From opensuse-factory Wed Apr 17 20:08:23 2019 From: Todd Rme Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2019 20:08:23 +0000 To: opensuse-factory Subject: [opensuse-factory] Upstreams dropping python2 Message-Id: X-MARC-Message: Over the next year we are going to start seeing more and more upstreams that are dependencies for a lot of other packages drop python2 support. Some have already done it (sympy, matplotlib, django), others have plans in place to do it over the next few months (numpy, pandas), while others will randomly drop python2 support with little or no warning. We probably should decide on a real policy now how to handle this. I see two main approaches: 1. Keep a python2-foo package that sticks with the last python2 compatible version. 2. Switch all packages that have a hard dependency on it to also be python3 only. Up to this point this has been handled somewhat arbitrarily on a case-by-case basis. So for example we keep a python2-matplotlib, but not python2-astropy. I think we would benefit from having a clear policy on how to handle this. Does anyone have an opinion on what it should be? Personally, since according to upstream at least we should be transitioning to python3-only, I would favor dropping all python2-foo packages and having packages that depend on python3-only packages be python3-only, with special exceptions possible on a case-by-case basis. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: