On 10/07/14 16:55, Thomas Taylor wrote: > I would like to set up an older desktop system for backing up five home systems > over the internal LAN. [snip] > > [snip] > > I'm thinking that rsync would be the best for this use but would entertain > other methods. [snip] My main question regards > backing up from the two Windows boxes. Would that need Samba or some other > software? > > [snip] > > > Thanks, Tom > I use rsync through a script on my Linux boxes (through a NFS share) and Create Synchronicity (http://synchronicity.sourceforge.net/) on my Windows box (through a Samba share). On some of my Linux boxes the script runs when I logout/shutdown (via ~/.kde4/shutdown) and others I use cron to start the script. On Windows, I have to manually initiate the backup in Create Synchronicity. There may be a way to schedule it, just haven't bothered to look into it. I have a DLink DNS-323 NAS with NFS support. I have been using this setup for a couple of years without any problems. HTH, Alvin -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse+owner@opensuse.org