
+            data.each do |key, value|
+              data[key] = convert_dates_from(value)
+            end
+          else
+            data
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/yaml.rb \
b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/yaml.rb index 4c41042..1926a3d 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/yaml.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/yaml.rb
@@ -7,79 +7,12 @@ module ActiveSupport
         ParseError = ::StandardError
         extend self
-        # Converts a JSON string into a Ruby object.
         def decode(json)
-          YAML.load(convert_json_to_yaml(json))
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          raise ParseError, "Invalid JSON string"
+          raise "The Yaml backend has been deprecated due to security risks, you should set \
ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = 'OkJson'"  end
-          # Ensure that ":" and "," are always followed by a space
-          def convert_json_to_yaml(json) #:nodoc:
-            require 'strscan' unless defined? ::StringScanner
-            scanner, quoting, marks, pos, times = ::StringScanner.new(json), false, [], nil, \
-            while scanner.scan_until(/(\\['"]|['":,\\]|\\.)/)
-              case char = scanner[1]
-              when '"', "'"
-                if !quoting
-                  quoting = char
-                  pos = scanner.pos
-                elsif quoting == char
-                  if json[pos..scanner.pos-2] =~ DATE_REGEX
-                    # found a date, track the exact positions of the quotes so we can
-                    # overwrite them with spaces later.
-                    times << pos << scanner.pos
-                  end
-                  quoting = false
-                end
-              when ":",","
-                marks << scanner.pos - 1 unless quoting
-              when "\\"
-                scanner.skip(/\\/)
-              end
-            end
-            if marks.empty?
-              json.gsub(/\\([\\\/]|u[[:xdigit:]]{4})/) do
-                ustr = $1
-                if ustr.start_with?('u')
-                  [ustr[1..-1].to_i(16)].pack("U")
-                elsif ustr == '\\'
-                  '\\\\'
-                else
-                  ustr
-                end
-              end
-            else
-              left_pos  = [-1].push(*marks)
-              right_pos = marks << scanner.pos + scanner.rest_size
-              output    = []
-              left_pos.each_with_index do |left, i|
-                scanner.pos = left.succ
-                chunk = scanner.peek(right_pos[i] - scanner.pos + 1)
-                # overwrite the quotes found around the dates with spaces
-                while times.size > 0 && times[0] <= right_pos[i]
-                  chunk[times.shift - scanner.pos - 1] = ' '
-                end
-                chunk.gsub!(/\\([\\\/]|u[[:xdigit:]]{4})/) do
-                  ustr = $1
-                  if ustr.start_with?('u')
-                    [ustr[1..-1].to_i(16)].pack("U")
-                  elsif ustr == '\\'
-                    '\\\\'
-                  else
-                    ustr
-                  end
-                end
-                output << chunk
-              end
-              output = output * " "
-              output.gsub!(/\\\//, '/')
-              output
-            end
-          end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/decoding.rb \
b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/decoding.rb index 2182b90..806f4c5 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/decoding.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/decoding.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module ActiveSupport
   module JSON
     # Listed in order of preference.
-    DECODERS = %w(Yajl Yaml)
+    DECODERS = %w(Yajl OkJson)
     class << self
       attr_reader :parse_error
diff --git a/activesupport/test/json/decoding_test.rb \
b/activesupport/test/json/decoding_test.rb index e45851e..a7f7b46 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/json/decoding_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/json/decoding_test.rb
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ class TestJSONDecoding < ActiveSupport::TestCase
   # load the default JSON backend
-  ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = 'Yaml'
+  ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = 'OkJson'
-  backends = %w(Yaml)
+  backends = %w(OkJson)
   backends << "JSONGem" if defined?(::JSON)
   backends << "Yajl" if defined?(::Yajl)

["3-0-json-parser.patch" (text/plain)]

> From 09c4ed43aa9b96de47c87bef4320694054a584c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Koziarski <michael@koziarski.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 08:57:12 +1300
Subject: [PATCH] Add an OkJson backend and remove the YAML backend

Fixes CVE-2013-0333.  The ActiveSupport::JSON::Backends::Yaml class is present but the \
                functionality has been removed entirely.
 .../lib/active_support/json/backends/okjson.rb     |  644 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../lib/active_support/json/backends/yaml.rb       |   94 +---
 activesupport/lib/active_support/json/decoding.rb  |    2 +-
 activesupport/test/json/decoding_test.rb           |    4 +-
 5 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/okjson.rb

diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/okjson.rb \
b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/okjson.rb new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f720a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/okjson.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+module ActiveSupport
+  # Include OkJson as a replacement for the Yaml backend
+  # encoding: UTF-8
+  #
+  # Copyright 2011, 2012 Keith Rarick
+  #
+  # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+  # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+  # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+  # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+  # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+  # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+  #
+  # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+  # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+  #
+  # See https://github.com/kr/okjson for updates.
+  require 'stringio'
+  # Some parts adapted from
+  # http://golang.org/src/pkg/json/decode.go and
+  # http://golang.org/src/pkg/utf8/utf8.go
+  module OkJson
+    Upstream = 'LTD7LBKLZWFF7OZK'
+    extend self
+    # Decodes a json document in string s and
+    # returns the corresponding ruby value.
+    # String s must be valid UTF-8. If you have
+    # a string in some other encoding, convert
+    # it first.
+    #
+    # String values in the resulting structure
+    # will be UTF-8.
+    def decode(s)
+      ts = lex(s)
+      v, ts = textparse(ts)
+      if ts.length > 0
+        raise Error, 'trailing garbage'
+      end
+      v
+    end
+    # Parses a "json text" in the sense of RFC 4627.
+    # Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
+    # Note: this is almost the same as valparse,
+    # except that it does not accept atomic values.
+    def textparse(ts)
+      if ts.length < 0
+        raise Error, 'empty'
+      end
+      typ, _, val = ts[0]
+      case typ
+      when '{' then objparse(ts)
+      when '[' then arrparse(ts)
+      else
+        raise Error, "unexpected #{val.inspect}"
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses a "value" in the sense of RFC 4627.
+    # Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
+    def valparse(ts)
+      if ts.length < 0
+        raise Error, 'empty'
+      end
+      typ, _, val = ts[0]
+      case typ
+      when '{' then objparse(ts)
+      when '[' then arrparse(ts)
+      when :val,:str then [val, ts[1..-1]]
+      else
+        raise Error, "unexpected #{val.inspect}"
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses an "object" in the sense of RFC 4627.
+    # Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
+    def objparse(ts)
+      ts = eat('{', ts)
+      obj = {}
+      if ts[0][0] == '}'
+        return obj, ts[1..-1]
+      end
+      k, v, ts = pairparse(ts)
+      obj[k] = v
+      if ts[0][0] == '}'
+        return obj, ts[1..-1]
+      end
+      loop do
+        ts = eat(',', ts)
+        k, v, ts = pairparse(ts)
+        obj[k] = v
+        if ts[0][0] == '}'
+          return obj, ts[1..-1]
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses a "member" in the sense of RFC 4627.
+    # Returns the parsed values and any trailing tokens.
+    def pairparse(ts)
+      (typ, _, k), ts = ts[0], ts[1..-1]
+      if typ != :str
+        raise Error, "unexpected #{k.inspect}"
+      end
+      ts = eat(':', ts)
+      v, ts = valparse(ts)
+      [k, v, ts]
+    end
+    # Parses an "array" in the sense of RFC 4627.
+    # Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
+    def arrparse(ts)
+      ts = eat('[', ts)
+      arr = []
+      if ts[0][0] == ']'
+        return arr, ts[1..-1]
+      end
+      v, ts = valparse(ts)
+      arr << v
+      if ts[0][0] == ']'
+        return arr, ts[1..-1]
+      end
+      loop do
+        ts = eat(',', ts)
+        v, ts = valparse(ts)
+        arr << v
+        if ts[0][0] == ']'
+          return arr, ts[1..-1]
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def eat(typ, ts)
+      if ts[0][0] != typ
+        raise Error, "expected #{typ} (got #{ts[0].inspect})"
+      end
+      ts[1..-1]
+    end
+    # Scans s and returns a list of json tokens,
+    # excluding white space (as defined in RFC 4627).
+    def lex(s)
+      ts = []
+      while s.length > 0
+        typ, lexeme, val = tok(s)
+        if typ == nil
+          raise Error, "invalid character at #{s[0,10].inspect}"
+        end
+        if typ != :space
+          ts << [typ, lexeme, val]
+        end
+        s = s[lexeme.length..-1]
+      end
+      ts
+    end
+    # Scans the first token in s and
+    # returns a 3-element list, or nil
+    # if s does not begin with a valid token.
+    #
+    # The first list element is one of
+    # '{', '}', ':', ',', '[', ']',
+    # :val, :str, and :space.
+    #
+    # The second element is the lexeme.
+    #
+    # The third element is the value of the
+    # token for :val and :str, otherwise
+    # it is the lexeme.
+    def tok(s)
+      case s[0]
+      when ?{  then ['{', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?}  then ['}', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?:  then [':', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?,  then [',', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?[  then ['[', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?]  then [']', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?n  then nulltok(s)
+      when ?t  then truetok(s)
+      when ?f  then falsetok(s)
+      when ?"  then strtok(s)
+      when Spc then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?\t then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?\n then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      when ?\r then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
+      else          numtok(s)
+      end
+    end
+    def nulltok(s);  s[0,4] == 'null'  ? [:val, 'null',  nil]   : [] end
+    def truetok(s);  s[0,4] == 'true'  ? [:val, 'true',  true]  : [] end
+    def falsetok(s); s[0,5] == 'false' ? [:val, 'false', false] : [] end
+    def numtok(s)
+      m = /-?([1-9][0-9]+|[0-9])([.][0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?/.match(s)
+      if m && m.begin(0) == 0
+        if m[3] && !m[2]
+          [:val, m[0], Integer(m[1])*(10**Integer(m[3][1..-1]))]
+        elsif m[2]
+          [:val, m[0], Float(m[0])]
+        else
+          [:val, m[0], Integer(m[0])]
+        end
+      else
+        []
+      end
+    end
+    def strtok(s)
+      m = /"([^"\\]|\\["\/\\bfnrt]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})*"/.match(s)
+      if ! m
+        raise Error, "invalid string literal at #{abbrev(s)}"
+      end
+      [:str, m[0], unquote(m[0])]
+    end
+    def abbrev(s)
+      t = s[0,10]
+      p = t['`']
+      t = t[0,p] if p
+      t = t + '...' if t.length < s.length
+      '`' + t + '`'
+    end
+    # Converts a quoted json string literal q into a UTF-8-encoded string.
+    # The rules are different than for Ruby, so we cannot use eval.
+    # Unquote will raise an error if q contains control characters.
+    def unquote(q)
+      q = q[1...-1]
+      a = q.dup # allocate a big enough string
+      rubydoesenc = false
+      # In ruby >= 1.9, a[w] is a codepoint, not a byte.
+      if a.class.method_defined?(:force_encoding)
+        a.force_encoding('UTF-8')
+        rubydoesenc = true
+      end
+      r, w = 0, 0
+      while r < q.length
+        c = q[r]
+        case true
+        when c == ?\\
+          r += 1
+          if r >= q.length
+            raise Error, "string literal ends with a \"\\\": \"#{q}\""
+          end
+          case q[r]
+          when ?",?\\,?/,?'
+            a[w] = q[r]
+            r += 1
+            w += 1
+          when ?b,?f,?n,?r,?t
+            a[w] = Unesc[q[r]]
+            r += 1
+            w += 1
+          when ?u
+            r += 1
+            uchar = begin
+              hexdec4(q[r,4])
+            rescue RuntimeError => e
+              raise Error, "invalid escape sequence \\u#{q[r,4]}: #{e}"
+            end
+            r += 4
+            if surrogate? uchar
+              if q.length >= r+6
+                uchar1 = hexdec4(q[r+2,4])
+                uchar = subst(uchar, uchar1)
+                if uchar != Ucharerr
+                  # A valid pair; consume.
+                  r += 6
+                end
+              end
+            end
+            if rubydoesenc
+              a[w] = '' << uchar
+              w += 1
+            else
+              w += ucharenc(a, w, uchar)
+            end
+          else
+            raise Error, "invalid escape char #{q[r]} in \"#{q}\""
+          end
+        when c == ?", c < Spc
+          raise Error, "invalid character in string literal \"#{q}\""
+        else
+          # Copy anything else byte-for-byte.
+          # Valid UTF-8 will remain valid UTF-8.
+          # Invalid UTF-8 will remain invalid UTF-8.
+          # In ruby >= 1.9, c is a codepoint, not a byte,
+          # in which case this is still what we want.
+          a[w] = c
+          r += 1
+          w += 1
+        end
+      end
+      a[0,w]
+    end
+    # Encodes unicode character u as UTF-8
+    # bytes in string a at position i.
+    # Returns the number of bytes written.
+    def ucharenc(a, i, u)
+      case true
+      when u <= Uchar1max
+        a[i] = (u & 0xff).chr
+        1
+      when u <= Uchar2max
+        a[i+0] = (Utag2 | ((u>>6)&0xff)).chr
+        a[i+1] = (Utagx | (u&Umaskx)).chr
+        2
+      when u <= Uchar3max
+        a[i+0] = (Utag3 | ((u>>12)&0xff)).chr
+        a[i+1] = (Utagx | ((u>>6)&Umaskx)).chr
+        a[i+2] = (Utagx | (u&Umaskx)).chr
+        3
+      else
+        a[i+0] = (Utag4 | ((u>>18)&0xff)).chr
+        a[i+1] = (Utagx | ((u>>12)&Umaskx)).chr
+        a[i+2] = (Utagx | ((u>>6)&Umaskx)).chr
+        a[i+3] = (Utagx | (u&Umaskx)).chr
+        4
+      end
+    end
+    def hexdec4(s)
+      if s.length != 4
+        raise Error, 'short'
+      end
+      (nibble(s[0])<<12) | (nibble(s[1])<<8) | (nibble(s[2])<<4) | nibble(s[3])
+    end
+    def subst(u1, u2)
+      if Usurr1 <= u1 && u1 < Usurr2 && Usurr2 <= u2 && u2 < Usurr3
+        return ((u1-Usurr1)<<10) | (u2-Usurr2) + Usurrself
+      end
+      return Ucharerr
+    end
+    def surrogate?(u)
+      Usurr1 <= u && u < Usurr3
+    end
+    def nibble(c)
+      case true
+      when ?0 <= c && c <= ?9 then c.ord - ?0.ord
+      when ?a <= c && c <= ?z then c.ord - ?a.ord + 10
+      when ?A <= c && c <= ?Z then c.ord - ?A.ord + 10
+      else
+        raise Error, "invalid hex code #{c}"
+      end
+    end
+    # Encodes x into a json text. It may contain only
+    # Array, Hash, String, Numeric, true, false, nil.
+    # (Note, this list excludes Symbol.)
+    # X itself must be an Array or a Hash.
+    # No other value can be encoded, and an error will
+    # be raised if x contains any other value, such as
+    # Nan, Infinity, Symbol, and Proc, or if a Hash key
+    # is not a String.
+    # Strings contained in x must be valid UTF-8.
+    def encode(x)
+      case x
+      when Hash    then objenc(x)
+      when Array   then arrenc(x)
+      else
+        raise Error, 'root value must be an Array or a Hash'
+      end
+    end
+    def valenc(x)
+      case x
+      when Hash    then objenc(x)
+      when Array   then arrenc(x)
+      when String  then strenc(x)
+      when Numeric then numenc(x)
+      when true    then "true"
+      when false   then "false"
+      when nil     then "null"
+      else
+        raise Error, "cannot encode #{x.class}: #{x.inspect}"
+      end
+    end
+    def objenc(x)
+      '{' + x.map{|k,v| keyenc(k) + ':' + valenc(v)}.join(',') + '}'
+    end
+    def arrenc(a)
+      '[' + a.map{|x| valenc(x)}.join(',') + ']'
+    end
+    def keyenc(k)
+      case k
+      when String then strenc(k)
+      else
+        raise Error, "Hash key is not a string: #{k.inspect}"
+      end
+    end
+    def strenc(s)
+      t = StringIO.new
+      t.putc(?")
+      r = 0
+      # In ruby >= 1.9, s[r] is a codepoint, not a byte.
+      rubydoesenc = s.class.method_defined?(:encoding)
+      while r < s.length
+        case s[r]
+        when ?"  then t.print('\\"')
+        when ?\\ then t.print('\\\\')
+        when ?\b then t.print('\\b')
+        when ?\f then t.print('\\f')
+        when ?\n then t.print('\\n')
+        when ?\r then t.print('\\r')
+        when ?\t then t.print('\\t')
+        else
+          c = s[r]
+          case true
+          when rubydoesenc
+            begin
+              c.ord # will raise an error if c is invalid UTF-8
+              t.write(c)
+            rescue
+              t.write(Ustrerr)
+            end
+          when Spc <= c && c <= ?~
+            t.putc(c)
+          else
+            n = ucharcopy(t, s, r) # ensure valid UTF-8 output
+            r += n - 1 # r is incremented below
+          end
+        end
+        r += 1
+      end
+      t.putc(?")
+      t.string
+    end
+    def numenc(x)
+      if ((x.nan? || x.infinite?) rescue false)
+        raise Error, "Numeric cannot be represented: #{x}"
+      end
+      "#{x}"
+    end
+    # Copies the valid UTF-8 bytes of a single character
+    # from string s at position i to I/O object t, and
+    # returns the number of bytes copied.
+    # If no valid UTF-8 char exists at position i,
+    # ucharcopy writes Ustrerr and returns 1.
+    def ucharcopy(t, s, i)
+      n = s.length - i
+      raise Utf8Error if n < 1
+      c0 = s[i].ord
+      # 1-byte, 7-bit sequence?
+      if c0 < Utagx
+        t.putc(c0)
+        return 1
+      end
+      raise Utf8Error if c0 < Utag2 # unexpected continuation byte?
+      raise Utf8Error if n < 2 # need continuation byte
+      c1 = s[i+1].ord
+      raise Utf8Error if c1 < Utagx || Utag2 <= c1
+      # 2-byte, 11-bit sequence?
+      if c0 < Utag3
+        raise Utf8Error if ((c0&Umask2)<<6 | (c1&Umaskx)) <= Uchar1max
+        t.putc(c0)
+        t.putc(c1)
+        return 2
+      end
+      # need second continuation byte
+      raise Utf8Error if n < 3
+      c2 = s[i+2].ord
+      raise Utf8Error if c2 < Utagx || Utag2 <= c2
+      # 3-byte, 16-bit sequence?
+      if c0 < Utag4
+        u = (c0&Umask3)<<12 | (c1&Umaskx)<<6 | (c2&Umaskx)
+        raise Utf8Error if u <= Uchar2max
+        t.putc(c0)
+        t.putc(c1)
+        t.putc(c2)
+        return 3
+      end
+      # need third continuation byte
+      raise Utf8Error if n < 4
+      c3 = s[i+3].ord
+      raise Utf8Error if c3 < Utagx || Utag2 <= c3
+      # 4-byte, 21-bit sequence?
+      if c0 < Utag5
+        u = (c0&Umask4)<<18 | (c1&Umaskx)<<12 | (c2&Umaskx)<<6 | (c3&Umaskx)
+        raise Utf8Error if u <= Uchar3max
+        t.putc(c0)
+        t.putc(c1)
+        t.putc(c2)
+        t.putc(c3)
+        return 4
+      end
+      raise Utf8Error
+    rescue Utf8Error
+      t.write(Ustrerr)
+      return 1
+    end
+    class Utf8Error < ::StandardError
+    end
+    class Error < ::StandardError
+    end
+    Utagx = 0x80 # 1000 0000
+    Utag2 = 0xc0 # 1100 0000
+    Utag3 = 0xe0 # 1110 0000
+    Utag4 = 0xf0 # 1111 0000
+    Utag5 = 0xF8 # 1111 1000
+    Umaskx = 0x3f # 0011 1111
+    Umask2 = 0x1f # 0001 1111
+    Umask3 = 0x0f # 0000 1111
+    Umask4 = 0x07 # 0000 0111
+    Uchar1max = (1<<7) - 1
+    Uchar2max = (1<<11) - 1
+    Uchar3max = (1<<16) - 1
+    Ucharerr = 0xFFFD # unicode "replacement char"
+    Ustrerr = "\xef\xbf\xbd" # unicode "replacement char"
+    Usurrself = 0x10000
+    Usurr1 = 0xd800
+    Usurr2 = 0xdc00
+    Usurr3 = 0xe000
+    Spc = ' '[0]
+    Unesc = {?b=>?\b, ?f=>?\f, ?n=>?\n, ?r=>?\r, ?t=>?\t}
+  end
+  module JSON
+    module Backends
+      module OkJson
+        ParseError = ::ActiveSupport::OkJson::Error
+        extend self
+        # Parses a JSON string or IO and convert it into an object
+        def decode(json)
+          if json.respond_to?(:read)
+            json = json.read
+          end
+          data = ActiveSupport::OkJson.decode(json)
+          if ActiveSupport.parse_json_times
+            convert_dates_from(data)
+          else
+            data
+          end
+        end
+      private
+        def convert_dates_from(data)
+          case data
+          when nil
+            nil
+          when DATE_REGEX
+            begin
+              DateTime.parse(data)
+            rescue ArgumentError
+              data
+            end
+          when Array
+            data.map! { |d| convert_dates_from(d) }
+          when Hash
+            data.each do |key, value|
+              data[key] = convert_dates_from(value)
+            end
+          else
+            data
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/yaml.rb \
b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/yaml.rb index 077eda5..435d60a 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/yaml.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/backends/yaml.rb
@@ -8,102 +8,10 @@ module ActiveSupport
         extend self
         EXCEPTIONS = [::ArgumentError] # :nodoc:
-        begin
-          require 'psych'
-          EXCEPTIONS << Psych::SyntaxError
-        rescue LoadError
-        end
-        # Parses a JSON string or IO and converts it into an object
         def decode(json)
-          if json.respond_to?(:read)
-            json = json.read
-          end
-          YAML.load(convert_json_to_yaml(json))
-        rescue *EXCEPTIONS => e
-          raise ParseError, "Invalid JSON string: '%s'" % json
+          raise "Warning: The Yaml backend has been deprecated due to security risks, you \
should set ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = 'OkJson'"  end
-        protected
-          # Ensure that ":" and "," are always followed by a space
-          def convert_json_to_yaml(json) #:nodoc:
-            require 'strscan' unless defined? ::StringScanner
-            scanner, quoting, marks, pos, times = ::StringScanner.new(json), false, [], nil, \
-            while scanner.scan_until(/(\\['"]|['":,\\]|\\.)/)
-              case char = scanner[1]
-              when '"', "'"
-                if !quoting
-                  quoting = char
-                  pos = scanner.pos
-                elsif quoting == char
-                  if valid_date?(json[pos..scanner.pos-2])
-                    # found a date, track the exact positions of the quotes so we can
-                    # overwrite them with spaces later.
-                    times << pos
-                  end
-                  quoting = false
-                end
-              when ":",","
-                marks << scanner.pos - 1 unless quoting
-              when "\\"
-                scanner.skip(/\\/)
-              end
-            end
-            if marks.empty?
-              json.gsub(/\\([\\\/]|u[[:xdigit:]]{4})/) do
-                ustr = $1
-                if ustr.start_with?('u')
-                  char = [ustr[1..-1].to_i(16)].pack("U")
-                  # "\n" needs extra escaping due to yaml formatting
-                  char == "\n" ? "\\n" : char
-                elsif ustr == '\\'
-                  '\\\\'
-                else
-                  ustr
-                end
-              end
-            else
-              left_pos  = [-1].push(*marks)
-              right_pos = marks << scanner.pos + scanner.rest_size
-              output    = []
-              left_pos.each_with_index do |left, i|
-                scanner.pos = left.succ
-                chunk = scanner.peek(right_pos[i] - scanner.pos + 1)
-                # overwrite the quotes found around the dates with spaces
-                while times.size > 0 && times[0] <= right_pos[i]
-                  chunk.insert(times.shift - scanner.pos - 1, '! ')
-                end
-                chunk.gsub!(/\\([\\\/]|u[[:xdigit:]]{4})/) do
-                  ustr = $1
-                  if ustr.start_with?('u')
-                    char = [ustr[1..-1].to_i(16)].pack("U")
-                    # "\n" needs extra escaping due to yaml formatting
-                    char == "\n" ? "\\n" : char
-                  elsif ustr == '\\'
-                    '\\\\'
-                  else
-                    ustr
-                  end
-                end
-                output << chunk
-              end
-              output = output * " "
-              output.gsub!(/\\\//, '/')
-              output
-            end
-          end
-        private
-          def valid_date?(date_string)
-            begin
-              date_string =~ DATE_REGEX && DateTime.parse(date_string)
-            rescue ArgumentError
-              false
-            end
-          end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/decoding.rb \
b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/decoding.rb index c1f6330..7401ddf 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/decoding.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/json/decoding.rb
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module ActiveSupport
   module JSON
     # Listed in order of preference.
-    DECODERS = %w(Yajl Yaml)
+    DECODERS = %w(Yajl OkJson)
     class << self
       attr_reader :parse_error
diff --git a/activesupport/test/json/decoding_test.rb \
b/activesupport/test/json/decoding_test.rb index 24d9f88..7d352fb 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/json/decoding_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/json/decoding_test.rb
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ class TestJSONDecoding < ActiveSupport::TestCase
   # load the default JSON backend
-  ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = 'Yaml'
+  ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = 'OkJson'
-  backends = %w(Yaml)
+  backends = %w(OkJson)
   backends << "JSONGem" if defined?(::JSON)
   backends << "Yajl" if defined?(::Yajl)

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