Am Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013, 14:13:02 schrieb Anton Aylward: > So what *ARE* they still whining about? Forget about this topic. It is impossible to please everyone. In fact, it is a waste of resources to try to do so. It's absolutely normal that things change and it's as normal that a project loses users because they do not like x or y. Some users get stuck on x, some on y. Some users think that their way of doing things is the most productive and are not willing to adapt to new ways. Some confuse lack of productivity with lack of flexibility to learn new ways. In fact some people are not willing to adapt at all to any change and would like the world to stand still or adapt to them instead. As long as the project gains more users than it loses nobody should care about those left behind. And since nobody is forced to use any version of KDE, distro respectively, one does not even have to feel bad about those. The only thing that is indeed worrying is that some people confuse packaged code with maintained code and that openSUSE offers packages for code which is unmaintained for many years by now. However one has to acknowledge that the latter is at least a bit less bad than changing code one has absolutely no clue about as the trinity project does. Sven -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: